I think you're arguing semantics but lets forgo that completely and address the main issue, which is "does this product do what it claims?" Shooting it in a 2 x 4 for a few shots surely isn't indicative of it's capabilities nor the ones the company promotes,so I don't see how that whole scenario is anything more than a novelty. The data and paper that Russ posted above is far more scientifically and proof driven then the 2 x 4 video.
However, as stated, I am skeptical of data such as this until such a time that it can be proven valid by another source or by myself. And that is solely based on my dealings as a military man, dealing with companies products and data/testimonials they provide to support their products claims. It's the reason why tests are still run even after the technical data is submitted by companies when a product is being evaluated.
I am hopeful that this product does deliver as claimed, I am just waiting to see how it performs in the field when people like you and I and the average joe are using it and things like production and quality can be better assessed.