2021 ELR rifle weight and caliber restrictions


Ummm nope.

Sniping operations executive...not special operations executive.

Was the company responsible for ALL testing for the original cheytac and associates.

They were doing elr shoots and training out in Arco before most had even heard of 408CT.

Oh, lol... I wouldn't have thought anyone would make a positive reference to anything related to the unmitigated clusterfuck that was the origin of the cheytac... Funny that it turned into a decent parent cartridge given what a dead end the 408 itself ended up being.

ELR within the FCSA lingered at the edges of pursuits since the early days about 35 years ago. Skip Talbot in particular worked at optimizing for that kind of shooting with things like the 338 Talbot being marginal successes from that era. There was a broad selection of wildcats geared towards pushing the range limits. Lynn McMurdo worked the monolithic development side of things back then and they would go sling bullets and a big rock in the middle of the desert from a few miles out to try and figure out what worked and what didn't. I want to say Randy Dirks and Scott Nye were a part of those efforts too but it has been at least 15 years since I read about it.


As cluster as cheytac was it doesn't take away the fact that there were other groups and companies pushing the boundaries as a "growth" initiative on the USA and International side of things long before the current elr organizations ever were a thought.

FCSA members were involved in the ELR shooting, not the FCSA itself. Because we all know the FCSA in itself had a shit load of pushback on the elr realm even as lately as the KO2M origins. Eduardo got all sorts of complaints and such from FCSA members in the beginning.

Yes Scott was involved back then...from messing around with 1200gr stainless steel projectiles to attempting to get fcsa to allow for faster twist rates per their rules...but he met opposition to that because some dumbass showed up with super fast twist and jacketed bullets....

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Oscar, correct me if I'm wrong but the first URSA match was about two months before the first Ko2M no? I think The Rock shoot that Skip and Lynn ran was a big inspiration for us and that predates the both of us by more than a decade.

Alex - The first "official" URSA shoot was in NorCal on May 3, 2015 - as of today's shoot in NorCal, that was the first of 56 (fifty-six) events we've held. The first SoCal event was on May 17, 2015. [See https://www.unlimitedrange.org/activity event schedule.html ] An attempted organizational meeting was held in Vegas at SHOT 2014 - which I did not attend because I was in the hospital with three broken ribs and a broken jaw (car vs me and I lost).

According to the FCSA the first Ko2M was held July 1, 2015 (the first of how many to date, you tell us).

"The Rock" shoot was not an inspiration at all (for me - I wasn't there, only heard about it from Lynn), though possibly on Lynn's mind as he considered joining URSA as CA/NV Regional Director.
Hunter Class is .30 cal. Or below

Three year old thread.
Copied from another source and does not apply to K02M:

2021 ELR Rifle weight and caliber Restrictions.
I’m proud to inform everyone that the match directors from the organizations listed below have come together and United on one set of rules for ELR.
NRA ELR Nationals
ELR Southeast
Worlds longest shot challenge
ELR Central
We have all identified that we had different rules and weights and it was effecting our sport.
Now anyone wanting to compete in an ELR match can travel anywhere in the USA and be within the same set of rules.
Each individual ELR match may have their own set of unique rules but we wanted one common set of rules for the weights, calibers, bipods and spotters.
ELR Heavy class
Up to 50 Caliber
50 Pounds or less
Any bipod
Up to 2 spotters
ELR light class
338 caliber and below
.585 bolt face and smaller
26 pounds or less
Any bipod
Up to 2 spotters
ELR World Records
3/3 from cold bore
36 inch square plate
Must be video taped
Only one rifle can be used per shooter
Minimum of 4 hours in between attempts
Minimum of 10 witnesses
Must be open to the public
This is good news; it would be great if some organization maybe Practice Score (ZIG) would publish a list of matches , locations and dates.