Anyone here anneal straight walled cartridges? Ive talked to some who said the taper crimp would be too soft after annealing, but logically it makes sense since straight walls are worked more than bottlenecks.
Not sure there is a logic to anneal a straightwall case? ie since there are no sharp angles/shoulders? The differential heat treament that results normally isn't supposed to extend straight walled section of a shouldered catridge? See eg the intro here...
The principal idea is to heat the neck and shoulder of the case—but certainly not the body and base.
Not sure there is a logic to anneal a straightwall case? ie since there are no sharp angles/shoulders? The differential heat treament that results normally isn't supposed to extend straight walled section of a shouldered catridge? See eg the intro here...
Annealing is alleviate work hardening of brass and ensure as consistent neck tension as possible. Between belling and crimping, straight walled cartridges are subjected to more work hardening steps than bottlenecks.