5r barrel questions.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2014
Hello all

I am the proud new owner of a savage model 10tr. I have put a swfa ss 3-15 scope on it. I have some questions about this 5r barrel. I've read some things saying that it takes a while for them to reach their potential. Would it be a wise choice for me to buy some surplus ammo or some loaded ammo (I know of a company that sells ammo pretty cheap that he loads himself close by to me) and blast off a 100 or so before I start ordering 30$+ boxes of ammo. My plans with the rifle is accuracy and maybe some hunting. I also plan on moving to longer ranges with it once I get it all situated. I guess my question really is, should I go ahead and order some cheaper ammo for a bit and get the tightest groups possible before buying the good stuff.

Thank you in advance.
I've yet to personally experience any evidence that a 5R barrel "takes a while for them to reach their potential". By the time I get a few rounds through the rifle to zero the scope, they are shooting just fine. Don't waste the first however-many rounds waiting for an improvement that it unlikely to come from the rifle.
Perfect. I just got it put together. Haven't gotten to shoot it yet. I will be soon. I just didn't want to waste money but that is exactly the answers I needed. Thank you ! Now it's time to order
I would Shoot it first with Good Ammo to get the Base Accuracy Standard BEFORE doing Anything that wastes you money and time. And Please NO Rediculas Barrel Break Ins! YOU DON'T NEED IT. Just get out and shoot!
Yes, it Should. My Rem 700 5R Loves the 175 more than the 168s. I use mostly 168 for the Gas Guns as it seems to run better for Semi Autos for me.

I should preface by saying that I haven't put a lot of rounds down range with my 700 5R yet. I should also probably say that I haven't shot past 200 yards with it yet either, so take this for what it's worth. So far I haven't been able to get the M118LR that I have to group well at all at 100 yards. On the other hand, the FGMM 168 that I've shot has been grouping very well. I need to find some FGMM 175 and see how that does. I also plan on trying out the M118LR at longer ranges to see if it does better.
Thank you for the help everyone. Yesterday I ordered some 168 amax and some m118. Once I get my scope torqued down correctly and my ammo in I will be headed to the range to see how the new boom boom stick fires. I am very excited!