I've been using AG's for practice for most of my life and I'm over 60.
About 24 years ago I bought my first PCP AG. Shorty after that I got into the sport "Field Target Air Rifle". Not many years after that I had my first AZ state match win in that sport.
So I got into AG's for competition and I still am to this day. In 2012, when I won my 2nd state AZPRC long range centerfire championship on steel, I was asked by a guy this question - Hey Steve, what do you attribute your ability to shoot as well as you do?? I replied that I practiced with AG's. He thought I was kidding but I was telling the truth and proceeded to tell him about my past experience with AG's.
This custom Thomas HPX pcp air rifle in 22 cal is by far the highlight of my many AG purchases over the years. I named it SURELY because if I miss it's surely my fault. As far as precision with a pellet gun this rifle is one awesome rifle, maybe most precise in the world and I'm not exaggerating!
This spring I won my division in a 2 day match and got enough money to pay for my entire vacation with ole SURELY. That was one fun weekend.
I'll be competing in an airgun match called the RMAC in August. 1st prize is $21,000, wish me luck please!
IMO, everything in marksmanship except "recoil control" can be learned using airguns.