The FBI seems, at least from what everybody can see, to be run by the opposite of patriots, so there is a pretty good chance they might go after any decent folk. Not to mention DC is not exactly full of patriots at any level down to the street cops these days.
When you actually consider what would occur n large population centers, why worry. You really think the LEO is going to focus on rounding up Patriots? LMAO. There will be so many SJW begging for protection and so many scumbags preying on them, that nothing will occur for a while. Moreover, LEO will be too busy trying to protect themselves and their families. Plenty of time for a few good men to do what is necessary. By the time the Gov gets their head out of their ass, it will be hard to stop the actions of the Patriots. Trust me...there are many fence sitters that are quiet because many find it highly improbable that anything will occur. However, if it does, you can bet that many will be turned and become true to our cause.
Like Jerry says, let's get on with it