For those of you still on the fence about this deal, here's my quick review/take on it. I got a Mauser M12 wood stock 300 Win Mag from EuroOptic, then got a Mauser M18 Synthetic 243 Win from them as well.
Mauser M12 300 Win Mag:
Picked it up for 899 (MSRP 1899). Beautiful rifle. The stock is immaculate. The action is solid, smooth and cycles perfectly. Compared to my Curtis Custom Axiom action, I say the Mauser M12 action tolerance is a little tight, so if greased, feels draggy. it prefers to run oiled thinly. The trigger is crisp and breaks perfect. The M12 deserves to be hung on a wall as it is beautiful like an African safari rifle.
Mauser M18 243 Win:
Picked it up for 399. Talk about the synthetic stock feeling hollow is over-hyped. The stock is solid and feels good as a working rifle. The action and trigger is obviously not as good as the M12's, but is still smooth by any measure., although it does make a"zipping" sound when cycled fast. It also prefers to run oiled thinly. Trigger is crisp, but trigger blade is plastic. It is obviously a step down from the M12, but is well built nonetheless.
For the price and the 50% Minox code, these deals are hard to beat. I picked up the M18 243 Win for my 9 year old son as a trainer rifle using low recoil ammo. I picked up the M12 300 Win Mag for myself. We will probably shoot the hell out of the M18, while the M12 will be used for hunting and will be handed down.