Any Cancer Experts?

Father was diagnosed with High grade large cell Neuro endocrine carcinoma metastasized to the liver. This seems to be a less common type and information is a bit more scarce. Any insight into treatments, outlook, and possible interaction from the vaccine that he took all 7 boosters (🤦) for? Thanks in advance.
Sorry to hear this man. Metastatic liver cancer took my mom 6 years ago. She was stage 4 before it was even caught.

Not trying to be a downer but just be ready for a fight. Hoping he kicks its ass. Cancer is a bitch.
My wife's endocrine cancer was caught early but she has been fighting for 5 years.
University Michigan Rogel Cancer center has been treating her. New treatments coming but slowly.
MD Anderson in Houston is another cancer center that has some new treatments
Good Luck
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good luck to your dad. there does appear to be a connection between covid and mrna vaccines.

That's a scary ass dude- hitched himself up to Hillary and lost in 2016, $ided with Trump after that and couldn't get a freebie gig in the new Administration... word is that he wants to start a "Conservative version of The View" starring Himself, Deuce Bigalow, and Larry David/ RFK's wife.

He also seems to be much more of a newspaperman and financier than a medical professional these days.

Why is he faking it about the Vaccine?

...and why are all these con men coming out of South Africa now? Is it no longer safe to steal in South Africa?

Someone should get him to GITMO right away and find out what he's up to.
*also, yes- sorry about your father, OP.

He will probably need Liver resection. The liver is the #1 organ for growing back though!

5-year overall survival without liver resection is only about 40%. With liver resection, the 5 year overall survival reaches up to 80%.
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No specific experience with that type, but riding the cancer battle with a close friend, waiting results of a scan after blood markers elevated which will likely result in a 3rd Chemo round. Her type has a 75% mortality rate by 5 years, its been about 3 so far since the tumor was first removed.

Its not easy and depending on the strength of the Chemo treatment it can be very hard. I suggest be there for him and be prepared for a potentially long battle.

As a side note, she was in very good health until her first booster, with in a weeks time started having all sorts of problems, a few months later found the tumor and its been very one hell of a ride since. I can't say the jab is what caused it, but I gotta say I can't say it didn't some how affect her.

Good Luck and be there for your Father!

Some information from a quick google search.

Thanks for the thoughts and feedback. This one grows fast and appears to have been caught late.
My aunt was in a simular boat as far as aggressive cancer being caught late. With the diffrent treatment options she lived another 10 years. They were anticipating that she was going to continue to do well with the treatments she was taking.

After she took the jab, her cancer markers on her blood test dropped. Her oncologists didnt say anything about so she mentioned it to him. She said he just went quiet and changed the subject. She said she knew she was in big trouble and was of opnion he new that it was very bad sign.

After working on Healthcare for the better part of 50 years she spent 2020-2021 defending Fauci. It wasn't until some of major publications started retracting "peer reviewed" articles that she realized something was up. She said some of publications like Lancit removing a study was something she had never seen.

After the jab her cancer took off with a vengeance, she went down hill and died in less than year after taking the jab, after here stage 4 being held in check for 10 years.

Best hopes and prayers for you and your family. At the end of the day we were blessed with another decade she woukd have never got 20 years ago.
My aunt was in a simular boat as far as aggressive cancer being caught late. With the diffrent treatment options she lived another 10 years. They were anticipating that she was going to continue to do well with the treatments she was taking.

After she took the jab, her cancer markers on her blood test dropped. Her oncologists didnt say anything about so she mentioned it to him. She said he just went quiet and changed the subject. She said she knew she was in big trouble and was of opnion he new that it was very bad sign.

After working on Healthcare for the better part of 50 years she spent 2020-2021 defending Fauci. It wasn't until some of major publications started retracting "peer reviewed" articles that she realized something was up. She said some of publications like Lancit removing a study was something she had never seen.

After the jab her cancer took off with a vengeance, she went down hill and died in less than year after taking the jab, after here stage 4 being held in check for 10 years.

Best hopes and prayers for you and your family. At the end of the day we were blessed with another decade she woukd have never got 20 years ago.

op needs to focus on helping his dad right now, but i hope eventually there is some accounting for what they did.
my sister's breast cancer was in remission for years before the shots. now it is back and spreading.
a nephew in his 40s recently passed from cancer. his sister is fighting colon cancer.
they both live in the atl, and outside my influence.
Not a cancer doc here, but I do know metastatic carcinoid/NEN was bad before the jab. When isolated to one organ, it does well with removal of that organ - I got to participate in our school's first liver transplant on a carcinoid patient . But once it metastasizes it's usually pretty bad.
I'm sure there are studies and clinical trials galore, but I don't know of any miracle cure to the general public; and there aren't even any repurposed drugs being tried here. And all the cancer clinics are full thanks to the SV40 insert.

This guy ^^ is the man- his website alone may answer many questions. Kudos to him for putting it out there. Moffitt also in Tampa,Florida is a good cancer center. Two decades ago he would've never made it to the OR.

Edit: interesting that the surgeon doesn't belong to their network, probably did his training there and set up shop right outside, which I thought was kind of taboo. Irregardless, the Moffitt Center has one at the top NEN (neuorendocrine neoplsia) multidisciplinary teams around.
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In 2019, the wife of a very good friend mine was told she had stage 4 bone marrow and liver cancer. Her oncologist told her with chemotherapy she might live another two years. She declined and went to hope4cancer in Mexico.

She’s still alive, there’s no cancer in her liver; it’s still present in her bone marrow, but not active. She started a gofund me to raise money for the treatment and was able to cover the cost; it helped that she was well known and liked by everyone she ever came in contact with.

I would give them a call and see what they can do for your dad.

Oh, and she said when she returned from treatment and went to her oncologist in Louisville, and her DR saw how effective her treatment was she (her DR) was piiiissssed and would not tell any of her patients about Becky’s experience. So much for that oath to help people…….nope, money first followed by certain death. Ridiculous.
In 2019, the wife of a very good friend mine was told she had stage 4 bone marrow and liver cancer. Her oncologist told her with chemotherapy she might live another two years. She declined and went to hope4cancer in Mexico.

She’s still alive, there’s no cancer in her liver; it’s still present in her bone marrow, but not active. She started a gofund me to raise money for the treatment and was able to cover the cost; it helped that she was well known and liked by everyone she ever came in contact with.

I would give them a call and see what they can do for your dad.

Oh, and she said when she returned from treatment and went to her oncologist in Louisville, and her DR saw how effective her treatment was she (her DR) was piiiissssed and would not tell any of her patients about Becky’s experience. So much for that oath to help people…….nope, money first followed by certain death. Ridiculous.

There are many conditions that hyperbaric oxygen, good nutrition, distruction of harmful biofilms can accomplish.
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op needs to focus on helping his dad right now, but i hope eventually there is some accounting for what they did.
my sister's breast cancer was in remission for years before the shots. now it is back and spreading.
a nephew in his 40s recently passed from cancer. his sister is fighting colon cancer.
they both live in the atl, and outside my influence.

Oncologist screaming? No, hardly. They were pushing the jab as hard as anyone else, and they were the first to see their patients die from it and said nothing.