You can have four (4) Perst 3+ for the cost of a single Raid-X. There’s really no comparison, honestly. I have a Perst 3+ too, and for the money it simply cannot be beat. The Raid is THE best IR laser/illuminator on the planet, in my personal opinion. It just does everything well, in a tiny package that weighs 5-ounces. The MAWL sits between the Perst and Raid, both in terms price and performance. I prefer the MAWL over the Perst and the Raid over the MAWL. Once Wilcox releases a Raptar S replacement based on the Raid, my life will be complete.
It will:
- cost $25000/unit because wilcox is fucking retarded as usual
- require some sort of 6 piece attachment system that also requires a special proprietary rail that you need to install in place of your current rail, yet the rail will only come in a 8 inch carbine configuration
- not integrate with ANYTHING else on the planet yet will also require some weird software to install via your computer that can only transfer via a 1100$ cable only wilcox makes
- use some 'improved' phased emitter tech that when compared to the Raid, is horrible. But its improved!1!11
- come in 2 versions, one with full power laser/illum and one with a shit tier illuminator/sort of full power laser. The 2nd version is what they will have available.
- weigh more than what the sum of the Raptar and Raid weigh, and noone can figure out why.
- continue to be 'user friendly' by limiting LED screen wording to 1 letter and 1 special character to tell you features, settings and distance.
- restricted to 'military and LE only' yet no military or LEO organization actually buys this overinflated wilcox shit
- not have any kind of cosine indicator nor will the ballistics system integrate with it; but it'll have 14 different shades of visable red laser
- definetly include like, 5 stickers