274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

Thats really odd, MM. I saw this story early this morning, started to post it with my only comment ...
. Then i just deleted it cause I didnt want it to be the first thing some of our boys see when they wake up in the am. But our thoughts coincided. You owe mwe a beer.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

Well not to protect anyone or whatever but didn't they say it was remains or parts that no one wanted? Or did I miss something?
I know when was in Iraq they burned a lot of stuff in the burn pit.. I believe body parts were included in that.

OK so I am amending my post because I read more information on it... wow WTF?!
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

"I hope this information brings some comfort to you during your time of loss,"

I hope every one of them (anyone involved in dumping remains in the landfill)burns in hell. Who the fuck thought that was even approaching appropriate, and how is it possible they wear a uniform?
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Grimm17</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"I hope this information brings some comfort to you during your time of loss,"

I hope every one of them (anyone involved in dumping remains in the landfill)burns in hell. Who the fuck thought that was even approaching appropriate, and how is it possible they wear a uniform? </div></div>

+1 and then some...

I guess the same people that protect this nation aren't even worth a proper fucking burial.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Coletta</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Careless, thoughtless, totally disrespectful. Words just aren't strong enough to express a proper response </div></div>

I'll try.

Dereliction of duty, blanket party from the guards of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier(the entire Old Guard sounds good to me too), firing squad.

I could go on. This is a serious fuck up, and it looks pretty intentional to me.

Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

3inf Old guard has nothing to do with who goes were. It's up to the front office. They made the mistakes NOT THE Old GUARD.Check into it yourself. MM
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mexican match</div><div class="ubbcode-body">the front office. They made the mistakes </div></div>

This wasn't a mistake.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

This is just sick. Cant get in my head how this could EVER happen to our men and women, or how one of US let it .
Would have shit down Both legs had I been on that detail! Most likely would have held someone at gun point till it was stopped.
or I was shot. What have we become ?
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mexican match</div><div class="ubbcode-body">3inf Old guard has nothing to do with who goes were. It's up to the front office. They made the mistakes NOT THE Old GUARD.Check into it yourself. MM </div></div>I advise a reread of the post above yours.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

I remember watching a televised review of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during a meeting, and an Air Force general was questioned about this, and the general confirmed that disciplinary action was given to the commanding officer who was in charge of this unit.

Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

Yes it was thoughtless and insensitive, but I see how it could happen.
After a explosion, especially a big one, some of you know how far body parts or whole bodies can fly. And inside wrecked vehicles blown up, flipped over, and smashed, there may be parts left behind too. Not all the parts are from KIA's either.
In policing up a blast site or cleaning out a busted up vehicle it is expected to find pieces and parts.
If the American was killed, they would have to do DNA and then contact the family and notify them they got another piece of their kid. I heard of one family that buried their son, and then additional parts of him, 3 times. That's also insensitive.
The parts may also come back well after the rest of the remains. A foot, leg or part of one, a hand or arm, or something else. The part may even be small. Might be soft tissue of viscera.
The remains, identified or not, were transferred to a outside contractor for disposal as Biohazard Waste. That's what happens used dressings, dirty needles, and tissue and body parts removed from living people too.
But to transfer the stuff to a company that used a Pet Incinerator, and then dispose of the stuff in a landfill, does bother my delicate sensibilities a bit.
So much for the image that that "Taking Chance" movie tried to portray.
But dealing with bodies, especially severely damaged ones, is tough to work through, especially when the parts come in at different times, in different containers, and take time to identify each.
Graves Registration was always a difficult job, and in WW II they were digging up and moving remains for a decade after the war. They still find some, and I doubt they find all. Aircraft crashes are notorious for scattering parts, and many times air crew remains recovered from a downed aircraft were buried in common graves. When guys go back now and excavate those crash sites they frequently find bone and personal effects.
Same thing happened with tank crews that got killed and burned together. The inside of a Sherman with fuel and ammo cooking off and smoldering for days didn't leave much, if anything.
In the Navy after shell and bomb hits, or kamakizes, they would collect up scattered limbs and tissue and bones and put them in trash cans or buckets and toss them over the side. There really was no other option, and KIA were listed as such and only identified because they didn't answer roll or muster well afterwards and weren't in Sick Bay. Few were lucky enough, or intact enough, to get the flag drapped over them and be slid over the side while the Chaplain recited the Seaman's prayer. Sometimes there were more dead and wounded than alive. They just didn't have time for ceremony, and when ships were able to limp back to the yards they often found pieces during the repair. They were still finding pieces after the USS Stark got back to the States.
They still got thousands of bone fragments from 9/11. How many times are they going to call the family and tell them they have another finger bone, do you want it?
Was it fucked up, yes. But have some perspective. I doubt the Air Force at Dover will do this again. But I know they try hard to do the right thing.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

I dont think the issue is identifying each piece.

I think the issue is the disrespectful treatment of the pieces. They were thrown in the trash. They were discarded as trash, in a landfill, where we dispose of our TRASH.

They should have all been disposed of respectfully, even if it was all done together in a heap. They could have been burned or buried or left at sea according to what many would consider respectful handling of our dead.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Donttrytorun</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yes it was thoughtless and insensitive, but I see how it could happen.
After a explosion, especially a big one, some of you know how far body parts or whole bodies can fly. And inside wrecked vehicles blown up, flipped over, and smashed, there may be parts left behind too. Not all the parts are from KIA's either.
In policing up a blast site or cleaning out a busted up vehicle it is expected to find pieces and parts.
If the American was killed, they would have to do DNA and then contact the family and notify them they got another piece of their kid. I heard of one family that buried their son, and then additional parts of him, 3 times. That's also insensitive.
The parts may also come back well after the rest of the remains. A foot, leg or part of one, a hand or arm, or something else. The part may even be small. Might be soft tissue of viscera.
The remains, identified or not, were transferred to a outside contractor for disposal as Biohazard Waste. That's what happens used dressings, dirty needles, and tissue and body parts removed from living people too.
But to transfer the stuff to a company that used a Pet Incinerator, and then dispose of the stuff in a landfill, does bother my delicate sensibilities a bit.
So much for the image that that "Taking Chance" movie tried to portray.
But dealing with bodies, especially severely damaged ones, is tough to work through, especially when the parts come in at different times, in different containers, and take time to identify each.
Graves Registration was always a difficult job, and in WW II they were digging up and moving remains for a decade after the war. They still find some, and I doubt they find all. Aircraft crashes are notorious for scattering parts, and many times air crew remains recovered from a downed aircraft were buried in common graves. When guys go back now and excavate those crash sites they frequently find bone and personal effects.
Same thing happened with tank crews that got killed and burned together. The inside of a Sherman with fuel and ammo cooking off and smoldering for days didn't leave much, if anything.
In the Navy after shell and bomb hits, or kamakizes, they would collect up scattered limbs and tissue and bones and put them in trash cans or buckets and toss them over the side. There really was no other option, and KIA were listed as such and only identified because they didn't answer roll or muster well afterwards and weren't in Sick Bay. Few were lucky enough, or intact enough, to get the flag drapped over them and be slid over the side while the Chaplain recited the Seaman's prayer. Sometimes there were more dead and wounded than alive. They just didn't have time for ceremony, and when ships were able to limp back to the yards they often found pieces during the repair. They were still finding pieces after the USS Stark got back to the States.
They still got thousands of bone fragments from 9/11. How many times are they going to call the family and tell them they have another finger bone, do you want it?
Was it fucked up, yes. But have some perspective. I doubt the Air Force at Dover will do this again. But I know they try hard to do the right thing. </div></div>

Good post.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

Very much liked Donttrytorun's expaintion of this, and hope this may have been the case. But I still dont like the idea of ANY part of a solider being placed in the trash. Hell I might be gettin old and the world may be changing everyday, But I still love this Land and Those who protect it. And think that those that do and have ,deserve a respect that is better than a land fill.I'am glad that my girls never had to read things like this about what could have happened to me years ago.
But this kind of thing did not happen back then.
God Bless Our Troops!
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

These were not whole bodies. They were pieces and parts that were unidentifiable.

Not the huge deal some are making it out to be. Civilian hospitrals do this on a regualr basis. Hell, some remains are destroyed in theatre.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: old95b10</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'am glad that my girls never had to read things like this about what could have happened to me years ago.
But this kind of thing did not happen back then.
God Bless Our Troops! </div></div>
No, it didn't. they used to just fill up the bodies coming back from Vietnam with bags of heroin. Much different.
Just sayin'.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

Didn't they supposedly give that deusch bin laden a burial at sea?

I understand these were "parts" not whole bodies, but I think something other than the land fill would be a little more appropriate.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 11B101ABN</div><div class="ubbcode-body">These were not whole bodies. They were pieces and parts that were unidentifiable.

Not the huge deal some are making it out to be. Civilian hospitrals do this on a regualr basis. Hell, some remains are destroyed in theatre. </div></div>

If your cool with getting thrown in a dump that's on you, but if
I die in hodgie land I hope I don't end up in a landfill.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: WASP7067</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Didn't they supposedly give that deusch bin laden a burial at sea?

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/3QICnOVL48g"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/3QICnOVL48g" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

"It emerged that a dead soldier's ankle had been lost and a damaged arm bone was sawed off a dead Marine before burial so he could fit in his uniform and coffin."

How the fuck can these people live with themselves treating these WAR HEROES like they are butchered cows? These people need to be dealt with.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Awesymoto</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 11B101ABN</div><div class="ubbcode-body">These were not whole bodies. They were pieces and parts that were unidentifiable.

Not the huge deal some are making it out to be. Civilian hospitrals do this on a regualr basis. Hell, some remains are destroyed in theatre. </div></div>

If your cool with getting thrown in a dump that's on you, but if
I die in hodgie land I hope I don't end up in a landfill. </div></div>

Again, These were not whole bodies. These were comingled parts of parts. This same is an accepted practice for civilian heathcare facilites as well.
Re: 274 U.S. Troops remains found at landfill?

<span style="font-style: italic">I think the issue is the disrespectful treatment of the pieces. They were thrown in the trash. They were discarded as trash, in a landfill, where we dispose of our TRASH.

They should have all been disposed of respectfully, even if it was all done together in a heap. They could have been burned or buried or left at sea according to what many would consider respectful handling of our dead.</span>

+For what he said.

I’m a Viet Nam era veteran. One of my high school classmates was a US Marine that was KIA in September of 1967. He had a closed casket funeral with full honors. His mom wanted to take one last look at her son. The captain in charge of the burial squad of Marines begged her to not open the casket. He told her, “mam, you son is in that casket but pleas do NOT want to open it”. He had tears in his eyes and she relented. I go to my mother-in-law’s grave every Memorial Day and make a point of going to his grave to say a prayer over his grave and to clean his grave site.