Ain't Karma a bitch. **update**

Say the lie, live the lie. Bad behavior has bad consequences. It's what's supposed to happen, Bitch....

Right now she identifies as corrupt and hypocritical.

Just an opinion, mind you...

Protected classes are a Liberal Mythology.
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You can't make this stuff up. Crazy ass bitch made her tarp tent, time to sleep in it. Enjoy your life you misguided wack job. So, did her pegople turn their backs on her? Remember the "draft" on Dave Chapel? How embarrassing not to get picked.
I love a good true life train wreck.
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I'm thinking porn first. Not because she's hot, but because she's not. There is absolutely nowhere for her to go after that. Maybe as a sideshow attraction in a crack house, or maybe Dancing w/ the Stars? All kinds of washed up celebutards wind up on that show. Too bad PT Barnum is gone...


Regardless of what she changes her name to, she went public with it, which means a simple google search will still leave her unemployable. I say, homeless is going to be a great character builder for her.
Regardless of what she changes her name to, she went public with it, which means a simple google search will still leave her unemployable. I say, homeless is going to be a great character builder for her.

While I'd like to see her get her homeless on I doubt it will happen.
She'll be selling something before it comes to that.
It will be karma when she has to sell her ass or put that cock holster to work.

While this is not possibly the "correct" opinion for conservatives, I think she actually deserves support because she is a great mirror to throw the hypocrisy of liberals and progressives back in their face...

Apparently according to the left wing progressive dictatorship, it is now some "Human Right" for you to decide you are some other gender (of apparently now more than 2 options), or decide you can't decide your gender etc. and anybody who says to possibly just look between your legs and see if you have a stick or a cavity is a horrible hateful person.
They even made Bruce Jenner "woman of the year" and he still has his male equipment.....

But somebody decides they "feel" like another race, lives and works as that race & actually does more for that racial community than many of the actual members of said racial community.... somebody "outs" her and all of the sudden they are all lining up to throw stones and say how bad she is?.......

Seems like a perfect talking points trap for liberals.... if Gender is only some social construct & you can supposedly be anything you think you are, then why not for race?....
Isn't race even actually less defined since most Americans have a fair bit of mix in them?.. Even Obama the great messiah and first black president, was equally black and white 50/50 couldn't he decide to identify as white instead?

It's the kind of logic loop you can have way too much fun wrapping idiots around with.
The Clinton's think they are black.

You know, I've always wondered why bi-racial people always ALWAYS identify as black. Doesn't it kind of defeat the whole "white privilege" thing? I mean, wouldn't you want to be a part of the privileged class? Surely it's not because they refuse to be a member of the "oppressor" race.
I don't have time to delve into this woman's past deeds but other than pretending to be black, what did she do that was so bad? The Schadenfraude is very strong in this thread, did she advocate for cops being killed or something?
I don't have time to delve into this woman's past deeds but other than pretending to be black, what did she do that was so bad? The Schadenfraude is very strong in this thread, did she advocate for cops being killed or something?

It's "schadenfreude," Dietrich.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It's "schadenfreude," Dietrich.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

you continue to be an incredible resource to this shooting community. Perhaps one day, when you can get over the fear of visiting a rifle range with a rifle and ammo, and standing up to the horrid racists who give you funny stares you might actually fire a rifle. On purpose. And hit. The. Target.