The morning hunt was frustrating as hell. A really nice Tom strutted his stuff out of gun range and held close to two hens. I got back into the woods for the afternoon hunt and had quite an experience. The easy part was when the 5 Toms came out of the woodsline into the field that I was set up on. I took a shot at the biggest bird and hit him hard at 44 yards. The fun started after that. He flopped back to the edge of the woods / abyss and made a path about 200 yards straight down. I hustled after him and ran / slid my way to him at the bottom. 15 minutes and alot of sweat later, I had humped back up to the blind. Note to self: Next time, wait for the bird to get further into the field before shooting.
Weight: 22 lbs 4 oz
Beard: 10.75 inches
Spurs: 1.25 inches
Weight: 22 lbs 4 oz
Beard: 10.75 inches
Spurs: 1.25 inches