Was shooting with my 16" carbine. I´m using Burris XTR14 with ballistic reticle.
Got hash mark positions as MOA/mil from Burris webpage- but for some reason I had to use 500meters calculated aiming point for 600meters target.
In another words, aiming point I was using was just above 4th hash mark looking from top.
According to Burris pic/chart I attached, it would be about 5.1mils dope (roughly 16-17MOA) with 100meters zero.
Only two explanations I can come up with would be that 0.120 G7 is pessimistic or given hash mark <span style="text-decoration: underline">dimensions</span> (by Burris) are wrong. Instead, given (yds) ranges seem to match true path nicely, since 4th hash from top is 700yds with 62gr M855- thats 640meters. Since I had to aim, say one line thickness above that fourth hash, it would make about 610-620 meters aiming point with M855.
And target was exactly 600 meters range so it makes sense.
MV:s were measured with Oehler 35P, and my chart was spot on.
In any case, M193 works surprisingly well- even in moderate 11-13mph wind constantly changing from 12 to 9.
Any ideas what is wrong? Anybody here who has checked reticle dimensions or shoot M193?
Here´s dimensions- I´m using 556 reticle.
Was shooting with my 16" carbine. I´m using Burris XTR14 with ballistic reticle.
Got hash mark positions as MOA/mil from Burris webpage- but for some reason I had to use 500meters calculated aiming point for 600meters target.
In another words, aiming point I was using was just above 4th hash mark looking from top.
According to Burris pic/chart I attached, it would be about 5.1mils dope (roughly 16-17MOA) with 100meters zero.
Only two explanations I can come up with would be that 0.120 G7 is pessimistic or given hash mark <span style="text-decoration: underline">dimensions</span> (by Burris) are wrong. Instead, given (yds) ranges seem to match true path nicely, since 4th hash from top is 700yds with 62gr M855- thats 640meters. Since I had to aim, say one line thickness above that fourth hash, it would make about 610-620 meters aiming point with M855.
And target was exactly 600 meters range so it makes sense.
MV:s were measured with Oehler 35P, and my chart was spot on.
In any case, M193 works surprisingly well- even in moderate 11-13mph wind constantly changing from 12 to 9.
Any ideas what is wrong? Anybody here who has checked reticle dimensions or shoot M193?
Here´s dimensions- I´m using 556 reticle.