50 Bmg Blow up....

I find it quit hilarious and sad Anyone would claim that the Barret failure is somehow safe!
View attachment 7815008That pice of steel With the blue arrow pointing at, would’ve smacked you in the face potentially breaking bones like maybe your orbital socket and jaw.

The two pieces highlighted in the yellow and red circles, although they are directed away from the shooter, are deadly projectiles.

View attachment 7815009
Here is one of two pieces of Shrap Metal that ended up inside the dummy that could’ve easily gone into a neck and cut a jugular.

There’s some salty dick sucking fucks in here
COULD have, but hasn’t. A Serbu DID.
What I'm really curious about is what is the makeup of that supposed 190,000 psi round that KB is using to destroy these rifles. Is he filling them with a fast burning pistol powder, or is he using an actual explosive?
Yes plugging the numbers into Gordons reloading tool using fast pistol powder you can EASILY get 190K and higher.
1 large strap of sheet metal still attached to the gun


Several high velocity shards sent directly at your face and into your body

Yeah, ide easily say the Barrett is significantly safer than the RN50

Fail safe does not mean you will not be injured.

Christ, the shear level of autism on display from some of our lesser regarded members is bordering on intentional ignorance

I can now understand how Serbu is able to sell these things....and why companies need warning labels telling you not to put babies in Tupperware
And none the less that this was a deliberate sabotage round also. I highly doubt that those sabot rounds were packed full of pistol powder.
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Wow, while I do think @GreenGO Juan leads the pack in salty dick sucking fucks in this thread, I do agree that this is not what I would consider at all to be a safe and controlled failure.

Now, did I not hear on the vid that this gun was "partially damaged" in a lab test prior (note, what was damaged is not detailed by KB). So, no telling the accumulated stress on the pressure containment areas. I note that on trapshooters.com, thre is often assertions about Krieghoff K-80 not being safe and blowing up. On any skeet shooting forum, this is NEVER discussed because they don't blow up with their loads. Some handicap trap shooters load fucking mortar shells and its the accumulated stress, IMO, that eventually causes failures in a gun never seen in any other discipline.

And, yeah...ok, I get it. The bullet seems to have vaporized??? I looked very closely and never saw any sort of real flash coming out of the end during the shot...at all. I don't get how this gun could have blown up as it did without first moving the bullet down the barrel at least partially. This would be the path of least resistance, no?

Finally, am I right that it was previously discussed that there didn't seem to be any analytical support for this load (whatever the fuck it was) yielding 190k PSI.

This is just some dumb shit, IMO.

Now, don't get me wrong...KB seems like he's be a great guy to drink some beers with. Energetic, seemingly happy kind of guy. And, he's probably making a lot of $$ from these type of vids. And, I am very glad he recovered from his wounds from the RN-50 blow up and seems to be fine.

Nonetheless, I'm not sure I would want to be on the line next to him....no, I am sure...I don't want to be! haha
The brass being vaporized and the comment that it must have been the bullet was cringe worthy. Guess he forgot the case is brass and right there...

Here is the problem. Mark pulled a gigantic number out of his ass that is unprovable. "It took a kajillion psi to blow up the serbu hurr durr". So he takes a new serbu and blows it up with his 1900000000000 psi load. Proves nothing. Puts the same load in the barrett and duh it blew up because nothing is going to take that abuse. How about incrementally increasing pressure and see what minimum psi blows up the serbu. Bet its closer to 80k than 190k (if mark can pull numbers out of his ass so can we). So do 80k 100k 120k. By the way does this dumbass get free Barretts or is he loaded? Then take the same minimum catastrophic load and put that in a Barrett and see what happens.
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I think another factor no one has mentioned.
His 190 jilliin bajillion test round was loaded with a 750gr solid. There is little or no obturation of a solid. Lead will become fluid at high pressure, and obturate to a point it is the "cork" or weak spot.
Then again, its possible he figured out he couldn't achieve his cartridge bomb with a lead core bullet.

Also, he didn't really look down the barrel.
"I dont know where the bullet went."

This was an extremely ridiculous video, and due to lack of data, was irrelevant and useless.
literally nothing more than propaganda.

they are trying to set the narrative that the round that blew up the RN50 was 100% at 190KSI because they did some jerry rigged redneck tests to "prove it"

now they are putting that same load into the Barrett, so they can say "see, even a professionally built rifle wouldve blown up", and shirk responsibility from Serbu for building a pipe bomb.

they straight up lied to your face when they said there is no difference in how the Barrett failed vs the RN50, as if you dont have eyes and can see it for yourself.

this is nothing more than trying to control the narrative through manipulating evidence and trying to do bogus "science" to prove the RN50 is safe.

.....plus it gets KB loads of views on YT....
That last line is why I have chosen not to watch his videos.
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literally nothing more than propaganda.

they are trying to set the narrative that the round that blew up the RN50 was 100% at 190KSI because they did some jerry rigged redneck tests to "prove it"

now they are putting that same load into the Barrett, so they can say "see, even a professionally built rifle wouldve blown up", and shirk responsibility from Serbu for building a pipe bomb.

they straight up lied to your face when they said there is no difference in how the Barrett failed vs the RN50, as if you dont have eyes and can see it for yourself.

this is nothing more than trying to control the narrative through manipulating evidence and trying to do bogus "science" to prove the RN50 is safe.

.....plus it gets KB loads of views on YT....
That is exactly what I was thinking.

I don't/haven't watched that fools videos.

Wait a minute. They are spreading a false narrative. Isn't that terrorism now? I mean, there's already at least one casualty we know of 😂
Something for the fast lane

It is likely overbuilt and safe, but I would feel uncomfortable with what looks like 50BMG pipe gun having the Chamber under my cheek.

Ballard Arms SB-500. Single shot chambered in 50 BMG. 50 of them were made and were marketed to SWAT and Army as a “Powerful melee weapon for structure clearing”. The marketing doesn't help with confidence ither.

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Something for the fast lane

It is likely overbuilt and safe, but I would feel uncomfortable with what looks like 50BMG pipe gun having the Chamber under my cheek.

Ballard Arms SB-500. Single shot chambered in 50 BMG. 50 of them were made and were marketed to SWAT and Army as a “Powerful melee weapon for structure clearing”. The marketing doesn't help with confidence ither.

It's probably the camera angle, but that brake sure looks off.
Something for the fast lane

It is likely overbuilt and safe, but I would feel uncomfortable with what looks like 50BMG pipe gun having the Chamber under my cheek.

Ballard Arms SB-500. Single shot chambered in 50 BMG. 50 of them were made and were marketed to SWAT and Army as a “Powerful melee weapon for structure clearing”. The marketing doesn't help with confidence ither.

Looks like fun as long as I'm watching you shoot it from 50 yards away.
Been around guns my whole life and as
God is My witness… I have no fucking idea what a “melee weapon”’is?

What retard wrote that shit? Sounds like a circle jerk gone bad….

Pointed, edged or blunt weapon for hand to hand combat. That being said, were they being honest or was it a Freudian slip :ROFLMAO:
Been around guns my whole life and as
God is My witness… I have no fucking idea what a “melee weapon”’is?

What retard wrote that shit? Sounds like a circle jerk gone bad….

I suspect they are not native English speakers and much like a Chinese instruction manual it is fucked in translation. Probably trying to say CQB rifle but who the fuck uses a single shot for cqb?
Pointed, edged or blunt weapon for hand to hand combat. That being said, were they being honest or was it a Freudian slip :ROFLMAO:
So this is a melee weapon.


Not a badly-made LAR Grizzly clone made by people who use their feet in lieu of a bench Vice.


PS yes, I know it says it’s made in Utah. My comment stands.
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I had a Grizzly in 45winmag it was brutal to shoot. Single stack so thin grip made the felt recoil pretty bad. I have a Smith 29 and it was pleasant compared to the Grizzly. So I got rid of the Grizzly, kinda regret it.
im so very confused by what he was trying to do with that video..except create content which apparnetly is all that counts now

he admitted that he doesnt use all available data when designing a action
he explained how internal ballistics work but then had to edit it and say he was 180 degrees off base

he can blow up all the ne rifles he wants and show us that it can handle a overpressure, but he has yet to discuss use/wear on threads and remaining strength which is all that counts

additionally, if he thinks that quickload or any other software is accurate 5-6X in calculations compared to its design envelope, hes even more clueless than we know already

EX; using a bathroom scale for a truck scale because the dial spins 10 times...must be accurate just count the spins
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im so very confused by what he was trying to do with that video..except create content which apparnetly is all that counts now

he admitted that he doesnt use all available data when designing a action
he explained how internal ballistics work but then had to edit it and say he was 180 degrees off base

he can blow up all the ne rifles he wants and show us that it can handle a overpressure, but he has yet to discuss use/wear on threads and remaining strength which is all that counts

additionally, if he thinks that quickload or any other software is accurate 5-6X in calculations compared to its design envelope, hes even more clueless than we know already

EX; using a bathroom scale for a truck scale because the dial spins 10 times...must be accurate just count the spins
Though having never personally used quick loads, I understand it is just an approximation and especially in this application, its accurary is questionable. I think he states he has very little experience with it, says anyone who is knowledgeable on the program to comment. He reads comments, I have had exchange with him. He welcomes people to speak up.

Btw I believe his channel was demonetized, ie not making any money off these videos.

That being said, I believe his intention in using QL is to show the difference in powders and how that energy is released over time.

Figured I’d add this here, given the controversy.
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