AR for 2 gun matches


Full Member
  • Dec 10, 2018
    Thomasville, NC
    Looking to get into some 2 gun matches and looking at these 2 rifles. Same price. Ruger has a 18” proof and the POF is 16”

    Which would be the better bet?

    Also, for 500-600 max on a 2 gun set up, what type of optic should I be looking at? Lpvo or mpvo?


    skip restaurants and bars for a while and save up for a JP ctr-02

    ditto on the glass, vortex 1-6 razor hd is a pretty nice choice.

    whatever you do, verify your dope out to the longest range you will shoot. also know your holds and scope offset for the close stuff.

    good idea to hit a match or two and see what everyone is using, most if not all will let you fondle their guns and even let you shoot some after a match.
    skip restaurants and bars for a while and save up for a JP ctr-02

    ditto on the glass, vortex 1-6 razor hd is a pretty nice choice.

    whatever you do, verify your dope out to the longest range you will shoot. also know your holds and scope offset for the close stuff.

    good idea to hit a match or two and see what everyone is using, most if not all will let you fondle their guns and even let you shoot some after a match.
    Really good advice.

    I watched the 23 3 Gun National Championships and the Rifles were kind of a formula build.

    1) They used obnoxiously loud breaks, every single rifle.
    2) They were typically 18 inch barrels and not a heavy profile.
    3) They used a long rail that was light, some round and some skeletonized aluminum so that the shooter could go really far forward with a C clamp grip.
    4) They had an adjustable gas system, either at the gas block or via the bcg (mostly at the gas block.
    5) They had lightened BCG, by that I mean skeletonized or titanium or both.
    6) A lot of them used something like the JP Silent Capture Spring system.
    7) Everyone in the top 20 used a similar optic system, an LPVO and an offset red dot. One of the people on this forum that competes can probably address this better but to me watching, it looked like they kept the LPVO at max magnification and would use the dot up close and then to find targets before rotating the gun to engage with the LPVO. In terms of brands, there were a ton including Nightforce, Vortex, S&B, Khales and I am sure others. I talked to one of the US Army shooters and he really preferred the Khales 1-6 with the 3GR reticle. He told me that he sights in at 100 yards and then verifies at 300 yards. He uses the first dot from point blank to 300. In the reticle there is a second dot that he then uses for holds out to 425 or so. He then uses the tree past that but rarely has to shoot past 500 when competing.

    As @davsco said, JP has got it figured out. I will bet you I saw a dozen of their rifles at the match. Almost every rifle there had some JP components present in their rig.
    Not sure JP will be in the budget. This will be just something I do for fun on the side when I have time. Trying not to dive all the way down this rabbit hole, as I have wjth long range stuff.
    Tough to nail down exactly what 2 gun means. I've seen 2 gun that was just a 3 gun clone minus shotguns, but I've also seen 2 gun that's "stand in box, engage 6 targets with 2 rounds with rifle. Unload and sling rifle, re-engage targets with 2 rounds from pistol"
    Literally any rifle will work for the stand in box and do exactly what we tell you matches.
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    Most 2gun matches will be shooting targets at least 8moa IME, maybe occasionally 4moa at max. And most of the shooting will be nice and close. spending extra for a proof barrel isn't going to do much of anything for you.

    For the same price as either of those you could get a BCM or SOLGW that IMO will be more likely to be dead nuts durable and reliable, which is by far the most important factor. Between those two I would definitely go POF.
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    Depends on the 2 gun matches.
    LPVO is what I recommend.

    I am running a 16" barrel on mine and usually just push the 55grn pills (been successful out to about 450 or 500 yards so far (third Coast Tactical 2 gun, run and gun biathlon type events along with some local matches (I have one this weekend and another next month)).
    Some improved trigger, JP, Gieselle, etc etc
    JP Captive buffer spring with the spring set (this becomes important when getting a really low mass bolt carrier setup)
    Lightweight bolt carrier group (Brownells titanium, Rubber City Armory Skeletonized Titanium etc)
    Adjustable gas block (SLR or other)
    Really effective muzzle break.
    I tried to gear some of my stuff to be a little lighter weight because I am running some distances with my rifle, pistol, water, ammunition and magazines (ounces add up to pounds).

    I found that with an extremely light weight BCG that it didn't have the mass to strip a round from the magazine. This is were the spring set for the JP captive buffer spring comes into play. I put some stiffer springs in and this remedied the issue and allowing the BCG to strip the rounds out of the magazine and chamber them. Once you get it together you get to run through the paces of tuning the rifle to the ammunition you plan to use for the matches
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