Anyone have experience firing .408 350 grain pills sold by Lost River in a previous life!


Full Member
I bought a bunch when I stocked up on the 419 grain but have not fired them at all because I am all about the BC's/ i remember they claimed a very good "point blank" window where you didn't have to worry about elevation for a torso hit. I understand the appeal but wonder what might have been accomplished with them. They are solids, copper and nickel blend. The 419s were major fowlers at break in, but were ok afterwards.

Also, anyone with their originally sold cases marked XM-2, new or used, please contact me.
Yup, I tried out the 350gr .408 solids - great to 1000 yards then they fall out of the sky. They also foul horribly like the 419s thanks to that gloriously soft copper/nickel alloy LRBT was using.
I don't have a .408 anymore, but I had basically two loads: 400gr Lehigh and 419gr LRBT/Cheytac/Jamison, the latter was the better performing one, but as you know fouled excessively. These days I would give the 415gr Cutting Edge bullets a try as their 352gr .375 bullet is excellent.