Re: AR Malfunction
The absence of that final shot could be the clue.
If he had a squib or short load, especially a short load, the next load could have been powerful enough to shove both bullets down the barrel saying the first bullet went much of the way down --I'm guessing here. Because I've seen an AR fired after a squib and it split the barrel cartoon style. Luckily that guy wasn't hurt either.
Another, equally damaging situation that often goes under-noticed is when you have a weak or short cartridge. If the round was powerful enough to actually go and then lodge in front of the gas tube, that pressure builds up and has to go somewhere. This can cause an overpressure event even though intuitively you'd expect underpressure. Hard to say if that is what happened here, I'm not an expert at that, but I've heard it happen before. More likely to me seems to be a squib or short followed by another round.
I've loaded some poor 9mm reloads in the beginning. I trusted a powder drop and measured every so many loads on a beam. Still, I ended up with some very weak rounds and one I caught, luckily another soldier at an army range, he caught the next one (boy, had it blown up that would have been some 'splaining!). Had to pull and reload 1000 9mm rounds, and I found 2 squibs and a few shorts. It taught me to be more careful, and so now I just invest the time and do 'em one at a time and weigh each load, but now I use a digital dispenser/scale, still use a single stage, and I measure a lot using my calipers. But I get great accuracy and great consistency, and I can't buy better ammo even when they use the same components at the same velocity.
Always wear GOOD eyepro! I use Gargoyles that are pretty thick ballistic glasses. For shooting and reloading, as well as working with power tools. Sorry, but uh, duh? Seen lots of guys get bad eye damage over the years, some permanent.
I saw a kid in basic training open the cover on a 240B and the round cooked off in his face when he lifted the feed tray. The brass ripped up one of his eyes and tore pretty much half his 18 year old face off. Totally blind in one eye, was blind for weeks in the other. Saw a couple other guys (me too, but I had those Gargoyles) shooting steels with M4's in El Presidente drills at REAL close range. One guy got hot jacket fragments embedded next to his eyeball in the tear duct, another got one on the other edge of his eye. When they hit your lip, you bleed a little and it sucks, they may scratch through your BDU, but losing an eye isn't worth it.