*Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle *

Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

Can somebody point me in the right direction to find all the past SH build's? or is there somebody who has pictures of them all? when was the first one built? just curious....
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 30caluser</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Can somebody point me in the right direction to find all the past SH build's? or is there somebody who has pictures of them all? when was the first one built? just curious.... </div></div>

This has nothing to do with our current build. Start your own topic....
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

A few questions:

The stock pictured above atb an A5 but the build is with the A3 correct?

Can we get it without the spacer system?

You said the lightest fill McMillan will allow; is that with McMillans's standard fiberglass cloth or using their "Edge" graphite option?

Is barrel fluting an option?

Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rumor</div><div class="ubbcode-body">No worries, I thought that might be gumming up the works too much... Thanks for the answer.

I thought the barrel flute may just not have been mentioned in the spec
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

Sounds like a neat build, I'm looking forwards to seeing how this turns out! Can't wait to see some and hear how they run.
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

Can we keep a running tally of how many are left? I'd like to get one but I'm going to have to try to sell some other stuff first.

Also I might have overlooked it but what is the build time after order placed?
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

Can someone explain the good and the bad of the .308 (.298) tightbore? I just shoot factory ammo so is this a problem?

Thanks David
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

Here is a list of serial #'s that are spoken for:

01-25 .260
02-25 .260
03-25 6.5 Creedmoor
04-25 6.5 Creedmoor
05-25 .260
06-25 6.5 Creedmoor/.308
07-25 6.5 Creedmoor
08-25 .308
09-25 .260
10-25 6.5 Creedmoor
12-25 .308
13-25 6.5 Creedmoor
14-25 .260/.308
15-25 .260
20-25 .260
24-25 .260
25-25 .260

I will keep this list updated as orders come in.
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LiteTac</div><div class="ubbcode-body">dmtsc,

The tight bore increases velocity and pressure over a standard bore barrel. The purpose for the tight bore in this application is to improve the performance of available factory match ammo. And, to bring back some of the velocity that is lost by going with a shorter barrel.


Thank you very much and very helpful

Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

The tight bore increases velocity and pressure over a standard bore barrel. The purpose for the tight bore in this application is to improve the performance of available factory match ammo. And, to bring back some of the velocity that is lost by going with a shorter barrel.

Can you show me documented proof of this statement ?
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle *

Nice range rifle.. But to heavy to lug around the rugged mountains of Afganistan, on 10 to 14 hour patrols. Also, if this is a sniper rifle.. it should be chambered for adopted military cartridges.. not civilian sporting cartridges.
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle *

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TomS308</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nice range rifle.. But to heavy to lug around the rugged mountains of Afganistan, on 10 to 14 hour patrols. Also, if this is a sniper rifle.. it should be chambered for adopted military cartridges.. not civilian sporting cartridges. </div></div>

Your kidding right? Next time your over there tell that to the guys humping the AI AW, on 3-5 day patrols. Whats an M40A3 weigh? Last time I checked my tab data the AW was 7.8kg = 17lbs, so this lil cracker wouldnt be to much of a concern...

Go start another thread and whinge about why it should be NATO standard calibre and not something different, for get this,a custom build series rifle......

Now back to the build thread,
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle


Thank you so much for taking the time and patience in answering questions for me yesterday. The build/wait could not of come at a better time for me, look forward to seeing what Chad works up for ammo in the mean time.

The above pictures being not a representation of this specs stock color/style build [I understand it possibly was, but not now] Can anyone point me to pics of what they think might best represent the build.
<span style="font-weight: bold">edit.. got the pics George, should be a beaut..</span>

Thanks for making this happen for the .260 Frank, even though it's just a lowly civilian round

Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle *

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TomS308</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nice range rifle.. But to heavy to lug around the rugged mountains of Afganistan, on 10 to 14 hour patrols. Also, if this is a sniper rifle.. it should be chambered for adopted military cartridges.. not civilian sporting cartridges. </div></div>

Are you a sniper in Afhanistan? All you have been doing lately is coming onto this site bitching about how the precision rifles of today are WAY TO HEAVY for a sniper. How would you know?! You should go to a gym and do some core strength exersizes. If you think 13 lbs is heavy then you are no stronger then a 12 year old.

And guess what.... Lowlight (Frank) was a military sniper and he designed the rifle so I think we are all in knowledgeable hands.

I have figured this characters game out now.... he is a professional Troll. comes on here and stirs up shit about rifle weight (he must really hate the barrett 50BMG) and asking a well known gunsmith and the rest of the shooting community for proof that a tight bore increases pressure and velocity. Go watch Lowlights video of his Gladius and tell him that its not true and/or accurate.
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kyshooter338</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TomS308</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nice range rifle.. But to heavy to lug around the rugged mountains of Afganistan, on 10 to 14 hour patrols. Also, if this is a sniper rifle.. it should be chambered for adopted military cartridges.. not civilian sporting cartridges. </div></div>

Are you a sniper in Afhanistan? All you have been doing lately is coming onto this site bitching about how the precision rifles of today are WAY TO HEAVY for a sniper. How would you know?! You should go to a gym and do some core strength exersizes. If you think 13 lbs is heavy then you are no stronger then a 12 year old.

And guess what.... Lowlight (Frank) was a military sniper and he designed the rifle so I think we are all in knowledgeable hands.


Just ignore the guy... he obviously lives in a fantasy world. He probably feels a sniper rifle should weigh 6lbs like an empty M4.
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

A short video montage of the rifle in action during the Vortex trials.

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Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

Hey LL.....on that video did the bolt knob's hex torque the ring bolts? I thought I heard a click like a torque wrench? Seems like a lot of work but I could see it happening as that is all that a pre-set torque wrench does is move a detent over a spring force and click.....really friggin cool if it did.....still a cool video if it doesn't!
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

I apologize in advance if this is out of line BUT I'm very surprised that as of today there are still 12 of these left with less than a month now to close.
With the quality and value of this build I have to think that a couple/few years ago we would have been done with this already and the present state of the economy bears heavily.

Just another thought from an interested party to this of course but a sponsor putting some glass/gear up for drawing on these 25 might be some extra incentive for those on the sideline right now.
Maybe not but hey, I'm already in for the ride....and just want to shoot it already

Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TomS308</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The tight bore increases velocity and pressure over a standard bore barrel. The purpose for the tight bore in this application is to improve the performance of available factory match ammo. And, to bring back some of the velocity that is lost by going with a shorter barrel.

Can you show me documented proof of this statement ? </div></div>

Newtonian physics it's simple a tighter bore will most definitely allow less energy to be lost around the escaping pill causing the energy behind the pill to push it more efficiently.

It's not rocket science or anything...

wait a minute actually yes it is
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

I'm sending my cashiers check Monday, there are still rifles left correct?

Can't wait to get one...

I'm going to get the muzzle brake but I'm not sure which one to get. Are there pros/cons to either one?

Thanks for putting this together...
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle

Which Atlas bipod will be compatible with the rifle? I'm assuming because it has the rail that the BT10 would be the correct model but I wanted to make sure before I buy one.

Thanks for helping out a newbie
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle *

i've beening looking across the site at this rifle, seriously thinking about getting one if there are any left when i get the money, i just have one question, on the test rifle the stock looks like an A5 with cheek piece butthe rifle build sheet states an A3, just wondering which it is. PS would love it to be the A5
Re: *Announcing the 2009 Sniper's Hide Build Rifle *

I talked to Frank, and we are opening up the caliber selection on the build to include the 6.5 Creedmoor. All other specifications remain the same including barrel length.

Let me know if you are interested in this caliber. If you want to change the caliber on a previously ordered rifle, now is the time to let me know.