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Why didn't you guys tell me about the Yellowstone series? It has everything!

Despite its shortcomings, compare it to the bubble bunnies tv that is dribbled on the masses by so much commercial entertainment, it is refreshing. There is so much to like in comparison. Never really thought much about it, but it has some wonderful anti-woke, anti-eastern save the planet zingers thrown in. Finally, since I jsut don’t pay attention to the eastern news media, I was never aware that it is a most hated, most whiteness and so Anit-New Age series, until I read this

Yellowstone is not about race
The hilarious part is john Dutton is the exact opposite of Costner in real life.

Fuck Yellowstone
So in season 3 she becomes tolerable. The poster that said earlier that once you seem her from a 'on my team aspect' she actually shines, was right.
I like it when they portray country girls with a strong persona. I think that's a good message. The great thing about the show is that it's not like other shows where the female saves the world and the men around her are just weaklings who can't do it on their own. Thankfully, this show has a strong cast and a lot of the men who are from a country background are strong characters, while a lot of the city types are pathetic and weak.
- I like Lloyd, but the guy acting him has the EXACT SAME look on his face regardless if he is sad, angry, getting punched or thinking about quantum physics.
Lloyd is/was a real ranch hand/cowboy.
The chef is also the chef.
Neither were actors prior to series.
Or so I heard.
I made it like 3 or 4 episodes into 1883 until I was like, I hope you all just die of dysentery.
I think this is because those were all Germanic (legal?) immigrants and you felt embarrassed by their dumbassedness.
"How can country folks from Germany be so fucking stupid?", you asked.
Without any sort of rational answer, you resorted to the true @TheGerman mentality... "kill all of those fuckers and it doesn't matter how". Dysentery would be a slow and painful method, worthy of a true Germanic tribesman.
I made it like 3 or 4 episodes into 1883 until I was like, I hope you all just die of dysentery.
I watched this with my 83 year old father when I was antelope hunting in Wyoming in September.

Life has enough drama and bullshit today, and I have been through enough drama, death and bullshit in the military to enjoy it.

My father was in law enforcement for over 38 years. He thought it was cool that it was a western, but said "it's just so fucking sad" he didn't enjoy it either.
I am watching the last season of Yellowstone, watched 1883 and have not seen any of the new 1923. I wish they would have brought them out in order and not the way they went about it.
So many people are knocking the show and the actors. That's fine, to each their own.

Personally, I think it is a scenario of "No matter what the answer is, I have a problem". Wherein with regards to these shows, I would MUCH rather have them to watch, as 'something' on tv, as opposed to any of the "Survivor", or "Wives of....." or "Masked Glee" or any of that other drivel that exists.

All it is, is something to watch. NOT to sit there and be indoctrinated "Clockwork Orange" style or anything like that. Instead of complaining about it, go watch re-runs of your hero's in Knight Rider or something.

It's tv man.... it's not a doctoral study. Escapism. Or go read a book. Grab an axe, chop down a tree, build a table, then smash a chair on said table. Will THAT Make you feel better about things?
Lloyd is/was a real ranch hand/cowboy.
The chef is also the chef.
Neither were actors prior to series.
Or so I heard.
Lloyd's name is Forrie J. Smith. He has been an actor and stunt man for about 30 years.

I liked the show, but I think it has jumped the shark. Sheridan has to many irons in the fire now.
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Anyone else notice a few episodes ago they had to get some woke shit in there and make John's assistant gay?
I know, that pissed me off no end. 1883 was great, and I'll hand out to watch 1923 soon enough. Loved Yellowstone, up until they tried to slip in some woke shit. Teeter and the black cowboy.. same thing.. diversity on TV, and teeter I swear was almost gonna be gay, but did some weird.... Her hitting on him ? Whatever.. basically done with it now. 2 more episodes came out.. don't care.
Ran out of shit to watch and had been putting this on hold as I was never really interested in watching 6 seasons of cowboys and 'ranch life' or whatever. But boy was I wrong. 2/3 of the way into Season 2 and this has fucking everything:

- Kevin Costner actually being able to act
- A super cunty daughter who I still can't figure out if she is attractive or not. She also gets naked in basically the first episode. Only downside is, her cuntyness 100% of the time starts to really just get boring and kind of obnoxious.
- A Navy SEAL who actually doesn't tell everyone he's a Navy SEAL every 3 minutes, doesn't wear hair gel and there hasn't been a cut off jean shorts sighting as of yet. Although he does have a NSW sticker in his truck window.
- Seattle/Californian liberals getting their asses beat after trying to push their liberal bullshit and invade an area that they haven't yet destroyed.
- People shooting each other over cows.
- Assassinating cows from the air.
- No cops or police coming to save you.
- People getting branded like cows.
- The 'bad guy' Rip actually being probably one of the best acted roles I've seen, and becoming my favorite character by far.
- Fish & Game people being portrayed as cunty fucks.
- Indians going on and on about their culture and using 'thE WHitE mAns STOLE This ALL From US!1!1111' as their first, last and only negotiation tactic.
- A gay lawyer who got pussy and realized being gay was well, gay.
- Meth heads
- Stupid Chinese tourists
- All sorts of evil back channel shit
- Bar fights involving a steer
- Someone in the writer's room realizing the 'omg my mom/wife died 20 years ago' sub plot wasn't as interesting as they thought it would be and steered away from it before it ruined an entire season like it did with Ray Donovan.

My only complaint so far is that there is a real lack of hot women and when people do get into a gunfight, its kind of retarded.

Well, not exactly, I did not see the Sicherheitsdienst, Gestapo, or Schutzstaffel anywhere….

I’m pretty sure I would’ve remembered seeing someone in the tiger or panther tank driving around Yellowstone.
I think we hit the brakes.

Season 5 into episode 5 so far is just fucking boring. It's almost like Peaky Blinders where it started to turn to shit as soon as the main character became a politician.

Now I'm actually wanting assassination plot 5.0 to commence.
Isn't this a western-based soap opera, ala 'Dallas'? Never watch it tho.
it is a bunch of outsiders that have ruined montana, pretending to be generational residents who are protecting and defending the heritage of montana-which is exactly opposite of what they are. but hey....actors really have no real identity anyway so whatever.
it's just more of the same. vapid of personal life experience and personality, they pretend to be things they never really had the balls to actually be in real life. they pretend to be outlaws, cowboys, cops, soldiers, firefighters, or doctors, lawyers....while in all actually they are nothing substantive.

in short, they pretend to be us. and it is hilarious, people put them on a pedistal for it.

the only two things they seem to be good at is pretending and screwing children.
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So 7 episodes into season 5 and I have literally fast forwarded through like 2 or 3 of them. I get that its now 5 seasons with like 50 or so hour long episodes and nothing lasts forever, but its generally been able to keep me interested and then season 5 just takes a huge shit. I went from blasting through a few of these in one sitting to forcing myself to finish one.

Literally nothing of note has happened. Anything that has happened is just people finding out shit via sitting and talking for a 10 minute scene.

Most of any fighting is bullshit, boring, step by step legal wrangeling. Yes I know we can't just keep blowing shit up all of the time, but I feel like I'm watching a fucking 'real estate law' infomercial on what could happen if you don't have the right title insurance or some shit.

Season 5 items of note:

- Car accident for Tate and fake indian; she loses her baby shes pregnant with. It sucks, and then its literally dragged over like 4/5 episodes after they basically disappeared her for like 5 episodes because she had PTSD and stayed in her room 24/7 or whatever. In my mind, using this as basically a start to the season, it had me instantly hoping that we have not passed peak show; and I think we have.

- Every time the livestock police son has to 'work' bad things happen. I started to fast forward through this whining as I just couldn't take it anymore.

- Jaime has a kid that no one knew about. He's also walked into the most predictable and telegraphed honey hole fake girlfriend situation that even a 18 year old Marine recruit would have been able to point out.

- We finally find out about why Rip has a brand, but uh, 5 seasons in, this surprises anyone at all?

- Season 5 is the Beth show. Every fucking episode. 85% Beth. Home life with Beth. Dinner with Beth. Work with Beth. Drinking with Beth. Beth randomly fighting in a bar. Beth fighting women in the yard. Beth punching other random shit. Beth trying to kill her brother in his SUV. Beth in jail. Beth at other bars. Beth on a horse. Beth on the porch. Beth on the phone. Beth making out in a field. Beth talking the the other women. It doesn't fucking stop. This show has now turned into trying to tell the story via Beth being around and she has gone from obnoxious and overdone in Seasons 1-2, to kind of liking her in 3-4 to just intolerable.

- Being governor is 98% bullshit. He does at least do some useful stuff and fires a bunch of useless staff lol. But the storyline is meh and one of the reasons this season feels all over the fucking place with no real point and no real protagonist.
What we need is tree hugging pasture grass eating Piper Parabo's character along with Beth taking the lawyer hooker Jamie's fucking and tie her up when she's on the rag Then have Metallic Cat, the stallion, trailered in to fuck her and kill her. Stallions have been known to try and mount women on the rag in real life. Then take her to the train station. Dump that bitch body so Jamie gets the message - quit fucking up and fall in line or your next.
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My wife got me to watching the show. Still not a Costner fan. And all those trips to the train station and no LE comes checking shit out? WTF. Then, I work in the oilfield in west TX and there are all of these fucking dipshits driving around in F150's with come and take it stickers and the fucking Y brand on their little F150's...

The one where the country singer and his wife and the guy from Roadhouse isn't too bad but even that one is not too believable.

The latest one with Harrison Ford seems ok

I'm not actually impressed but...it is only fucking TV and not supposed to be a documentary by Ken Burns. I watch it with her, she gets all hot and bothered by some dude on TV who in real life is a pencil necked geek and I get to enjoy the benefits.

Its a really great show.
The Train Station gets explained in the season that just ended (S5 I think🤔) hold tight 'til then.
Beth hits new highs of cuntiness every episode. There’s not a single female character in the show that has a teaspoon full of redeeming qualities. It’s honestly kind of sad that the entire female cast acquiesced to writing that makes none of them likable.

The show is just a slightly better Dallas reboot than the Dallas reboot from a few years ago that really sucked.