Virus .14 to .06 microns. Filtration ability of N95 masks. .3 microns. Plenty of fact checks claiming n95s can in fact catch the virus. All I have read have been laughable at best. The virus is boned to this and that, and even if not the electrostatic in a mask would grab and hold it.
I swear fact checkers just throw spaghetti at the wall.
This attempt to discredit a central piece of protective gear used around the globe fails to account for several fundamental scientific principles.
Lets fill a bucket with muddy water and pour it though a window screen. I bet all the dirt will stick in the water that stays on the screen and clean water will pour out the bottom.
We get packs of N95s at work every week. People who wear them religiously and disinfect and wash their hands and use hand sanitizer getting sick. Me slopping around like a shit pig, living like a I did before this "new normal." My wife and I are in the 3 out of 30 people who have not been sick or quarantined. I spend all day with booger nosed preschoolers. 3-5 years.
My MSR water pump is .2 micron ceramic filter. It will filter bacteria and protozoa, but not a virus. Its still best practice to put some iodine in the water because of that.