Re: Apple pickers desperately needed..........
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: W54/XM-388</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think if you perhaps changed the rules and made it clear that they would not loose their unemployment or other benefits, disability or medicaid etc if they did some temporary work, it might make a big difference.
As much as people like to talk about those on government benefits not wanting to work, a big part of it is that they are trapped and can't change without loosing everything, it is almost as if it is designed to keep people poor & not working.
If you are on government benefits and have some money coming in each week, have food stamps and have government healthcare for yourself and your family etc. Would it be smart from a survival standpoint to throw it all away for a temporary job which you know will end after a month or two and then you will be left with nothing coming in. </div></div>
Thanks for that, I always enjoy hearing someone speak with common sense and a working brain. Listening to the usual blather mouthing BS sure gets old.