3x5 Resources: 3x5 card tools.


Full Member
Dec 13, 2017
Hey folks!

I've spent a decent bit of time taking notes in this sport, and have found all my info to be jumbled all over the place. I know some folks are huge on data books, but I think there's a lot of silly info in them.

I'm a huge fan of small form factor pieces, so I took it upon myself to take some of the notes/info learned reading, and put it into easy to use tools. The first, shown, is 1 half of a 3x5 notebook/data card/whatever you want to call it. I use it as a reminder of some basic things to have on hand, including wind speed, wind direction, slope dope, and measurement info. The other side has my prefire checklist, considerations past 1,000 yards, etc.

I've built out 3x5 tools for range cards both without any ranges and pre determined ranges, hard data backup cards for rifles, Load shift cards, a hard Density Altitude table, and a pre filled milling card.

Imgur link to screen shots of the tools. Holler if we need to be getting actual files out there.

Would anyone find any of this type of info helpful? For me, it is going to help consolidate notes and stuff into a good stack of 3x5 cards that I'll keep up to date. On the firing line when practicing, I'll be able to reference my pre fire checklist and commit that to memory. When building profiles I'll have info available in a concise format.

Holler with suggestions or if anyone wants actual files.