In 2019, the wife of a very good friend mine was told she had stage 4 bone marrow and liver cancer. Her oncologist told her with chemotherapy she might live another two years. She declined and went to hope4cancer in Mexico.
She’s still alive, there’s no cancer in her liver; it’s still present in her bone marrow, but not active. She started a gofund me to raise money for the treatment and was able to cover the cost; it helped that she was well known and liked by everyone she ever came in contact with.
I would give them a call and see what they can do for your dad.
Oh, and she said when she returned from treatment and went to her oncologist in Louisville, and her DR saw how effective her treatment was she (her DR) was piiiissssed and would not tell any of her patients about Becky’s experience. So much for that oath to help people…….nope, money first followed by certain death. Ridiculous.