Rifle Scopes 308 and MOA FTW!


Full Member
Sep 7, 2020
Is it normal to not be able to get rid of horizontal parallax? I was testing some loads this past weekend and for some reason noticed I could not eliminate the horizontal movement at 100 yards.

I am pretty adamant about checking parallax and usually do the head bobble thing. I was able to eliminate all vertical movement but I still had horizontal no matter what I did.
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Edited title to get some attention😂
Personally, I think almost no matter what you do, even carefully bobbing your head horizontally still results in slight bumping the stock and then seeing the crosshairs move a little. For me, anyway.

I exclusively do the vertical head bob.

Funny title lol
I check both. It seems less instances where I have complete elimination of both. So instead, I look for the sweet spot that seems to satisfy the majority of both.