You Don't Need to Hike with a Gun
No, I think you need some man-meat shoved up both your upper and bottom holes so you'll shut the fuck up...
Many, it seems, fancy themselves pretty savvy gunslingers: Is that Wild Bill Hickock or Jeremy from accounting?
I self identify as Wild Bill Hickok. End of story. How's that for an answer? Also, you need to research the stories of two men named Stephen Willeford and Johnnie Langendorff. They are the same civilians that you think you look down upon. They took down a heavily armed church mass shooter by shooting his ass and mortally wounding him. By the time the police arrived, it was all over.
Anonymous recreationists carrying guns should scare you, too.
No, I am not scared of that, because I am not a spineless and cowardly pussy ass faggot like you are.
I’m not anti-gun,
A lot of pedophiles do not admit to being pedophiles either. They say that they just like to fuck little kids...
I’ve been an outdoor writer and editor for nearly as long, covering everything from skiing and climbing to hunting and fishing. I own a backcountry guide service and operate exclusively in grizzly country, including some of the most bear-dense parts of Yellowstone. I’ve had dozens of grizzly encounters, run-ins with polar bears on Arctic ski expeditions, and more than a few awkward conversations with disturbed individuals over the years—all sans sidearm and no worse for wear. Some of these experiences were scary, but I’ve never pulled the trigger on my bear spray (much less a pistol), and every one of those encounters made me a better outdoorsman.
Watch out everybody, we got a (keyboard) badass here.
The only fact that truly matters is irrefutable: the more firearms present in a situation, the greater chance you have of being injured or killed.
Everything we do in life is a gamble, and I'll take my chances. And besides, I don't like being preached at.
Guns were part of my wardrobe, and I’m comfortable with almost any firearm you could put in my hand. It’s guns in other peoples’ hands that make me nervous.
So you are an elitist piece of shit too. That gives me even more reason to hate your fucking guts, bitch boy. If guns in the hands of "others" bother you so much, why not come and try to take them from us?
One of my instructors (a former Army Ranger) told us that if you need to improvise a defensive situation, it’s probably already too late. Whether it’s a charging bear, a person with a knife, or a terrorist with a bomb, if we’re reacting to a situation, we’ve already lost.
Then I'll go down fighting until my last breath, not cowering in a corner like your pussy ass. Keep your helplessness cuck fetishes to yourself. We don't like to hear it.
A gun is not the cure for fear.
Yes it is.
Guns treat the symptoms of fear by making us feel safer and more powerful.
Fuck yeah, and I like it.
Please, for the sake of the rest of us—the good guys on the trail—don’t carry a gun.
I carry a gun just to keep myself and my loved ones safe from elitist scumbags like YOU.
Going for a hike, run, or bike ride in the woods is incredibly safe. Let go of the fear.
The more I read your shit, the more I can sense some potential serial killer vibes coming from you. Not good at all, buddy.
You Don't Need to Hike with a Gun
No, I think you need some man-meat shoved up both your upper and bottom holes so you'll shut the fuck up...

You Don't Need to Hike with a Gun
Unless you're hunting, it's a terrible idea to pack heat in the backcountry

Many, it seems, fancy themselves pretty savvy gunslingers: Is that Wild Bill Hickock or Jeremy from accounting?
I self identify as Wild Bill Hickok. End of story. How's that for an answer? Also, you need to research the stories of two men named Stephen Willeford and Johnnie Langendorff. They are the same civilians that you think you look down upon. They took down a heavily armed church mass shooter by shooting his ass and mortally wounding him. By the time the police arrived, it was all over.
Anonymous recreationists carrying guns should scare you, too.
No, I am not scared of that, because I am not a spineless and cowardly pussy ass faggot like you are.
I’m not anti-gun,
A lot of pedophiles do not admit to being pedophiles either. They say that they just like to fuck little kids...
I’ve been an outdoor writer and editor for nearly as long, covering everything from skiing and climbing to hunting and fishing. I own a backcountry guide service and operate exclusively in grizzly country, including some of the most bear-dense parts of Yellowstone. I’ve had dozens of grizzly encounters, run-ins with polar bears on Arctic ski expeditions, and more than a few awkward conversations with disturbed individuals over the years—all sans sidearm and no worse for wear. Some of these experiences were scary, but I’ve never pulled the trigger on my bear spray (much less a pistol), and every one of those encounters made me a better outdoorsman.
Watch out everybody, we got a (keyboard) badass here.
The only fact that truly matters is irrefutable: the more firearms present in a situation, the greater chance you have of being injured or killed.
Everything we do in life is a gamble, and I'll take my chances. And besides, I don't like being preached at.
Guns were part of my wardrobe, and I’m comfortable with almost any firearm you could put in my hand. It’s guns in other peoples’ hands that make me nervous.
So you are an elitist piece of shit too. That gives me even more reason to hate your fucking guts, bitch boy. If guns in the hands of "others" bother you so much, why not come and try to take them from us?
One of my instructors (a former Army Ranger) told us that if you need to improvise a defensive situation, it’s probably already too late. Whether it’s a charging bear, a person with a knife, or a terrorist with a bomb, if we’re reacting to a situation, we’ve already lost.
Then I'll go down fighting until my last breath, not cowering in a corner like your pussy ass. Keep your helplessness cuck fetishes to yourself. We don't like to hear it.
A gun is not the cure for fear.
Yes it is.
Guns treat the symptoms of fear by making us feel safer and more powerful.
Fuck yeah, and I like it.
Please, for the sake of the rest of us—the good guys on the trail—don’t carry a gun.
I carry a gun just to keep myself and my loved ones safe from elitist scumbags like YOU.
Going for a hike, run, or bike ride in the woods is incredibly safe. Let go of the fear.
The more I read your shit, the more I can sense some potential serial killer vibes coming from you. Not good at all, buddy.
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