Mid 2500fps range is top-end for 20” Grendels with 120-123gr.So sounds like I need to try working up a load with some different powders then. I should do my due diligence and give this barrel a shot by doing so serious load development on it before I call it quits. I’ll post back later with what I can figure out.
2460fps is normally 16-18” velocity with 123gr. Some of the rifling types are a bit faster, but the spread from 8.5” to 20” is not that significant.
8.5” Grendel will shoot 123gr at 2100-2140fps.
10.5” 2140-2200fps
12/12.5” 2250-2320fps
The 8.5” will out-run a 16.3” or even 20” 7.62x39 within pretty short range just because of BC.
When I’m shooting 12” vs 18” at distance, I’m not seeing much more than maybe .1 mils wind drift between the 2. The rest is hold or dialing for range anyway, so doesn’t matter. Twist rate is so tight that they stay stable out really far.