Sounds like, lets make the target bigger so they’re easier to hit instead of making the shooters and equipment get better enough to hit the same size target, just farther out. Make people feel good for hitting targets way out there. Without a standard, shoots like Steve Reams are showing as everyone is hitting the far targets go people want to go there because they can say they hit at 3500+ or whatever, never stating that the plate was over 1000 square inches bigger than the 1500yd target. Sort of like a Participation trophy
it has to be fun for the new guys and hard for the "pros"
once the course of fire of both is accomplished then you can have artillery on the same line as a guy with a factory 338LM.
new guy gets some hits and has fun then he can watch and drool over the big dogs.
growth of any market segment, economy...anything needs a consistent flow of new participants
legacy participants are then used to market the brand, while the new guys pay the bills/ create revenue (not to be mixed with profit). revenue is then used to market and bring "free" waters to the match next time, again creating a inviting atmosphere.
there was a match a few weeks ago (this might be common not my forte just yet) people traveled hours via car and air to show up and shoot 20-30 rounds just to go home.
any sport which is not constant competition like football, basketball, needs to go above and beyond to create a atmosphere for new shooters and current shooters alike to practice their craft and spend more time at the firing line weather its scored or not.
Ex. mandatory for X number of legacy shooters are required to stand side by side with a brand new entrant for that location of for the series in general. that creates a inviting atmosphere where participants will return.
many shooters do not come from a shooting "family" and have learned everything they know by chance or online etc.. unsolicited help is always welcome
things of that nature are needed and are not found in shooting most centerfire competitions.
for baseball fans...Joe DiMaggio yankee great (yes ima yankee fan lol)
he was playing in some little ballpark towards the end of his career when his knees are done.
he always ran in from the outfield because "thats how you play the game"
young guy in the dugout said why are you running in, no one is in the stadium and your Joe DiMaggio etc...
His response...there might be a kid out there that never say me play when i way young, he only hears his dads stories about me
that in a nutshell is marketing and brand growth