Re: .338 LM Suppressor - Opinions Needed Guys..
Although I haven't shot their .338 LM, I have shot Surefire's 7.62 can's and if the construction is the same, I have to recommend you go that route. The surefire's are going to run a bit more but you will get a lot more in the quality. Since it's a .338LM, which I'm guessing based off this forum is a dedicated precision long-arm, the heat isn't going to compound as it would in say a SAW or 240. AAC came out with a bullshit ad bashing Surefire suppressors, but aside from rediculious welds, Surefire's have performed far better than any AAC I have shot. The sound attenuation is pretty much the same (off the ear, not a dB meter), but the accuracy and repeatability is significantly better than AAC. Groups will be tighter, unsuppressed to suppressed transitions will be a joke, and you'll still get damn good sound reduction. The crack will still be there, obviously, but your initial blast will be gone, especially if you add a slight amount of water to the can. It may run upwards of $2000 or more though, but if you have the money, go for it. Also, I only have limited experience with Yankee Hill, but I wouldn't waste your time on a suppressor from them that will take the abuse of a .338. I don't know what they make for that caliber, but out of my personal opinion, I'd stick with a different manufacturer. Also, no, I don't work for Surefire but I do own Surefire, AAC, and Gemtech cans.