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Anyone know of a ruck with alot of internal molle? Or have an old TAG ruck laying around?


Full Member
  • Jan 25, 2010
    the Westside
    Was trying to find a training ruck for a friend where he could stow the rangefinder, kestrell, Trimble, etc.

    Problem is it seems that outside of the ATS RAID pack, nothing has a sheet of molle inside anymore. Not sure why, as generally its stupid to put your mission critical pouches/electronics on the outside of the ruck as well as having shit floating around inside it stacked ontop of each other is equally dumb. The 'wall' of molle on the inside of the ATS has me able to pull out whatever I need even in the dark as I know exactly what/where it is and doesn't have me doing that manuever women make while digging in their purse.

    I looked at the kydex 'inserts' and they all sort of fit, but none really fit, plus they're like $80/panel which is more than I want to pay for something not specifically made for whatever ruck I'd use.

    I'd tell him to get an ATS RAID, but I don't like the meager shoulder straps it has especially if this will be his primary ruck.

    I remember TAG back before they sucked, used to make a 3 day/sniper ruck with exactly this setup and better shoulder straps. Anyone know if anyone is making anything like that anymore, or maybe has an old TAG ruck sitting in their closet?
    Was trying to find a training ruck for a friend where he could stow the rangefinder, kestrell, Trimble, etc.

    Problem is it seems that outside of the ATS RAID pack, nothing has a sheet of molle inside anymore. Not sure why, as generally its stupid to put your mission critical pouches/electronics on the outside of the ruck as well as having shit floating around inside it stacked ontop of each other is equally dumb. The 'wall' of molle on the inside of the ATS has me able to pull out whatever I need even in the dark as I know exactly what/where it is and doesn't have me doing that manuever women make while digging in their purse.

    I looked at the kydex 'inserts' and they all sort of fit, but none really fit, plus they're like $80/panel which is more than I want to pay for something not specifically made for whatever ruck I'd use.

    I'd tell him to get an ATS RAID, but I don't like the meager shoulder straps it has especially if this will be his primary ruck.

    I remember TAG back before they sucked, used to make a 3 day/sniper ruck with exactly this setup and better shoulder straps. Anyone know if anyone is making anything like that anymore, or maybe has an old TAG ruck sitting in their closet?
    Tell him to get a 5.11 Rush 72 and one, or several of their MOLLE insert panels, of which they have a variety.
    PS - was Bundeswehr, Heer during Cold War and then U.S. Army .
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    I hear ya but.....
    Buy a molle panel insert from someone....they're all over the interwebs

    A friend owns Cilo Gear and make a lot of .mil packs......eveyone's going to panel inserts....
    It's a trend that makes packs more modular/versatile albeit not as clean or light in my opinion.

    How big a pack is he looking for?
    Have a look at the Kifaru X-ray , more $$ than the ATS but a world apart.
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    If you can find one, the old Kifaru Navigator (G2 I think) (tactical, naturally). 4Kcubic inches, just covered in molle everywhere - in and out. I have one and it's my primary hunting/camping pack.

    Rokslide and Kifaru classified would be a good bet.
    If you can find one, the old Kifaru Navigator (G2 I think) (tactical, naturally). 4Kcubic inches, just covered in molle everywhere - in and out. I have one and it's my primary hunting/camping pack.

    Rokslide and Kifaru classified would be a good bet.

    Yeah those are legit. Seem hard to find. No idea why people went away from that design.

    My friend already has a LBT 3 day he was wanting to use so was hoping to either find basically someones' closet trash TAG from 2006 or figure out a way to modify his with molle.
    I hear ya but.....
    Buy a molle panel insert from someone....they're all over the interwebs

    A friend owns Cilo Gear and make a lot of .mil packs......eveyone's going to panel inserts....
    It's a trend that makes packs more modular/versatile albeit not as clean or light in my opinion.

    How big a pack is he looking for?
    Have a look at the Kifaru X-ray , more $$ than the ATS but a world apart.

    3 day pack.

    Lashings on outside (pocket is a plus) for a tripod. Inside a spotter 60, pouches for PLRF15 + Kestrel, Trimble with accessories, 1-2 GP pouch with basic 'unfuck my gun' kit and batteries, etc. Bladder and then anything mission specific/duration specific tucked in.

    Outside basically just a pouch for binos.

    Wonder if theres a panel we can just get sewn in?
    Tactical Tailor will sew whatever you want in there. It'd be super simple to sew in a few strips of nylon.

    So will any stitch bitch outside any base. Live near an army base? That's your cheapest option. TT is your "best" option --they've been modding rucks and shit for decades now. Stitch bitch = cheaper + now, TT = quality + little more time, money.

    If the one I have was consistent and reliable enough, I could just hook you up (a "dude thing"?) but don't wanna waste your time with me not knowing if it even works still. The damn thing is 100 years old and mostly a decoration! But anyone with a sewing machine, it's only a few minutes worth of work really. When it was still tuned up I did all my own custom junk, just easier and faster to DIY it. If you have the machine. Most are strong enough to sew molle to nylon, even this 100yo Necchi Bu.
    LOL @ the dude thing

    Yeah I sent a message to @softcock already about the straightforward fix of sewing in a molle panel inside my friends' existing LBT ruck. He's just getting into this recently and having me show him how it all works and having a 'map' of how we're going to process to then toss in things like land nav, further distances, comms, observation and then doing it all in the dark, etc has me trying to avoid telling him that oh, now you need to buy this, and then another $200 here, and oh, you need this now, etc.

    TT is a sold option as well. Not like I'm trying to have something crazy made.
    Go Ruck,,brand,,made in USA,,GR2,,with inserts,,bomb prof.
    Don't really use my molle inserts.
    Learned long ago how to pack gear,,and how to get what I need out.
    MHO,,once gear is in a pouch,,held by molle. It's not really movable to get what you may need,,nor pack around them.
    Just my halfcent.
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    The panels, if fitted/cut correctly will wedgeinto your pack.
    I sewed short Velcro tabs in my Eberelestock LowDrag . At each corner of the main bag. A 1.5" length of Hook and another of Loop. They both wrapped into the aluminum frame insert and then locked to one another.
    Seems that you could do something similar with a Molle card instead of a frame.
    As for pack advice...a lot of these packs have no or absolute shite waist straps..which is just BS.
    Pack loads are carried on the waist, not the shoulders.
    LOL @ the dude thing

    Yeah I sent a message to @softcock already about the straightforward fix of sewing in a molle panel inside my friends' existing LBT ruck. He's just getting into this recently and having me show him how it all works and having a 'map' of how we're going to process to then toss in things like land nav, further distances, comms, observation and then doing it all in the dark, etc has me trying to avoid telling him that oh, now you need to buy this, and then another $200 here, and oh, you need this now, etc.

    TT is a sold option as well. Not like I'm trying to have something crazy made.
    sent you a PM

    Adding in a modular/velcro panel to an already completed pack , ( hard to say exactly being Sight Unseen ) .. all depends on how involved it is to get to the inside panel area that is to be sewn .
    You can't just sew threw things to add-on most times, and If it layered in there and have to dissemble several seems to access ? , .. the ( proper Order of Completion ) , to the assembly of the Pack could be straight-forward or a PIA , when getting trying to get in there and add something to an internal panel .

    I have several machines setup for different jobs, I even have a few cylinder bed machines and 'sometimes' I can reach into items and and scab stitching into tighter areas that are hard access . it just hard to say until you actually look at and have hands on to a item.
    To do it right you should tear down and add item, then reassemble back in proper order.
    but when ' not tearing down ' when adding 'scabbing' something into a already completed item it would be functional, but sometimes hard to make it look pretty with sewing with cylinder bed machine like singer mdl. 29's . or others slim cylinder stitchers .
    Does the Kifaru Shape Charge do anything for you? I just got one this summer & am really happy with it for precision rifle... It may be a touch too big but it had a lot of other features I like. What I really wanted was a Mystery Ranch 2 DAP but I also wanted something made in America... So here we are.

    This picture isn't entirely accurate as they've updated the pack & now there is MOLLE down the entire back (inside) of the pack.
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    Several of the Mystery Ranch packs have PALS webbing on the back panel inside. And Eberlestocks have PALS webbing on the inside of their opening flap. My Gunslinger II has it and the Phantom I have now has it. Perhaps anything with a radio pouch would work. Put those items in the radio pouch sonyou don’t have to dig so deep.

    I put a few pouches on the webbing in my Overlaod for a three day ruck match last year. It was a bit inconvenient to dig under them deeper in the pack for stuff, but I put them in there to hold my ammo and some of my heavier items I didn’t want migrating to the bottom of the pack. It was more to keep it as close to my body as I could.
    I like my Kifaru G2 but I do not remember seeing any mole on the inside.

    Sonicburlap, I know a guy stationed down here that was Bundeswehr, came to the states and joined the US Army. When he was Bundeswehr he was stationed across the street from my grandparents house in Neugoblonz.
    I like my Kifaru G2 but I do not remember seeing any mole on the inside.

    Sonicburlap, I know a guy stationed down here that was Bundeswehr, came to the states and joined the US Army. When he was Bundeswehr he was stationed across the street from my grandparents house in Neugoblonz.
    I know at least eight others who went that route, but only three of us who ended up stationed there for what we were doing for Uncle Sam.
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    I have a large bunch of MOLLY pads that can easily be added to the inside of any pack. Most are ranger green. PM if interested.
    They were made by Eagle Industries for adding to packs or plate carriers. Very nicely made. I use several. They have an internal backing to stiffen them but are light and thin.
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    Is this too small? I've used these, are handy

    This a current 2-day Camelback solid kit , is pretty nice but it's MOLLE; got it just for fun. Lots of MOLLE in/outside. MOLLE gear-rigging is getting pretty old in the tooth, mostly because it is so restrictive as to orientation of gear v. velcro inserts. Suggest your friend gets MOLLE enlightened.
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