Sunday is always a 1,000y day at the Quantico Shooting Club! I quickly installed the Triggercam this morning with the intent to fire a few 225s and 212s to get some video. Dumbass operator shot the video with his glasses on, soooooooo, it's a bit out of focus. I'll look it over to see if any is worth posting and hopefully I'll get it right next time.
AI in 300 PRC
I'm bringing a T-Mobile puck with me now to create a hotspot since there is basically no Verizon service at the range. Not a bad deal, 50GB for $50 a month. The shooting mat is covered in debris from the muzzle blast since public works cut the firing line for the PRS centerfire match yesterday.
I've always used a cheap Amazon temperature strip to monitor the barrel temps when shooting strings. Here it is after the 10rds I shot.
Obligatory target pic with a couple windage misses.