6.5 prc strings. How much is too much?


Full Member
Dec 31, 2020
I have a 6.5 prc bergara hmr pro , it doesn’t have the thickest barrel , it’s kind of in between a hunting contour and comp contour. I only took 3 shot groups for the first 30-40 round and then I shot a couple of boxes while doing 10 shot groups. Is this too much for my barrel? What is the longest amount of consecutive fire this barrel
Can take without roasting it? I use factory ammo
At the moment
how long of strings depends on a lot of stuff. how hot is it, is there wind moving air or is it totally calm. as your barrel gets hoter your groups are going to open up. if you're barrel is to hot to hold onto its to hot. the more shots you put through your barrel without letting it cool down the quicker it will wear out. you get it hot enough you can toast it really quick. if it's hot out and you can only get 5 shots before your accuracy goes to shit, that's how long of a usable string your barrel is capable of in those conditions.
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how long of strings depends on a lot of stuff. how hot is it, is there wind moving air or is it totally calm. as your barrel gets hoter your groups are going to open up. if you're barrel is to hot to hold onto its to hot. the more shots you put through your barrel without letting it cool down the quicker it will wear out. you get it hot enough you can toast it really quick. if it's hot out and you can only get 5 shots before your accuracy goes to shit, that's how long of a usable string your barrel is capable of in those conditions.
Apologies for my ignorance. But after I shoot this barrel
Out , and rebarreled it with like a MTU OR M24 barrel contour , would that allow me to shoot longer strings?
the heavier the profile of barrel the stiffer they are and the larger mass takes longer to heat up. it also takes longer too cool down. an MTU profile Bartline Barrel will definitely handel 10 to 15 rd strings in 6.5 prc. but the longer strings are harder on a barrel especially if it's hot out
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the heavier the profile of barrel the stiffer they are and the larger mass takes longer to heat up. it also takes longer too cool down. an MTU profile Bartline Barrel will definitely handel 10 to 15 rd strings in 6.5 prc. but the longer strings are harder on a barrel especially if it's hot out
Well I just bought a new defiance tenacity SA standard bolt face. Gonna either do 6 or 6.5 cm and I’m getting the m24 barrel I think from criterion , hope to one day maybe compete with her but gotta learn the ropes first