338 Lapua Magnum




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>338 Lapua Magnum
(1 vote)

Just tried the reloader 33 powder in the 338 . 99.0 gr
Kreiger 9.3 x27
fed 215mag
hornydaddy 285
2789 es of 6 with hornydaddy brass. bolt lifts fine untill the cam over . then it takes a bit of a nudge.
2796 es of 14with Lapua brass . effortless bolt lift .
both loads shot at 80 degrees, and at 400 yards with 12mph wind from 3.
they both kept 1" vert . last 5 shot group was 2.125" All at 400 yards

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XFirst Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Sako TRG-42 338LM 1:12" twist, so this is for the 250s.

Go-to powders are VV-165, VV-170, H-4831sc and H-1000.

I bought an 8# jug of H-4831sc and have used that a lot.

Pet load is H-4831sc at between 88gr-89gr under 250gr Scenars, LockBase, Berger OTMs and SMKs, for about 2875-2950ish fps depending on Miami temps. It's not a stiff load, but it's not a cream-puff load, either.

For the Berger 250gr pre-production testing, I just split the difference at 88.5gr and played with seating depth, my rifle likes that node that much.

Looking back at my VV-165 loads with the 250s, anything from 84gr-87gr and just about 2800 fps. VV-170 at 93gr in my 27.125" barrel yielded 2825 fps.

For my limited testing with H-1000 and the 250s, 97gr got me 2974 fps, so well on my way to be above hot at 3000 fps.

The rifle is fairly accurate (I'm just a hack) out to the 1000 yds that I've shot at 4-5 times, so most of those combos are close to one another accuracy-wise.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

I must have missed this one or maybe it just got pinned. I'm getting ready to star loading .338 LM for the first time and will be starting with H1000 and hornady 285 bthp, because that's what I have right now.

Based on searches on the old Hide and other googlization, I've got my starting points and maxes set for first try, but am still interested in loads others have had success with.

As you know, loading manuals and other industry sources seem notoriously slow to add load information for newish products. Even Hornady doesn't list good loads for it's own 285s that have been out for years.
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XFirst Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
11/19/2014 Last edited 12/08/2014 by Diver160651
(5 votes)

338 Lapua MAG 1-9 26”PowderGrainsPrimmerCOALOGIVERIFLE LANDSFPS
285gr A-MAX HornadyH100092.5FLR-MAG3.7392.95253.7592.9722950

[IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"338 Lapua Magnum 285gr A-Max @2835fps","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"180","width":"240","src":"https:\/\/farm9.staticflickr.com\/8117\/15557339127_6cd3ed56e5_m.jpg"}[/IMG2]
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Thanks Diver. Just what the doctor ordered. I'll start low and work my way there.

Excellent group BTW! Impressive shooting and rifle.
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XFirst Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Stiller Tac338

22" Shilen Match Select

300gr SMK

92 gr H1000

Lapua Brass

215M Primer

2710 FPS



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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Plinking: 250gr Scenar or SMK, 86-88gr IMR 7828 (easy on the brass and bore)
Stout load: 300gr Scenar, 92gr Retumbo
Long Range: 267gr MTAC (single feed), 95gr H-1000 (still working up)
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

96 gr RL-33
Lapua Brass
215 GM
300 SMK, .02 off the lands.
32 inch Pac-Nor, 2936 FPS.
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vinsonrXGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
12/08/2014 Last edited 12/08/2014 by vinsonr

300gr Scenar

92gr H1000

Lapua Brass

215 primer

base to ogive: 2.95

2820 fps

26" 1:10 DTA SRS

A writeup I did while doing load devel for my 338: 338 Load Devel

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secondofangle1X27 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
12/23/2014 Last edited 09/24/2015 by secondofangle1

DTA SRS DT barrel 26"

lapua brass

fed 215m

92.0 retumbo

2745 with SD 6.0

300 grain Nosler cc

< 0.5 MOA 5 shot groups

ETA I'm getting a slight ejector mark, very faint, so I backed down to 91 grains. My barrel since it was broke in is faster, so 91 grains still gets me 2752 average velocity 5 shots, SD <10 FPS. Next I'm going down to 90 grains, just to be kind to the brass, just in case. To reiterate, this does not appear to be a HOT load, I'm backing down for brass life and an extra safety margin.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

AI AX338 27 inch barrel
Winchestor WLRM primers
94.0 GR of Retumbo
300 gr Berger OTM Hybrids
According to my DOPE, running around 2960fps
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captacademyXGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

vinsonr wrote:
300gr Scenar

92gr H1000

Lapua Brass

215 primer

base to ogive: 2.95

2820 fps

26" 1:10 DTA SRS

A writeup I did while doing load devel for my 338: 338 Load Devel

What distance was your testing shot at 100 0r 300 yds?​
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

epracmetcon wrote: AI AX338 27 inch barrel
Winchestor WLRM primers
94.0 GR of Retumbo
300 gr Berger OTM Hybrids
According to my DOPE, running around 2960fps​
Distance off lands?

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

up for overall length info please

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
02/10/2015 Last edited 02/10/2015 by epracmetcon

reeldoc1 wrote:
epracmetcon wrote: AI AX338 27 inch barrel
Winchestor WLRM primers
94.0 GR of Retumbo
300 gr Berger OTM Hybrids
According to my DOPE, running around 2960fps​
Distance off lands?​
I'll have to measure when I get home. I am loading them to mag length, they are quite a ways off the lands. I would not recommend this load for everyone, it is just a touch over pressured.

EDIT: They are 3.784 COAL.
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Looking for some input and your opinion on the Berger 338 OTM's.

I have H1000 and some 250's to load up. Been using scenars but wanted to give the Berger's a shot.

26". 1:9.4 Krieger. 1500 yards is max range available. My rifle likes bullet jump (.015).


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cecchino76XFirst Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

secondofangle1 wrote:
DTA SRS DT barrel 26"

lapua brass

fed 215m

92.0 retumbo

2745 with SD 6.0

300 grain Nosler cc

< 0.5 MOA 5 shot groups

no pressure whatever​
What is your COAL or to the ogive length ?

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

I am currently making a MV of 2632 out of my 27" AI AXMC using Berger 300 OTMs and 87.4 grains of H1000. What kind of velocity jump should I expect if I bump it up to 89.5 grains of H1000? I'd like to get a little more out of my transonic range for shooting at a mile by shooting closer to 2700-2800, but started getting harder bolt lift at 90 grains with Hornady brass. Is it likely I could even push it a little further using Lapua brass?

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

WolfCobra wrote:
I am currently making a MV of 2632 out of my 27" AI AXMC using Berger 300 OTMs and 87.4 grains of H1000. What kind of velocity jump should I expect if I bump it up to 89.5 grains of H1000? I'd like to get a little more out of my transonic range for shooting at a mile by shooting closer to 2700-2800, but started getting harder bolt lift at 90 grains with Hornady brass. Is it likely I could even push it a little further using Lapua brass?

I am using both Lapua and Norma brass with Berger 300 OTM's.

26" Krieger with 92.0 of H1000 at 2800. My best nodes were between 91.5 and 92.0

I have settled on 91.8 (base to ogive @ 2.956), seated at 2.933 (.023" jump) with no pressure on brass or sticky bolt. Loaded at the absolute maximum magazine length (coal @ 3.788"). MV is 2788 over my V3.​

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secondofangle1X27 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
03/15/2015 Last edited 04/08/2015 by secondofangle1

cecchino76 wrote:
secondofangle1 wrote:
DTA SRS DT barrel 26"

lapua brass

fed 215m

92.0 retumbo

2745 with SD 6.0

300 grain Nosler cc

< 0.5 MOA 5 shot groups

no pressure whatever​
What is your COAL or to the ogive length ?​
B-ogive 2.971 which is about eleven thou off lands.

ETA I'm getting a slight ejector mark, very faint, so I backed down to 91 grains. My barrel since it was broke in is faster, so 91 grains still gets me 2752 average velocity 5 shots, SD <10 FPS. Next I'm going down to 90 grains, just to be kind to the brass, just in case. To reiterate, this does not appear to be a HOT load, I'm backing down for brass life and an extra safety margin.
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
03/25/2015 Last edited 03/25/2015 by werew


Using Lapua brass VS Hornady for your 338LM should make a world of difference. I have a 1:9 twist barrel and use Berg 300 OTM, Lapua brass, CCI250 primers, H1000 and seat my bullet for a .010" jump to lands. I can load up to 92.5 grains of H1000 and see acceptable pressure signs... micro crater and a very light ejector print with no swipe and no heavy bolt lift, no primer flattening.

How I read pressure signs, from 1=ok 4=no bueno:

1. Micro-crater. (acceptable)

2. Light ejector print, no swipe, usually accompanied with micro-crater.(acceptable, get ready to stop pressure tests) Only acceptable to me if it has best results on 300yd ladder tests and 1000 yard accuracy is 1/2 MOA or better. Shorter brass life.

3. Ejector print with swipe, usually with flattened primer showing crater/firing pin flow and some bolt lift resistance(not acceptable, stop) this is NOT a good load.

4. Heavy bolt lift, #3 signs usually accompany this. (go further than this and risk blowing a primer or stuck brass in chamber)Compare brass length to pre-fired trimmed length, it probably grew significantly.

My accurate load is 92.0gr of H1000. It has a 1/4" tighter vertical group(ladder test) at 300yds than 92.5gr and gets me over 2800fps depending on temp and altitude(no less than 4600fasl). Only pressure sign is a micro crater using 92.0gr of H1000. For me, 2800fps performs well for XLR, 1200 yards to 1 mile with the Berg 300 OTM.

I've witnessed others at the range and heard/read of many forum members reporting heavy bolt lift and heavy ejector print and swipe with Hornady 338LM brass using much lower powder charges and lower velocities than myself using 338LM Lapua brass.

For whatever reason, Hornady brass for the 338LM seems much "softer"... however for many other caliber/cartridges, Hornady brass performs very well and can run with the "best" brass.

It's been said Hornady's 338LM brass softness is due to brass content mix ratios along with their heat treating process... and it's also been said countless times Lapua brass is the best overall, but obviously comes with a higher cost. I have to agree, altho for some cartridges plain jane run of the mill REM and WIN brass work great. My theory on what makes Lapua brass great is their brass content ratios, along with more uniform flash holes and brass weight/volumes.

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Rover31XGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Savage 110BA factory barrel

norma brass

CCI LRM primer

Nosler 300g CC bullet

91.5g Retumbo

average velocity at 1000 feet above sea level on a 60f day


oh and coal is loaded to mag length

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secondofangle1X27 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

secondofangle1 wrote:
cecchino76 wrote:
What is your COAL or to the ogive length ?​
B-ogive 2.971 which is about eleven thou off lands.​
ETA I'm getting a slight ejector mark, very faint, so I backed down to 2750. My barrel since it was broke in is faster, so 91 grains still gets me 2752 average velocity 5 shots, SD <10 FPS. Next I'm going down to 90 grains, just to be kind to the brass, just in case. To reiterate, this does not appear to be a HOT load, I'm backing down for brass life and an extra safety margin.

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XFirst Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
04/22/2015 Last edited 08/18/2015 by DetroitRearView

My new Elk hunting load for the 338L DT Covert

20" Bartlein DTA by SAC, chambered to accept mag length OAL

TBAC 338BA suppressor

Lapua Brass

Barnes 265 LRX

Fed 215 primers

88.2 H1000

OAL 3.80

2675 fps

no pressure signs

holding sub 1/2 moa out to 1070 yds so far, very pleased with this combo

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
04/25/2015 Last edited 04/25/2015 by whytlotus

Picked up a couple pounds of the new IMR 7977. Wondering if anybody has tried it yet? Going to load some up soon and head to the range.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

whytlotus wrote:
Picked up a couple pounds of the new IMR 7977. Wondering if anybody has tried it yet? Going to load some up soon and head to the range.​
Keep us informed how this powder performs. It seems to be readily available where I work and the shops are pushing it but they have NO load info other than the stock Hodgens online load. Was thinking of getting a couple pounds and trying also.
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Any new RE33 load information with 300 grainers? Just picked up a pound.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Sako TRG42, 1:10

250 gr. Scenar, Lapua Brass

94.0 gr. RL25, Fed 215M

3.650" C.O.A.L

2970 FPS

I don't shoot often enough but this load was getting me 4" groups at 760 meters.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
05/18/2015 Last edited 05/19/2015 by Boltpup

DT SRS A1 338lm 26" 1:10 twist
Lapua, Hornady, Norma, S&B, Herter's, PPU brass(Lapua most consistent fps)
92gr Retumbo
300gr Berger Hybrid OTM Tac
Winchester LRM Primer
2827fps average, single digit SD, average of 8
2.981" Ogive
0.002" Neck Tension on fire formed brass
1/2 MOA or better, indoors 65-70°F
GemPro 250 scale
Forster FL size and Ultra Micrometer dies
Dillon 550 press

Picked up some IMR 7977, will post results after testin
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InsaynXGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

I was eye balling the 300 Bergers as well. Anyone else have any experience with them. I'll be using H1000, Federal 215M and Lapua brass.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
06/16/2015 Last edited 06/16/2015 by Arsho

Sako TRG 338 lapua Mag 1:10 twist

338 cal. 300gr SMK HPBT 50Ct. Batch
Projectiles averaged .820 base to ogive
Ogive at 2.900 from bolt face to the lands OAL at 3.765 this will vary per Batch
Set at 2.880 Ogive .020 Jump OAL at 3.745 this will vary per Batch
Powder: 90.5 of Retumbo
Brass: Lapua trimmed to 2.715, Shoulder bumped .002, neck sized. I wait 24 hours before I load them as they will slightly snap back
Primer: Federal 215
Redding Competition Seating Die
Rifle: Sako TRG 42 338 Lapua Magnum 10 twist Sako accessories
Scope: Nightforce NXS 5.5X22X56 NPR 2
2775 fps not a hot load but very accurate

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

.338 Lapua Mag AI AXMC 20" Bartlein 9.3 twist

285 Gr Hornady AMAX

91.5 gr H1000

CCI250 Magnum primers

RWS/Ruag brass

3.785" COAL (.002 off the lands in my rifle)

This load hammers in my rifle, shoots a ragged hole at 100 & shot a .585" 5 shot group at 294 yards day before yesterday when it was 96 degrees out and zero pressure signs. Could not use the Magnetospeed due to the short barrel/long handguard but AB app says it should be around 2820 or so by the drop needed to 300 yds. Will take to 1000 yds next to see if they hold together at distance.

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XGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
06/21/2015 Last edited 06/21/2015 by Tristian19

dTros wrote:
Stiller Tac338

22" Shilen Match Select

300gr SMK

92 gr H1000

Lapua Brass

215M Primer

2710 FPS


I had very good results with same load - Under 0.5 MOA easy. Most of the time it was one nice round hole around < 0.25 MOA. Only difference I am running CCi 250's - No biggie. I was running ~2818 fps out of 28 inch 1:9.4 Krieger Heavy Palma. 350 above sea level around 80 degrees. This load is definitely LIGHTS OUT!!!

FWIW: My go to load is 89.3 grains as I found SD's ALWAYS single digits with minimum of 5 shots each time from 40 to 90 degrees in 10 degree increments. For XLR 1800 plus yards I felt lower SD and ES would be better for me.

Just my two cents...

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vinogeekX62 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
06/26/2015 Last edited 07/01/2015 by vinogeek

Going to work up a load for the 250gr Berger Hybrids with Reloader 33. Anyone try this combo yet?

I need to collect more data but here is a rough first cut:

Berger 250 tactical hybrid otm.
104gr Reloader 33. No pressure signs.
COAL 3.710
Winchester large rifle magnum primers
Lapua brass
Sub 1/2 MOA at 100yds, Had just enough time to put a few into some steel at 1045yds.. Predictable so far and pretty much dead on to what my kestrel with Applied ballistics says it should.

I'll post more data as soon as I get it. So far, looks promising.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
(1 vote)

Overwatch260 wrote:
.338 Lapua Mag AI AXMC 20" Bartlein 9.3 twist

285 Gr Hornady AMAX

91.5 gr H1000

CCI250 Magnum primers

RWS/Ruag brass

3.785" COAL (.002 off the lands in my rifle)

This load hammers in my rifle, shoots a ragged hole at 100 & shot a .585" 5 shot group at 294 yards day before yesterday when it was 96 degrees out and zero pressure signs. Could not use the Magnetospeed due to the short barrel/long handguard but AB app says it should be around 2820 or so by the drop needed to 300 yds. Will take to 1000 yds next to see if they hold together at distance.​
I've got a similar load with similar results.

Savage 110 FCP, 26" stock barrel, action bedded

285 gr Hornady HPBT

91.5 gr H1000

Winchester WLRM primers

Lapua brass

Shoots 5 in the same ragged hole at 100 and similar results at 300 meters at 2780 fps, 9 SD. I need to get out to the ELR to see how well they do out to 1760+, but it may be a month or so with plenty on the plate right now.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Developed a few loads for my Savage 338 Lapua 110 BA:

26 inch

Lapua Brass: Annealed after 2nd load

Temp 75 degrees

CCI 250 Magnum Primers and Federal 215 Magnum

IMR 7977 Powder 89.0 grains with 300 SMK = 2725 fps

IMR 7977 Powder 94.0 grains with 250 SMK = 2975 fps


Reloder 33 Powder 97.5 grains with 300 SMK = 2790 fps

Reloder 33 Powder 103.5 grains with 250 SMK = 2925 fps

Hodgdon 4831SC 87.0 grains with 250 SMK = 2835 fps

Here's a few youtube videos of 1000 yard shots with calm winds.


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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum


Picked up a Savage 110BA. I am using Lapua brass, Win primers, 250gr Lapua bullets. Next question is what is the best powder to use with this. This is the first 338 that I have and new to this caliber. Any suggestion is welcomed.
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
07/27/2015 Last edited 07/27/2015 by lashlaroe

USMC1911 wrote: Gents,

Picked up a Savage 110BA. I am using Lapua brass, Win primers, 250gr Lapua bullets. Next question is what is the best powder to use with this. This is the first 338 that I have and new to this caliber. Any suggestion is welcomed.​
"Best" powder is anyone's bet. But there are already a number of good choices to start with in the post right above yours, by mikeinfwa. H1000, RL33, H4831SC, IMR7977, many others. What can you get? Buy some and load it up.

Essentially, anything that works well with one 250 gr bullet is a good place to start with another 250 gr bullet, as a generality anyway. Do like I did, when I was getting ready to load 285s. I did a quick skim through this thread and wrote down any load that used a 285 grain bullet to good effect. Once I had those written down, it gave me a good idea where to start. One OCW workup and I hit a solid performer with low SD.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

I am new to reloading for the 338LM. I don't have any of these powders (H1000, RL33, H4831SC, IMR7977). Now I do have IMR4831. Could I substitute H3841SC and use IMR4831 or if I do that then some bad shit will happen.
lashlaroe wrote:
USMC1911 wrote: Gents,

Picked up a Savage 110BA. I am using Lapua brass, Win primers, 250gr Lapua bullets. Next question is what is the best powder to use with this. This is the first 338 that I have and new to this caliber. Any suggestion is welcomed.​
"Best" powder is anyone's bet. But there are already a number of good choices to start with in the post right above yours, by mikeinfwa. H1000, RL33, H4831SC, IMR7977, many others. What can you get? Buy some and load it up.

Essentially, anything that works well with one 250 gr bullet is a good place to start with another 250 gr bullet, as a generality anyway. Do like I did, when I was getting ready to load 285s. I did a quick skim through this thread and wrote down any load that used a 285 grain bullet to good effect. Once I had those written down, it gave me a good idea where to start. One OCW workup and I hit a solid performer with low SD.​
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Diver160651 wrote:
338 Lapua MAG 1-9 26”PowderGrainsPrimmerCOALOGIVERIFLE LANDSFPS
285gr A-MAX HornadyH100092.5FLR-MAG3.7392.95253.7592.9722950

[IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"338 Lapua Magnum 285gr A-Max @2835fps","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","height":"180","width":"240","src":"https:\/\/farm9.staticflickr.com\/8117\/15557339127_6cd3ed56e5_m.jpg"}[/IMG2]​
Have you noticed if these bullets are sensitive to jump? I noticed you're within 0.020" I have to be within mag length... Thank you!

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

USMC1911 wrote: I am new to reloading for the 338LM. I don't have any of these powders (H1000, RL33, H4831SC, IMR7977). Now I do have IMR4831. Could I substitute H3841SC and use IMR4831 or if I do that then some bad shit will happen.
lashlaroe wrote:
"Best" powder is anyone's bet. But there are already a number of good choices to start with in the post right above yours, by mikeinfwa. H1000, RL33, H4831SC, IMR7977, many others. What can you get? Buy some and load it up.

Essentially, anything that works well with one 250 gr bullet is a good place to start with another 250 gr bullet, as a generality anyway. Do like I did, when I was getting ready to load 285s. I did a quick skim through this thread and wrote down any load that used a 285 grain bullet to good effect. Once I had those written down, it gave me a good idea where to start. One OCW workup and I hit a solid performer with low SD.​
I went here for a quick answer for you:


Bottom Line answer is Yes, you can use IMR 4831.

250 gr bullet


Starting Load 80.0gr for 2657 fps

Max. Load 85.0gr for 2801 fps
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55 posts this site
Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Has anyone tried reloader 22?

I have a savage 110 fcp
26" barrel
1:9 twist
285gr a-max Seated .015 off lands
2850fps - 10fps sd
84.5gr reloader 22
Shoot's 1/2 moa if I do my part.
Anyone else tried reloader 22 I seem to be having good luck with it?

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

hey guys new to reloading Lapua and having some issues

Savage 110 FCP 1:10 26" barrel

I have been loading

S&B brass

us 869

99-101 g

300g berger otm tactical

ogive 2.953 (.030 off lands)

speed around 2745 average

my groupings at 300 yards are horrible, factory loads I get sub MOA at same distance but with this load I am getting 24" groups, I know horrible. Any recommendations?

No extraction problems, no pressure problems ect. would you recommend loading up to maybe 104 grains

Oh, Winchester primers (all I can find around here)

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Sorry I meant 1:9 twist

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MilsurpfanXGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

With S&B brass it's more than likely the inconsistent neck thickness/tension and case capacity. Those necks are around .035" give or take.

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tangodown1XGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Insayn wrote:
I was eye balling the 300 Bergers as well. Anyone else have any experience with them. I'll be using H1000, Federal 215M and Lapua brass.​

You may have something worked out by now but...

Accurate in trg 42 1-10 twist: 300 berger otm, 89 gr h1000, lapua brass, primer cci250, cannot remember coal or otb but can get you info if still interested, still fit in mags. Average 2680 fps, single digit sd. Rings steel accurately up to a mile.

Have fun.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

smccloud wrote:
hey guys new to reloading Lapua and having some issues

Savage 110 FCP 1:10 26" barrel

I have been loading

S&B brass

us 869

99-101 g

300g berger otm tactical

ogive 2.953 (.030 off lands)

speed around 2745 average

my groupings at 300 yards are horrible, factory loads I get sub MOA at same distance but with this load I am getting 24" groups, I know horrible. Any recommendations?

No extraction problems, no pressure problems ect. would you recommend loading up to maybe 104 grains

Oh, Winchester primers (all I can find around here)​
get rid of the S&B brass and buy lapua brass. i tried using it myself and had nothing but problems with it

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
(1 vote)

Can't believe it. Just got a call from a dealer I work with and he's got 5lbs of VV 570 with my name on it.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
12/24/2015 Last edited 12/24/2015 by JDBraddy

300gr SMK

92gr H-1000



Lapua brass


Stiller Tak-338, 30" Rock Creek 1:8.25" twist barrel, repeatedly hits 6" plate at 1000yds when I do my part.


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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Savage 110 fcphs
88.5 H1000 fed215m lapua brass 300 berger OTM
Average 2760fps 60f 5300feet
.6 moa average groups

Have tried RL33 up to 97.5 and RL26 up to 92 without pressure signs and with different seating depths work ups on both these powders and have not achieved any better velocity over H1000 not sure why only issues I've had is with reloading process as brass was over length at on point and had to reset my trim length to 2.714 found best results to be between .010 and .020 jump haven't been able to try retumbo or IMR7977 yet and was considering HB100V with 300 burgers. In the Savage I own hornaday brass works but only factory or full length resize in standard dies have 20 pieces with six firings before retired. Honestly Lapua brass is the best answer and yes I know nothing new too most 338LM rifle fans

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
01/04/2016 Last edited 01/10/2016 by sritz05

Hello not sure if any one will respond but I have the savage H&S hunter model and Rel 33 @ 98.8 & 300 g Berger hunters. Thumper, she shows no pressure at CBTO 2.927.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

New to 338LM stocking up on components.

i have purchased a decent amount of Retumbo and wondered about running 285's with it. Anyone have any loads that work well or do I have to go 300 grainers with Retumbo?


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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Not many forums handle the Lapua and only a select few (masochists) actually shoot one on a regular basis...sorta like double rifle shooters or those that like 40 call and above. Hahahahahahaha

I bought my Savage when they first came out but only have ~150 rounds through it. I've used Berger 250 & 300's, Horn 285, 250, 225, 200, SMK 250 with RL 22 & 25, Retumbo, 7828, H & IMR 4350 and 4831, HV100, H1000 and Magpro all with varying results and groups, velo's and E.S.'s (as you cans guess) using benchrest prepped brass and bullets, Horn brass and F215 primers....seated to mag length and touching.

No real great groups and running from 0.160"(250 SMK/ I-4831/F215/~2750fs) to 1.5" at 100 M...won't go out to 300+ until I find a decent load.

H1000 had the lowest E.S.'s and smallest groups, but E.S.'s can vary all over the place and still produce small groups.

Velocities over my O-33 are running higher than QL predictions with some powders and lower with other powders but slightly higher than posted on various forums for same/similar wt bullets and powders...again par for the course.

NO H1000 or RL33 or F215 primers available in my area yet...my range is under various amounts of snow and rain and haven't popped a cap since Nov.

Not sure yet if it is the barrel or just haven't hit a sweet spot.

I bought the rifle for the action actually...I've been doing Savages since the early 60's and most shoot bugholes with specific, particular loads...and have a ton of rifles to pick from so get tired of one that isn't doing well, put it away and come back later.

I'm planning on doing a 50 cal Rigby, full 1.35" OD barrel this year (2016) some time just for "kicks".

Best thing to do is pick bullets and powders that are known to be accurate, work up loads using benchrest techniques and if you can't find a good load then screw on a better barrel...all the good ones are well known also.


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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Ok, figure I'll start with Sierra and Berger 300's and go from there. Thanks for the input!

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XGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
(1 vote)

USMC1911 wrote: Gents,

Picked up a Savage 110BA. I am using Lapua brass, Win primers, 250gr Lapua bullets. Next question is what is the best powder to use with this. This is the first 338 that I have and new to this caliber. Any suggestion is welcomed.​
I cannot answer best but I can tell you the Savage 110 BA 338 I sold performed very well with Retumbo.

300 SMK

89.3 Retumbo

Lapua Brass (2.715/3.681)

CCI250 or 215M

Safe shooting...

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XGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
02/24/2016 Last edited 02/24/2016 by Tristian19
(1 vote)

pizfiz wrote:
New to 338LM stocking up on components.

i have purchased a decent amount of Retumbo and wondered about running 285's with it. Anyone have any loads that work well or do I have to go 300 grainers with Retumbo?


In my old Savage 110 BA I had good results with 89.5 Retumbo & Hornady 285 BTHP Match @ 3.681...

Safe shooting...

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Tristian19 wrote:
pizfiz wrote:

New to 338LM stocking up on components.

i have purchased a decent amount of Retumbo and wondered about running 285's with it. Anyone have any loads that work well or do I have to go 300 grainers with Retumbo?

In my old Savage 110 BA I had good results with 89.5 Retumbo & Hornady 285 BTHP Match @ 3.681...

Safe shooting...​
Excellent. I should have my barrel in the next week or two for my DT.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

338 LM
Berger 338 300 grain hybrid - moly coated
Lapua brass - annealed after each firing
Federal 215 or 215m primer (no difference)
Seated @ 2.937" (.015" jump)
Magazine fed
N570 - 94.6 grains

Barrett MRAD
26" Krieger barrel

The jump "sweet spot" is between .010" and .015" for my rifle.

58 degrees
29.38 station pressure
DA: 530
MV: 2827
SD: 4.0
ES: 11

Do not replicate this load without first working up to the maximum. This load works in my rifle and may not work in yours. This load was checked, rechecked and checked again from 20 degrees to 93 degrees. Powder temp stability is extremely good.

My goal is to figure out how I can get my SD number in the 3's.

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majohnson2XGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
03/04/2016 Last edited 03/04/2016 by majohnson2

It going to be a long 4 months waithing for mine to be built.

XGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
03/04/2016 Last edited 03/09/2016 by Tristian19
(1 vote)

Insayn wrote:
I was eye balling the 300 Bergers as well. Anyone else have any experience with them. I'll be using H1000, Federal 215M and Lapua brass.​

For me Berger and SMK 300 worked just the same out of my rig. I went with SMK's because I wanted to mag feed and my current 338 is a Non CIP.

Berger 300 OTM

H1000 (89.3 or 92.0)

Lapua Brass (3.681/2.715)

CCI250 or 215M

* Hand fed above with very good results ~ 0.5 MOA easy

* 89.3 proved/resulted in lower SD/ES for me

Safe shooting...

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secondofangle1X27 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

338 Loaders beware - I spent several months working on "pressure signs" that were false pressure signs, due to my neck sizing. In my DT experience, failure to bump back that shoulder lead to sticky cases that lead me to infer I was over-pressure after the first reload of virgin Lapua brass with 92 retumbo. Full Length resizing totally solved the problem, and I'm back to a nice 92 grain load that is near the max, but without significant pressure - as long as I FL resize.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Im new to the cartridge and try to buy reloading equipments for it. Can you guys tell me what size of redding bushing to use to archieve .002 neck tension. Thanks!

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
(1 vote)

To determine the bushing size with your brass and bullets you really need to measure them. Take a piece of brass that you use and a bullet pressed in and then measure it then subtract .002" with that said I use Lapua Brass and 250 or 300 grain berger and I am running a .364 bushing. Some prefer slightly less neck tension and may run a .365 as long as you don't have problems with too loose tension if you shoot with ammo in the magazine. If you want to buy two get a .364 and .365 and you should be good.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

MMAJunkie wrote:
To determine the bushing size with your brass and bullets you really need to measure them. Take a piece of brass that you use and a bullet pressed in and then measure it then subtract .002" with that said I use Lapua Brass and 250 or 300 grain berger and I am running a .364 bushing. Some prefer slightly less neck tension and may run a .365 as long as you don't have problems with too loose tension if you shoot with ammo in the magazine. If you want to buy two get a .364 and .365 and you should be good.​
Thanks for the help!

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
04/18/2016 Last edited 04/19/2016 by HotchC

secondofangle1 wrote:
338 Loaders beware - I spent several months working on "pressure signs" that were false pressure signs, due to my neck sizing. In my DT experience, failure to bump back that shoulder lead to sticky cases that lead me to infer I was over-pressure after the first reload of virgin Lapua brass with 92 retumbo. Full Length resizing totally solved the problem, and I'm back to a nice 92 grain load that is near the max, but without significant pressure - as long as I FL resize.​
Savage 110? I was experiencing the same problem.

My best load so far at about .75 moa:

Lapua brass, trim 2.720

300 Scenar

88.5 gr H1000

CCI 250

COL 3.725

Savage 110 FCP HS Precision (26" 1:9 twist stock barrel)

I forget the fps, but it's around 2700 and pretty consistent.

I haven't tried an OCW development yet, I'm gonna give it a shot and see if I can find a better load using the same components.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
04/24/2016 Last edited 04/27/2016 by Upst8co

Anyone have any experience or pet loads for Berger 250 grain Hybrid OTM bullet. Either Retumbo ,IMR 7828,
Rl 22 can't get any H1000 local. Using Lapua brass federal 215m primer.
Savage 110 FCPHS 1-9" twist. Thanks for any assistance you may have.
Ok so i Took a road trip. Now have some RL33 ,RL25 and H1000 to try out as well. So if anyone has a good load I could try ....

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

I have a quick question. I see the majority of you's are using a 300 grain bullet. Why is that ? Why not more of the 250 grain bullets?

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
(1 vote)

A lot depends upon how you want to and expect to use your .338, I'd guess. If you go back to page one and skim through the thread, you'll see that there are a number of good loads listed for the 250s.
Those that want to shoot ELR (well past 1000 yards) are often using 300s because of the better BC. Under 1500 yards or so, it shouldn't matter that much. I happen to be using 285s out to a mile and am quite satisfied with them so far.

Load what you want or what you have at hand. Then go shooting. ?

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

I thought it was most likely the B.C. Of the 300 grain bullet when it gets way out there. I'm in the very early stages of load development for this round with the 250 grain Berger OTM. So far nothing impressive. But like I say vey early stages. Any suggestions or just keep loading a few rounds and see how they shoot ? Thank you for your reply.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Which single stage press do you-all recommend?

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
(2 votes)

I use and like the RCBS Rockchucker.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Just got my 338LM up and running.

SAKO M995 action
30" Benchmark 9.3 twist barrel
XLR industries EVO HD chassis

This rifle likes the Factory Hornady 285 OTM Match ammo.

It looks like this uses ~ 90 grains of powder.

Does anyone know if it is Retumbo?

I am loading to a COAL of 3.740 (mag feeding) which is ~ 24 thou off of the lands for this chamber.

Loaded some with 90 grains of Retumbo, and they run well with CCI Mag Primers.

Went to 91, and well, it's too hot, had sticky primary extraction. Primers were starting to flatten, but no ejector swipes.
What is the deal with Hornady brass??

I have some virgin Nosler Brass. Will it get sticky like the Hornady Stuff?

I can also get some Norma brass locally, is this better than Hornady?

I know Lapua is the stuff to get, I just want to see what I can source locally when I need stuff in a pinch.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

AXMC 27"

lands. 3.025
89.0 H1000
300 OTM
BTO. 2.925
COAL 3.785
Shoulder. 2.270
Trim L. 2.715
MV = 2681

Lapua Brass factory Measurements

BOAL 2.715
Brass neck .365

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
05/04/2016 Last edited 05/04/2016 by Pliablemoose

Looking at a Forster press, comments, suggestions, and what dies does everyone like?

Am liking the idea of a Forster, as I'll be doing 300 WM as well

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
05/04/2016 Last edited 05/04/2016 by OH58DViper

Pliablemoose wrote:

Looking at a Forster press, comments, suggestions, and what dies does everyone like?

Am liking the idea of a Forster, as I'll be doing 300 WM as well​
Forsters are legit! If you're loading 338 LM you'll need the Large Jaws, and you'll have to feed the bullet up into the die to get it to rest in the brass. Not a big deal but just for your SA. I use Forester or Whidden dies only. They are very similar in my opinion. i like the Forster for seating primers on magnum cartridges, doesn't wear out my hand on a hand primer. PM me if you have any Q's

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Thanks a lot OH58Viper, really appreciate it

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secondofangle1X27 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Somewhere, I was asked what my COAL is with 300 grain nosler CC over 92 Retumbo, FL resized. It is 3.693" in my gun (DT SRS with factory 26" bbl) to be about 10 thou off the lands. Hope that helps! (It's about 100% case capacity FWIW.)

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TripleBullX8 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

I'm planning to work up a load on the Hornady ELD-M and am also tempted to give the G9 232 grain a shot down the road. I met a guy that's working with the G9s but is early in the process and not too talkative about his results.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum


30" 9.3 twist, 3 groove Benchmark

91 grains retumbo

Nosler Brass

CCI 250s

Hornady 285 ELD

COAL 3.740

MV, 2830

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
(1 vote)

I found in my factory TRG 42 (1:10 twist) with 90 grains of IMR 7977 and a 300 gr SMK I got 2690 FPS and .111" group at 100... 2.848 to OG and Lapua Brass, FC Large Magnum Rifle GMM primers.


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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
06/03/2016 Last edited 06/03/2016 by AkHerc

Im using 300 Berger OTM, 87grains of H1000, fed 215, and Lapua brass neck sized to .366, bumped 3 thou for headspace.

*edit* Ogive is 3.030

2 thousandths off the lands

Getting 3/8MOA grouping at 100

SD 11.4

Avg of 30 shots is 2651

I feel like I could easily add a few more grains because I'm showing absolutely no pressure signs.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

JDBraddy wrote:

300gr SMK

92gr H-1000



Lapua brass


Stiller Tak-338, 30" Rock Creek 1:8.25" twist barrel, repeatedly hits 6" plate at 1000yds when I do my part.

[URL="http://www.scout.com/military/snipers-hide/forums/5533-reloading-depot/%3Cimg%20src="][/Img" rel="nofollow">https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5577/15039203902_c74769ddfb_b.jpg[/Img[/URL]][/INDENT]
Is this with new brass? I just ran 89, 89.5, and 90 grs of H1000 with OAL of 3.713 and BTOL of 2.964 (10 thou off of the lands) with 4 times fired annealed Lapua brass and I'm getting hard bolt lift on all charges. 5 shots of each charge Out of an AX338. I need these charges for a mile plus. Any ideas on what I can do to keep the Velocity but get rid of the hard bolt lift?

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[URL="http://www.scout.com/military/snipers-hide/forums/5533-reloading-depot/13234169--338-lapua-magnum?page=3#"]secondofangle1[/URL]X27 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
[URL="http://www.scout.com/military/snipers-hide/forums/5533-reloading-depot/13234169--338-lapua-magnum?s=541&page=3"]08/28/2016[/URL] Last edited 08/28/2016 by secondofangle1
[HR][/HR][INDENT][B]mikeygeester wrote:[/B] [INDENT][B]JDBraddy wrote:[/B]

300gr SMK

92gr H-1000



Lapua brass


Stiller Tak-338, 30" Rock Creek 1:8.25" twist barrel, repeatedly hits 6" plate at 1000yds when I do my part.

[Img][URL="http://www.scout.com/military/snipers-hide/forums/5533-reloading-depot/%3Cimg%20src="][/Img" rel="nofollow">https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5577/15039203902_c74769ddfb_b.jpg[/Img[/URL]][/INDENT]
Is this with new brass? I just ran 89, 89.5, and 90 grs of H1000 with OAL of 3.713 and BTOL of 2.964 (10 thou off of the lands) with 4 times fired annealed Lapua brass and I'm getting hard bolt lift on all charges. 5 shots of each charge Out of an AX338. I need these charges for a mile plus. Any ideas on what I can do to keep the Velocity but get rid of the hard bolt lift?[/INDENT]
As above, make sure you FL resize and bump shoulder 1-2 thousandths. The case needs some room to expand and spring back in the chamber. When I learned this, I abandoned neck sizing altogether, and bought the hornydaddy set to measure base to shoulder length and set my FL die up for .001-.002. One thing to be aware of is if you have ANY cratering of a primer, that's about 3-5 thou so when you deprime alone it "looks like" you have bumped back a few thousandths, but you haven't - you have just removed the cratered primer so now the calipers are flat on the base of the case. I have spent the past 18 months tinkering with all of this, trying to find the perfect balance of velocity, brass life, etc.

Other thing I'm struggling with is that I can find NO published data from major manufacturers which lists a velocity over about 2750 for a 24" barrel. Yet there are tons of loads here in excess of 2800, albeit mostly with longer barrels. An inch of barrel should not get you more than 15-25 fps though, reference Dan Lilja's test starting with a 48" barrel and cutting it down.

There's a post somewhere by either Gale McMillan or Kirby Allen remarking on this observation that the manuals list velocities about 100 fps slower than practical experience dictates the case can safely withstand. I think this is going to be right in the end.

FWIW, in that same post, he suggests taking an inferior case (compared with Lapua) and trying your load in that - if your load shows pressure in the inferior case, if's probably too hot and Lapua brass is hiding the pressure signs from you. I have some HSM brass I've reloaded 10 times during my testing in the last year, and it's going strong. Primer pockets are loosening up a bit, but it has been subjected to testing with some loads that I abandoned for being over pressure. Other thing to consider when switching cases is that most have greater H2O capacity than Lapua which tends to have thicker brass. My Nosler, Hornady, and HSM brass has 1.0-1.5 grains water more capacity than my Lapua. A load that is upper limit in one of these cases may be too hot in Lapua brass simple because of the latter's reduced case capacity.

Bottom line is my guess is if you figure out exactly where you're sizing your brass and make sure you're bumping that shoulder 1-2 thousandths, I will guess that your heavy bolt lift *may* go away (happened to me with my 92 grain Lapua load). Other thing to consider is cleaning chamber and clean brass, all of this can affect bolt lift. You didn't say if you were seeing other pressure signs, ejector swipes, smashed primers, I'm assuming you weren't. Finally, my DT barrel gained 50-75 FPS as it broke in over first 300-500 rounds. If you find a load below what you ideally want for velocity but it shoots good, stick with it you may gains some FPS as your barrel breaks in.

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[URL="http://www.scout.com/military/snipers-hide/forums/5533-reloading-depot/13234169--338-lapua-magnum?page=3#"]Insayn[/URL]XGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
[URL="http://www.scout.com/military/snipers-hide/forums/5533-reloading-depot/13234169--338-lapua-magnum?s=541&page=3"]10/26/2016[/URL] Last edited 10/26/2016 by Insayn
I am still tackling my load work up. It's kicking my ass. I've thought I had it narrowed down in the 88-89 grain and worked it up in two tenths increments. Most all strings were in 2700fps range. Still getting wide 3" groups at 100 yards, a couple good groups with a flier. My primers are really flattened out IMO, like a steam roller ran them over and the brass looks fine.
300 Berger OTM Hybrid
H1000 Powder
Federal 215M
Lapua Brass
Anything I should try? I think I am going to tone it back to dip in the 2600 fps range next.

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[URL="http://www.scout.com/military/snipers-hide/forums/5533-reloading-depot/13234169--338-lapua-magnum?page=3#"]secondofangle1[/URL]X27 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
Defiance Tactical/Bartlien MTU 9.3 twist 27"
300 gr Berger OTM
Lapua Brass
91 gr H100
Winny mag rifle primers

9780 fps at 9100' as read by a magneto. Hammer of a round.

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[URL="http://www.scout.com/military/snipers-hide/forums/5533-reloading-depot/13234169--338-lapua-magnum?page=3#"]majohnson2[/URL]XGunny Sergeant
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
[URL="http://www.scout.com/military/snipers-hide/forums/5533-reloading-depot/13234169--338-lapua-magnum?s=541&page=3"]11/14/2016[/URL] Last edited 11/18/2016 by majohnson2
Four months turned to six but it was well worth the wait. I am only part way through load development.

Stiller TAC338
Bartlein MTU 5R 9.3 twist 30"
PTG Bore Rider chamber CIP length custom design
Berger 300gr OTM Hybrid
Lapua brass
91.7gr Rutumbo
No pressure signs. Sub 1/2moa [URL="https://twitter.com/200yds"]@200yds[/URL] even in the wind.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

How many fps again?

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238 posts this site
Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Does anybody have ONE berger 300 I can buy from them to get chamber specs? The Hornady 285 HTBP have too blunt of an ogive so I have to seat them back farther and run out of case capacity.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

I ordered a box

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292 posts this site
Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

anyone have a load for a 26" rem 700 PSS with lapua brass, H1000 and 250 or 300g scenars? im just starting reloading for it .

found a decent load at 89.5 with the 300 but my chronograph wont work right due to the cold so i have no idea what its running

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Stretch out and run the drop on an app

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

finally got some numbers on my load, it was running 2685fps average

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ZiaHunterX50 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Finally had a chance to try out the new ELD-M. Started with 92 gr. of Retumbo with good accuracy and low SD's but was experiencing heavy bolt lift and backed off to 91.5 grains.

Accuracy at 91.5 grains was excellent with 5 shot group measuring 3/8" at 100 yards.

Defiance Deviant with 26" Bartlein HP 1:10 5R
Brass Lapua 2x annealed
CCI 250
Retumbo 91.5 grains
COAL 3.475"

Avg. MV 2795fps
ES 10fps
SD 3.4fps

Plugged the G1 BC from the box into FFS and provided good solutions out to 1100 which was the farthest target at the range. IMHO better performance than the Berger 300 OTM's which I have been shooting.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Good evening guys. I am new to the 338LM and I am starting to order the reloading bushing and dies. I had a question about the neck sizing bushing. When measuring a spent casing I am coming up with 0.370 OD and a factory loaded round is 0.369 OD. I am planning on using the competition dies that do not have the neck expander. I was under the impression that you were supposed to go with -0.001 on a factory load without the neck expander ball and -0.002 with the neck expander ball. With that being said I was going to go with the 0.368 bushing but I am reading that some people are using the 0.365 and another with a 0.366. Am I missing something here?


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ZiaHunterX50 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Max: Measure the neck diameter with the brass you are going to use with a bullet seated. Subtract either .001 or .002 from that dimension and that should work for you. I generally order several bushings in .001 increments if I need to adjust neck tension. I do not use the expander in my bushing dies. I turn my necks to make neck wall thickness uniform which works well with without using the expander plug. in lieu of turning necks you can use an expander mandrel after FL sizing. This will force inconsistencies in neck wall thickness to the outside providing better neck tension.

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Thank you for the reply. I guess I need to look into turning my necks. That is the one thing that I have not started going yet.

I ordered the 0.366-0.368. That will hopefully get the job done.

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ZiaHunterX50 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

DirtyMax wrote:
Thank you for the reply. I guess I need to look into turning my necks. That is the one thing that I have not started going yet.

I ordered the 0.366-0.368. That will hopefully get the job done.​
If you decide on turning necks, send me a PM and can give you some options on tools. Have several neck turning tools and only use one exclusively now.

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rcurtnerX52 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
01/08/2017 Last edited 01/08/2017 by rcurtner

Due to serious injury I've been unable to shoot for 12 years. I have a 338 Lapua, Stiller TAC-338 action, 1-10", 30" Shilen barrel in a A-5 stock. The rifle was made by Van Dyke customs. They're out of business or just won't answer my e-mails. I remember my powder load, 95.5 grains Retumbo w/Fed 215 match primers for 1/4 minute groups at just 200 yards. What I don't remember and lost my notes is the seating depth for the Sierra 250 HPBT bullet in standard AI 5 round magazines. Thanks to some pretty amazing surgery I'm back to shooting, even riding a motorcycle again. Im almost 70, don't plan to quit shooting or riding till I'm on the wrong side of the dirt. Any help would be greatly appreciated.....Tanker69

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ZiaHunterX50 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Rcurtner: Unless you plan on single feeding, I would set the COAL to just fit in the magazine while still feeding properly. Are your magazines CIP length?

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rcurtnerX52 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum
01/08/2017 Last edited 01/08/2017 by rcurtner

Thanks for the reply. I kind'a figured your advice was the way to go. As you're aware reloading for the 338 is an expensive habit. Our only range just closed and it's about 150 miles to a facility that has a 1500 yard range. That's a lot of driving just to waste valuable ammunition. Bottom line, I don't have much choice. I"m trying to work on a brother-in-law with adequate acreage, but is not a gun friendly type. Thanks again. Forgot to add my mags aren't CIP. My barrel has a huge amount of freebore so single loading would be a viable option, but I spent way too much for my mag fed rifle to be a single shot

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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Anyone use a savage 111 LRH? I tried a few loads and the best I've found for it was Hornady eld match 285's with 83gr IMR 7828. Had a wallet group with 3 RDS at 300yrds with 1 flyer.

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rcurtnerX52 MONTHS
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Re: >338 Lapua Magnum

Hello rebel2688. I've never owned a Savage product. I do have experience in loading for the 338LP. I recently sold my custom 338 and purchased a RPR in 6.5 Creedmoor. My pet load was a Sierra match 250 HBPT with 95.5 grains of Retumbo, and Federal 215M match primers. At 200 yards my best 5 rd group was .457".Out of my 30", 1-10 Shilen match barrel my average velocity was 3084 FPS. I would have loved to have shot it at distance, but that was the longest range available and this range was the only one in my area. I would have had to drive over 250 miles to find a 1000 yard range. That's the main reason I sold the rifle, not to mention the reloading cost. The load I gave you is somewhat hot, so may want to work up to it. The Hornady ELM bullets weren't available during my reloading time.
I conducted an OCW with the 285 ELD M in my custom Lapua and ended up printing a .4 MOA four shot group at 340 yards from a cold clean bore. Load details follow:

338 Lapua
285 ELD-M .020" off the lands
98.0 grains RL33
CCI 250
Lapua Case
2840 fps average from a 28" barrel

My other load in the same rifle is:

300 Berger EH .001 off the lands
88.0 grains H1000
Fed 215
Lapua Case
2770 fps
My load through a DT 26" barrel is:

92 gr of H1000
Lapua brass (annealed with ampannealing machine)
OAL 3.17"
300gr SMK
2796-2805 fps

I've only shot groups with it once at 200yrds and kinda sucked (probably me) But have hit out to 1670yrds and 1890yrds.

Have clips on my Instagram: @kev76251

Was planning to try different bullets, but my goal with 338LM was to hit a mile. So I figure why mess with what works.

thought id post my results up. Ive only shot it to 1100 yards so far, but just bought a piece of steel for a mile.

Barrett 98B 27 inch barrel
Lapua new brass
3.780 COAL (just under mag length)
92.0 gr H1000
Federal GMM Large Magnum primer
Berger 300 gr Hybrid Tactical OTM
5 round average of 2873 FPS

I went to 92.3 grains and the average only went up to 2877 FPS so I backed down to 92.0. Still room in the case with that OAL so it wasn't compressed. No pressure signs that id consider worth stopping over... primers looked good, very very faint ejector mark, cant be felt though, only visible.
Rem MLR customized ( krieger hv#17 ,27" 1/10 twist rate - trued action - mcmillan A5 stock - trigger match)

300 grains scenar
Ruag brass (T) trimmed at 69 mm
OAL 63,5 mm
94 gr RS80
Fed GM215 primer
v0: 840 m/s..

No overpressure sign...(but ,if u try, stay safe and use 10% rule)
outstanding constance out to 1700 mt...
Savage BA110 Rifle modified with a 30 inch Bartlein barrel and Silencer Co Big bore suppressor.

Having great results with this load:

Lapua Brass

N570 - 98 grains

Hornady 285 ELD's

COL 3.81

3000 fps with magneto and radar

I've noticed the groups are tighter when using a front sand bag rest instead of the bipod when shooting off the concrete shooting bench.

Here's a few youtube links..

285 ELD's at 1000 Yards

285 ELD's at 1000 yards

338 Lapua Magnum Camp Atterbury 2.jpg

338 Lapua Magnum Camp Atterbury.jpg
I conducted an OCW with the 285 ELD M in my custom Lapua and ended up printing a .4 MOA four shot group at 340 yards from a cold clean bore. Load details follow:

338 Lapua
285 ELD-M .020" off the lands
98.0 grains RL33
CCI 250
Lapua Case
2840 fps average from a 28" barrel

My other load in the same rifle is:

300 Berger EH .001 off the lands
88.0 grains H1000
Fed 215
Lapua Case
2770 fps

That 98 grains of RL33 with the 285 eld-m load is a home run! Thanks for posting it!
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Sako TRG42
26” Bartlein
300 SMK
H1000 90 gr
Wolf LRM
~3.73”, or 20 thou back from mag length of ~3.75”

No chrony, but load is very stable, and best group so far was about 0.35 MOA
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Has anyone tried reloder 26? It was recommended to me, but can’t find much load data on it.

I use a lot of RL26. In fact, I use it exclusively in the 338 LM now. It is consistently 50-70 fps faster than comparable "H" brand of similar burn rate. It works excellent in my Lapua with 250s at 3050 fps and 300 grainers at 2830 fps. I use 92 grains in Lapua brass with a CCI250 and a Berger 250 seated to the lands. I also use 87 grains for the 300s seated to the lands in Lapua brass with a CCI250.
Caliber: 338 Lapua Magnum
Action: TAC338
Barrel: Brux 29" / 9.5T
Brake: TBAC 338BA Brake
Suppressor: TBAC 338BA

Bullet 1: 300 gr Bergers OTM Hybrids
Brass: Lapua Brass
Primer: CCI250
Powder 1: H1000 / 92 gr
Velocity 1: 2,934 fps / 59°F
Elevation: 1,500-1,600' and 2,450'
Farthest shot: 3,135 yards

Bullet 2: 254 gr MTAC Cutting Edge
Brass: Lapua Brass
Primer: CCI250
Powder 2: H1000 / 98 gr
Velocity21: 3,255 fps / 59°F
Elevation: 1,500-1,600' and 2,450'
Farthest shot 2,630 yards

Accuracy: Sub .5 MOA
Marks: Faint ejector mark

*Note: As with all loads start 10% lower than the indicated loads above.
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Finally have some data to contribute. First time shooting this rifle, or any magnum for that matter, for groups, so we'll hopefully see the group sizes shrink as I get more time behind it and see what it will do at distance.

Caliber: 338 Lapua Magnum
Action: Stiller TAC338
Barrel: MPA 26" 1:10 twist, short throat only allowing CBTO of 2.750"
Suppressor: AAC Titan-Ti

Bullet 1: 285gr Hornady ELD-M
Brass: virgin Lapua Brass, .002" neck tension
Primer: Win LR Mag
Powder 1: Retumbo 94.7gr
Velocity 1: 2851fps ES 20 SD 6.4 10 shots
Group: 1.420" ten shot group at 100yds. Not sure if firing fast, leading to mirage off the can, impacted this, as the group was ~.6 across, but stacked vertically in what looked like 2 columns of rounds. Perhaps also a sign of the barrel getting warm and whipping about. Fired all 10 within a 90sec window.

Bullet 2: 250gr Berger OTM
Brass: virgin Lapua Brass, .002" neck tension
Primer: Win LR Mag
Powder 2: Retumbo 93.3gr
Velocity 2: 2861fps ES 29 SD 9.1 10 shots
Group: .988 for seven rounds (used the first three to get a rough zero). Had six which gave a .66" center to center cluster, so not sure if the flyer was me or the load/rifle.

Planning to do two more five shot groups with this and the 285gr ELD-M load in the coming weeks, but will shoot 2-3 5rd groups, with a few minutes in between each to allow the barrel and can to cool down and hopefully remove any potential barrel whipping and/or mirage impacting the sight picture.
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Rifle: CZ 550 HET 338 lapua 28 inch barrel.

This is the load that was the most accurate during load testing. Got slight cratering on primers.
Bullet 1: 300 gr Bergers Elite hunter
Brass: Nosler brass
Primer: Winchester lrm
Powder 1: Retumbo/ 90 grains
Coal: 3.680
1: 2763
2: 2741
3: 2750
SD: 11 ES: 22
Elevation: 200 feet
Group was .675
My 88.5 grain load had a velocity of 2692 with a SD of 2 and ES of 5. Might mess around with that load also. It showed good accuracy.
Finally have some data to contribute. First time shooting this rifle, or any magnum for that matter, for groups, so we'll hopefully see the group sizes shrink as I get more time behind it and see what it will do at distance.

Caliber: 338 Lapua Magnum
Action: Stiller TAC338
Barrel: MPA 26" 1:10 twist, short throat only allowing CBTO of 2.750"
Suppressor: AAC Titan-Ti

Bullet 1: 285gr Hornady ELD-M
Brass: virgin Lapua Brass, .002" neck tension
Primer: Win LR Mag
Powder 1: Retumbo 94.7gr
Velocity 1: 2851fps ES 20 SD 6.4 10 shots
Group: 1.420" ten shot group at 100yds. Not sure if firing fast, leading to mirage off the can, impacted this, as the group was ~.6 across, but stacked vertically in what looked like 2 columns of rounds. Perhaps also a sign of the barrel getting warm and whipping about. Fired all 10 within a 90sec window.

Bullet 2: 250gr Berger OTM
Brass: virgin Lapua Brass, .002" neck tension
Primer: Win LR Mag
Powder 2: Retumbo 93.3gr
Velocity 2: 2861fps ES 29 SD 9.1 10 shots
Group: .988 for seven rounds (used the first three to get a rough zero). Had six which gave a .66" center to center cluster, so not sure if the flyer was me or the load/rifle.

Planning to do two more five shot groups with this and the 285gr ELD-M load in the coming weeks, but will shoot 2-3 5rd groups, with a few minutes in between each to allow the barrel and can to cool down and hopefully remove any potential barrel whipping and/or mirage impacting the sight picture.

Got back out last Friday to see if I could improve the group sizes and get a second 10rd string of each load past the LR to get a more realistic picture on the velocity.

Bullet 1: 285gr Hornady ELD-M
Brass: virgin Lapua Brass, .002" neck tension
Primer: Win LR Mag
Powder 1: Retumbo 94.7gr
Velocity 1: 2861fps ES 30 SD 8.9 10 shots
Group: 2 x 5rd groups with a few minutes between each. One just above and one just below 1" center to center. Of note, I had one round come in at 2831fps. If that shot was removed, I was at an ES of 12fps for the other 9 rounds ranging from 2857-2869fps. About nearing the end of my 100pcs of virgin Lapua brass, so we'll see if things remain consistent once I fully prep the brass vice just running a mandrel through the neck.

Bullet 2: 250gr Berger OTM
Brass: virgin Lapua Brass, .002" neck tension
Primer: Win LR Mag
Powder 2: Retumbo 93.3gr
Velocity 2: 2872fps ES 38 SD 13.3 10 shots
Group: 2 x 5rd groups with a few minutes between each. Both were around .75" center to center.

The 250gr Berger holds a slightly tighter group, but the 285gr ELD-M load has had better ES/SD across the two outings so far. Thinking I'll try to run down an 8lb keg of Retumbo and 600 ELD-M from the same lot and start getting in some practice before the local mile shoot starts back up in April/May.
I built a 338 LM for a customer who wanted an all around bullet for hunting and long range target. I decided to try the Hornady 230 ELD-X which are inexpensive and still have a BC of .610. New Peterson brass and H4350 which I have in abundance and use for other calibers. I was not sure who it would work out but was amazed at the result. My OCW results ended up with 87.2 g. Results below.

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I built a 338 LM for a customer who wanted an all around bullet for hunting and long range target. I decided to try the Hornady 230 ELD-X which are inexpensive and still have a BC of .610. New Peterson brass and H4350 which I have in abundance and use for other calibers. I was not sure who it would work out but was amazed at the result. My OCW results ended up with 87.2 g. Results below.

Interesting results. Care to give any more specs on the rifle and handload specs (barrel length, cartridge OAL/CBTO, etc)?

It was a budget Remage build using the PTG B52 blueprinted Action with a McGowen 26” 1-9 twist match barrel in an AIAX Chassis. New Peterson brass neck sized and chamfered with a CCI 250 primer. COAL is 3.70. Didn’t measure the CBTO.

Thanks much.

Hadn't see H4350 used in other 338LM loads, but maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough.
Anyone have a work-up on?:

250gr Lapua Scenar
Vihitavouri N570

I'm working with 1x fired Prime brass (neck sized)
GM 215M
Sako TRG-42 (27" barrel)
I believe I used 92.3 N-570 on the 250 Scenar, going about 2950, seated about 30 thou off the lands in a Barrett MRAD. My rifle prefers heavy 300's though even so, the groups are all below .6 MOA with the 250's. I'll have to check my notes it's been a year since I shot the 250's.
Found another node with Retumbo that’s a touch hotter.

26" MPA 338LM w Titan-Ti
Retumbo 96.0gr
1xfired Lapua w .002-.003” neck tension
Hornady 285gr ELD-M lot #2181455
CBTO: 2.740”
OAL: 3.600”

10rd group

LabRadar series: 133

Lo: 2840 cold bore
Hi: 2860
Avg: 2853
ES: 19
SD: 5.3

Jumping 10thou.

Take out the 2840fps cold/clean bore shot and the next 9rds had an ES of 8fps.

Taking this load to a mile on the 28th.
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Got my mild load
Cutting Edge 277gr MTAC
N570. 90.4
FPS 2740
ES 10
Seating at the land
Peterson 1x fired brass
3/8 group
AXMC 27 factory bbl
No ejector mark.
Found another node with Retumbo that’s a touch hotter.

26" MPA 338LM w Titan-Ti
Retumbo 96.0gr
1xfired Lapua w .002-.003” neck tension
Hornady 285gr ELD-M lot #2181455
CBTO: 2.740”
OAL: 3.600”

10rd group

LabRadar series: 133

Lo: 2840 cold bore
Hi: 2860
Avg: 2853
ES: 19
SD: 5.3

Jumping 10thou.

Take out the 2840fps cold/clean bore shot and the next 9rds had an ES of 8fps.

Taking this load to a mile on the 28th.

Just got back from the mile shoot and I’m happy to say everything went well.

Had a ram at 800yds, 36” disc at 1277yds, and a 48” square at a mile.

Had to hit the ram and disc twice to move on. The ram went easy, but missed the disc low and right twice before connecting after eventually coming up .5mils from what iSnipe was calling for along with 1.0mil of wind.

Took this rifle to the shorter range match last weekend and fired three rounds at a 42” disc at 1025yds to verify my elevation was going to be sorta correct, but I think my zero is a tenth or too off to the right. Never fired it beyond 100yds prior to last Sunday, haha.

Once stepping out to the mile I missed low and right twice, low and left once, after putting in too much wind, and then connected three in a row producing a ~40” group. A few minutes later it was my turn again and I went 3/3 producing a ~20” group, per one of the spotters. iSnipe called for 16.2mils, I dialed 16.8, and eventually needed 17.6mils of elevation and 1.9mils of wind to get nice center hits.

Only change to the quoted load data is that I’m now on twice fired brass, which sized much more consistently compared to the once fired, based on headspace measurements post sizing. Thinking the first firing had a number of different charge weights which gave different post-fired sizes whereas the once fired brass were used with charge weights that were within a few grains total spread.

Very happy with my first mile experience, especially considering I’d only put three rounds through it at distance prior to today.
Barrett M98 Bravo
Hornady cases
Necks turned and trimmed
Neck busing sized/2 thou tension
Reloader 33 / 98.0 grains
CCI-200 Primer
Hornady 285gr. ELD Match
OAL= 3.77"

This load just fired three consecutive 6 shot groups that averaged .345".
Here are two: of course I'm taking out the flyer.
Can't wait to stretch this one out.
I'm done experimenting!


  • Reloader 33.jpg
    Reloader 33.jpg
    326.6 KB · Views: 257
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32" Lilja in a DT SRSA1
285 ELD-M seated 0.005" off lands
Lapua 8x fired brass
CCI 250 or Fed 215M primer (can't tell any difference)
92.5 Retumbo
2925 fps ZERO pressure (could go higher but shoots too good here)
1 hole every time.
Tested to 1 mile, G7 BC of .410 and it's dead nuts with TRASOL
1775 yards, DA 4538, no coriolis, no slope 15.7 MRAD up correction. Scope height 2.75"