Something fun was sitting on the porch today when I got home!....I told you you were hot with your guess Scott.
A Steyr LGB1 Biathlon.
The last few hours I read the instructions.
Got the LOP and cheek height adjusted first.
The trigger adjusts 6 ways, Nice! I got it to my liking, set it for single stage and set it for 14 oz.
Side not...Geez, it's a good thing I had the fill adapter for my Steyr LP5 or I'd been SOL filling my new LGB1 up, none came with the rifle. I wonder if it's a mess up or not??? Calling Pilk Guns tomorrow. Filled it to 200 bar and tried a few shots with the single shots mags while sighting in at 6M. Let's just say those single shot mags won't be used much, because...
The 5 rounders are way WAY more fun! I absolutely love the way this rifle cocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Filling this page with exclamation points would never do this cocking system justice, seriously.
Here's how it works; trip the trigger - fires the pellet, move trigger finger to cocking actuator, give a slight pull of about 1/2", next pellet is now advanced, let go of actuator - actuator automatically returns to it's forward position, return finger to trigger and you're ready to fire again 4 more times. It's soooo nice not having to take my eye off the sight picture! Definitely the closest thing to semi auto there is.
Too me the Olympic style sights are exceptional. Although I wouldn't know the difference between these and what could be considered the best out there since I'm not a 10M match shooter.
The 10M factory test target attached to the instruction book was pretty tight, a little larger than a .177 cal pellet, 18.5-.19cal or thereabouts. Instructions were short, concise and to the point with plenty of sketches. No stupid BS in there like in most manuals these days.
I shot about a hundred 7.9 grain target pellets offhand, man my arms are tired LOL, but I was having too much fun to quit. Did 50 or so shots in the garage at the paper targets and am happy to report that I was never out of the black, even got bunch of 9's and 10's, grin. The Ergo's of this rifle are fantastic, I'm sure that helped produce the good scores. The rest were shot at 30Y on some Rams and Turkeys. The wind is blowing a good 15mph on the low side but still connected most of the time.
Honestly I'm as or more impressed with the STEYR LGB1 than I have been with any long gun I've owned! What a fun gun! I'd spend the money again in a heartbeat.
As I get more experience behind the LGB1 I'll throw some more comments in here. Any questions, feel free to ask.