You should open your eyes. Start with Karl Kasarda of In-Range TV, then Russell Phagan (SinistralRifleman) of KE Arms. They are the type who are actively arming and training extreme left wing groups, like the ones who show up as armed protection at the pedo drag shows for grooming children. Their core followers include ANTIFA, Socialist Rifle Association and the John Brown Rifle Club. Here's a looong thread on another site that might educate you, but I doubt you're the type who actually cares
Karl from Inrange thread
Oh, I care. I care to preserve our rights. It seems some here, don’t.
The mental gymnastics of those supporting this is astounding.
So, it’s ok for us to kit up and post smack, but not them?
For decades it’s been us, who have marched in the streets, kitted up. Now the left wants to play and some here get all butt hurt. Is that what this is? Freedom is messy.
It’s hard to keep a gun store afloat. Now we are asking shop owners to take more risk. Asking them to run social media checks and deny based findings.
What could possibly go wrong?
“Msgriff, the federal background check is clean, but we decided to deny your purchase due to a social media check we performed. Now forfeit your fees and get out of our store, loser.”
How would that work for you? Let’s be honest.
Now, in your fantasy world where shop owners actually did this, how do you think that would play out in the long run for said shop owners? The backlash, on many levels from such actions could be devastating. Let’s not place more burden on our few remaining shops, please.
Man up. The 2nd is for everybody.
In 1967, armed blacks marched in California. Alarmed, that blacks could actually play like us, another knee jerk gun law came to be. The Mumford act, prohibiting this activity. Signed by Governor Ronald Reagan.
So, how many more of our rights do you want to erode because of your insecurities?
Is it time for a safe space?