Gunsmithing AICS / Duracoat


Full Member
  • Jul 20, 2009
    Has anybody applied Duracoat to an AICS stock. I sprayed a coat of tac. OD green, gave 24 hrs to dry and started masking (Also tried another coat with an approx. 3hr dry time, same problem.) I tried to move a mask and found the Duracoat was very easily peeling off. I was able to remove all of it with masking tape.

    This is probably the 15th gun I've done with Duracoat now and I've never had this problem. I wondering if there is a release agent in the stock.

    Anybody experienced this and how did you get around it.

    Thanks, Keith
    Re: AICS / Duracoat

    I have Duracoated every AICS skin I have ever owned and never had an issue. I always sand gently with some fine sandpaper or blast if you can. Use some good brake cleaner and you shouldn't have any issues. Did you mix the duracoat right?
    Re: AICS / Duracoat

    Yep, shake till rattle then more just cause. At first I thought maybe my mix was a little dry so I added a touch more hardner and a very small amount of reducer.

    I didn't sand before spraying just degreased with mineral spirits. The stock was brand new so it didn't have any grease other that finger print oils on it, unless like I said earlier, there was release agent or something from the factory on it.