Are these the kind of Boomers you'll keep talking about?

Congrats! 40 years in your trade is awesome. I’d like to invite you to read my post further down the thread; further explaining or trying to explain my point.

My biggest problem in the job market when it comes to boomers is them stating that millennials are lazy and not willing to work.

My career field is different and this argument really doesn’t apply. According to some people I grew up with. Their is no upward growth in some companies due to boomers not retiring. The company not offering raises, or incentives…etc. so they just do the bare minimum amount of work. @Mike Casselton brought up a good counter point to this.

As far as everything being paid for. That is my goal. Which is why i don’t have a house yet. (I will buy in cash!!)

Just please! Do not drive in the left lane doing 35mph on the freeway with a speed limit of 70mph.
Believe me, every generation has its lazy people.
Many reasons why some boomers don't retire, some can't afford too for various reasons . We could have a very long discussion on that topic.
Trust me, I ain't driving 35 in fast lane or the right lane.
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Who let communists / leftists take over all institutions education government etc ?

Who sold kids the lie that they could just get a degree and make $140k working 35 low stress hours a week ?

Who let 86 pass?

Who let all these illegals in ?

Who let voting turn into a month long affair with mail in etc ?
Wasn't the boomers , it was the leftist. Damn sure it wasn't me.
Congrats! 40 years in your trade is awesome. I’d like to invite you to read my post further down the thread; further explaining or trying to explain my point.

My biggest problem in the job market when it comes to boomers is them stating that millennials are lazy and not willing to work.

My career field is different and this argument really doesn’t apply. According to some people I grew up with. Their is no upward growth in some companies due to boomers not retiring. The company not offering raises, or incentives…etc. so they just do the bare minimum amount of work. @Mike Casselton brought up a good counter point to this.

As far as everything being paid for. That is my goal. Which is why i don’t have a house yet. (I will buy in cash!!)

Just please! Do not drive in the left lane doing 35mph on the freeway with a speed limit of 70mph.
I keep attempting to hire a young person to learn what we do at my work - and groom them to take over when I retire. So far we can’t get any young person to agree to come to work every day like us “old” guys do. And they also refuse the working conditions we work in. And then there’s the pay they expect….

More power to them if they can find easier work, in better conditions, and for more money. When I decide to retire - that will be the end of it.
I keep attempting to hire a young person to learn what we do at my work - and groom them to take over when I retire. So far we can’t get any young person to agree to come to work every day like us “old” guys do. And they also refuse the working conditions we work in. And then there’s the pay they expect….

More power to them if they can find easier work, in better conditions, and for more money. When I decide to retire - that will be the end of it.

I’m sorry to hear this. I tried for years to apprentice with some of the old guys I knew. They were happy to sit around and drink beer and BS, but they absolutely refused to actually teach. I didn’t even want paid - I just wanted the knowledge transfer.
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I keep attempting to hire a young person to learn what we do at my work - and groom them to take over when I retire. So far we can’t get any young person to agree to come to work every day like us “old” guys do. And they also refuse the working conditions we work in. And then there’s the pay they expect….

More power to them if they can find easier work, in better conditions, and for more money. When I decide to retire - that will be the end of it.
It’s definitely an interesting topic and societal observation. Good working people are hard to find nowadays regardless of region/age/race..etc. there are some truly hard and humble workers others quite contrary.

I’m not sure what you do as a career but Hopefully you can find someone.

I will say it is interesting. You say “the pay they expect…” or is it the pay they perceive to need? I can say rent is astronomical! Housing is flat stupid. Used cars are going as much as new cars were in 2018. Plus food…etc. i know a lot of us are feeling xidens economy. But a young idiot starting out… it would be a facinating read if someone smarter than i put out an article/case study about it….outside of the msm.
It’s definitely an interesting topic and societal observation. Good working people are hard to find nowadays regardless of region/age/race..etc. there are some truly hard and humble workers others quite contrary.

I’m not sure what you do as a career but Hopefully you can find someone.

I will say it is interesting. You say “the pay they expect…” or is it the pay they perceive to need? I can say rent is astronomical! Housing is flat stupid. Used cars are going as much as new cars were in 2018. Plus food…etc. i know a lot of us are feeling xidens economy. But a young idiot starting out… it would be a facinating read if someone smarter than i put out an article/case study about it….outside of the msm.
Most have some inflated idea that they should be able to know very little, have zero experience, and walk in the door starting at $100k per year. Yeah, that would be really nice - but it’s also an impossibility.
The term “baby boomer” was first used in January 1963 in a daily press article. The term was in use even before the last baby boomers were born. Therefore, if it was young people who were using it……baby boomers are the young people you are referring to. So……in the end I guess you are correct - and you’re referring to your own generation.
Ain't you the smart one? Granted, the term was coined long ago. But, as in here and recently in the last few years by young snots who think that they are wise old men at 40, it is used in a way that sometimes feels like "shut up, old man, and sit down."

Even if that is not meant. I would feel better if you addressed me as Senor Pendejo. I have earned at least that much respect.

IOW, you may think you can be an asshole but I wrote the book on it.
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Most have some inflated idea that they should be able to know very little, have zero experience, and walk in the door starting at $100k per year. Yeah, that would be really nice - but it’s also an impossibility.
This is true. There needs to be a starting wage. Now, I feel a starting wage and minimum wage should be different. Let me explain.

When it comes to minimum wage, Most of what has been said and read about is something to the effect of “minimum wage is a wage not meant to be able live by” but rather minimum wage as a starting point for a teenager entering the workforce under parent’s guidance to help educate them and give them some cash.

However if starting a “career” that is to say a job where one is to stay and grow in as well as to support oneself and potentially a family. The starting wage should be able to support this. Now a lifestyle change may be necessary to accomplish this and that is left to the individual(s) to determine if said career entry is viable or not.

Now I wish i could make $100k!!
Ain't you the smart one? Granted, the term was coined long ago. But, as in here and recently in the last few years by young snots who think that they are wise old men at 40, it is used in a way that sometimes feels like "shut up, old man, and sit down."

Even if that is not meant. I would feel better if you addressed me as Senor Pendejo. I have earned at least that much respect.

IOW, you may think you can be an asshole but I wrote the book on it.

We should do a podcast about it - combined I’m sure we have a lot to teach!
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Most have some inflated idea that they should be able to know very little, have zero experience, and walk in the door starting at $100k per year. Yeah, that would be really nice - but it’s also an impossibility.
I remember when I was a kid (I'm 35 now) the house my parents bought in a new town cost $140,000, according to my mom recently. My dad was probably making around $100k give or take. Now that same house costs over $500k. Wages haven't even doubled in that time. So I think we kind of need to remember that $100k now isn't the same as it used to be.

I do agree it isn't an entry level wage though.
Paragraphs 1,3 and 4, I agree with.

Paragraph 2, nope. You're not entitled to an older persons job, just because they are old. Same with their house or property.

Wait your turn, just like the Boomer did.
Some of us Boomers are putting off retirement because we feel there is an obligation to mentor the younger people in our industry to manage risk properly.
I couldn't care less if you're personally a 'Boomer', a 'GenXer', a 'Millennial' or.. what is it now 'Gen Z'(?)? How about we take a step back and realize that while we're arguing about generational differences (which a short google search will prove goes back for centuries) we instead recognize this argument is designed to keep us distracted and ignoring the issues at hand?

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I keep attempting to hire a young person to learn what we do at my work - and groom them to take over when I retire. So far we can’t get any young person to agree to come to work every day like us “old” guys do. And they also refuse the working conditions we work in. And then there’s the pay they expect….

More power to them if they can find easier work, in better conditions, and for more money. When I decide to retire - that will be the end of it.
I went thru this the last 5 years before I thought I retired, in 2009. Out of 100 people who would be interviewed about 90 +/- were rejected via the insurance company for driving, or the bonding company. 2-3 had a phobia of anything over 240Vac or anything 3 phase. 1-2 could not use a meter or read a print worth a shit. Of the last 5, 1-2 could talk the talk, but during a hands on test, will it was just laughable. That would leave about 3 who could qualify for deeper training, 1 or sometimes 2 of those had family issues preventing weekend on call. Then most of the time the last one would want top pay to start, when in fact he was only a 6 on a 10 scale. We found it easier to take a young mechanic who wanted to learn the EPG world, (& get a huge pay bump right away) and put him under the wing of a lead guy to groom as his replacement. That seemed to work well. At my age (77) now I'm still at the end of the phone. In the last year the on site visits have upped somewhat, but not due to company personnel issues. Mostly due to std industry gear changes & lack of training of the field folks. They would show up on a job and its the first time anyone seen that kind of control set up or combination thereof. A lot of the hardened new shit going in, is not coming with prints for a few reasons, now.
I’m sorry to hear this. I tried for years to apprentice with some of the old guys I knew. They were happy to sit around and drink beer and BS, but they absolutely refused to actually teach. I didn’t even want paid - I just wanted the knowledge transfer.
You were among people that were scared you would exceed & take their job. The world is full of the kind. There are company's out there that are 180* of that environment. These are the company's you never see a help wanted ad for, as their doors are always full of people trying to get in. These company's are where the average wage for a field guy is 150-175 w/o O/T, supervisors are in the 200-250 range, and the Sr field sup is 300-? depending.

To get something in life you have to give up something, and most folks these days are unwilling to change & what everything, for nothing. They don't what to "Sacrifice" for anything, they want it all handed to them on a platter, from the gate. This is what their parents & gov has taught them and generations of that mentally are walking into HR department all over this country. Most need to do a life check before seeking a company that pays good, requires a good MVR*, and be bonded to extremely high levels.

MVR* some company's will boot you(no matter how long you have been there) for a ticket for 15mph over posted as you can no longer drive a company vehicle which is required for your job,... & some 2 points or more, is a major issue.
Don't worry.
The millennials will be taking our place as "the old fuckers" soon enough.
I don't think that many will live to the age some of us have/will, because our life choices are/were much different than, theirs. Some of the self destructive traits are easy to spot even in posts, once you start looking for them,...
As far as everything being paid for. That is my goal. Which is why i don’t have a house yet. (I will buy in cash!!
This is a Slippery slope. Buying on terms is a good thing if done correctly. As far as a house goes you can lock in the price so it does not increase. You also don't waste money on rent. The interest is a tax deduction. The house also increases in value as the mortgage stays the same. 1 good way to buy a house is to put 20% down and only finance for 15 years. The goal is to pay it off an live debt free. please don't buy a house so expensive you don't have any money to invest in your retirement. If you don't start investing early you'll be the one that has to work till you are 80.
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I keep attempting to hire a young person to learn what we do at my work - and groom them to take over when I retire. So far we can’t get any young person to agree to come to work every day like us “old” guys do. And they also refuse the working conditions we work in. And then there’s the pay they expect….

More power to them if they can find easier work, in better conditions, and for more money. When I decide to retire - that will be the end of it.
This. For the last 10 years trying to hire someone young and teach them a trade is a nightmare. They already think they know everything and they want to be paid like they have 20 years experience. Also ask them to work more than 35 hours a week and they think you are crazy.
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I went thru this the last 5 years before I thought I retired, in 2009. Out of 100 people who would be interviewed about 90 +/- were rejected via the insurance company for driving, or the bonding company. 2-3 had a phobia of anything over 240Vac or anything 3 phase. 1-2 could not use a meter or read a print worth a shit. Of the last 5, 1-2 could talk the talk, but during a hands on test, will it was just laughable. That would leave about 3 who could qualify for deeper training, 1 or sometimes 2 of those had family issues preventing weekend on call. Then most of the time the last one would want top pay to start, when in fact he was only a 6 on a 10 scale. We found it easier to take a young mechanic who wanted to learn the EPG world, (& get a huge pay bump right away) and put him under the wing of a lead guy to groom as his replacement. That seemed to work well. At my age (77) now I'm still at the end of the phone. In the last year the on site visits have upped somewhat, but not due to company personnel issues. Mostly due to std industry gear changes & lack of training of the field folks. They would show up on a job and its the first time anyone seen that kind of control set up or combination thereof. A lot of the hardened new shit going in, is not coming with prints for a few reasons, now.

You were among people that were scared you would exceed & take their job. The world is full of the kind. There are company's out there that are 180* of that environment. These are the company's you never see a help wanted ad for, as their doors are always full of people trying to get in. These company's are where the average wage for a field guy is 150-175 w/o O/T, supervisors are in the 200-250 range, and the Sr field sup is 300-? depending.

To get something in life you have to give up something, and most folks these days are unwilling to change & what everything, for nothing. They don't what to "Sacrifice" for anything, they want it all handed to them on a platter, from the gate. This is what their parents & gov has taught them and generations of that mentally are walking into HR department all over this country. Most need to do a life check before seeking a company that pays good, requires a good MVR*, and be bonded to extremely high levels.

MVR* some company's will boot you(no matter how long you have been there) for a ticket for 15mph over posted as you can no longer drive a company vehicle which is required for your job,... & some 2 points or more, is a major issue.
Many of the 30 somethings I oversee are incapable of seeing the big picture. Considering anything outside their immediate personal concerns has never crossed their minds. There are a few that can do so, but not many.
I went thru this the last 5 years before I thought I retired, in 2009. Out of 100 people who would be interviewed about 90 +/- were rejected via the insurance company for driving, or the bonding company. 2-3 had a phobia of anything over 240Vac or anything 3 phase. 1-2 could not use a meter or read a print worth a shit. Of the last 5, 1-2 could talk the talk, but during a hands on test, will it was just laughable. That would leave about 3 who could qualify for deeper training, 1 or sometimes 2 of those had family issues preventing weekend on call. Then most of the time the last one would want top pay to start, when in fact he was only a 6 on a 10 scale. We found it easier to take a young mechanic who wanted to learn the EPG world, (& get a huge pay bump right away) and put him under the wing of a lead guy to groom as his replacement. That seemed to work well. At my age (77) now I'm still at the end of the phone. In the last year the on site visits have upped somewhat, but not due to company personnel issues. Mostly due to std industry gear changes & lack of training of the field folks. They would show up on a job and its the first time anyone seen that kind of control set up or combination thereof. A lot of the hardened new shit going in, is not coming with prints for a few reasons, now.

You were among people that were scared you would exceed & take their job. The world is full of the kind. There are company's out there that are 180* of that environment. These are the company's you never see a help wanted ad for, as their doors are always full of people trying to get in. These company's are where the average wage for a field guy is 150-175 w/o O/T, supervisors are in the 200-250 range, and the Sr field sup is 300-? depending.

To get something in life you have to give up something, and most folks these days are unwilling to change & what everything, for nothing. They don't what to "Sacrifice" for anything, they want it all handed to them on a platter, from the gate. This is what their parents & gov has taught them and generations of that mentally are walking into HR department all over this country. Most need to do a life check before seeking a company that pays good, requires a good MVR*, and be bonded to extremely high levels.

MVR* some company's will boot you(no matter how long you have been there) for a ticket for 15mph over posted as you can no longer drive a company vehicle which is required for your job,... & some 2 points or more, is a major issue.
It sure is different here in Alberta, Canada. There's no shortage of people willing to work 10-12 hours days, while working shifts over 2 weeks straight (labor laws have changed and you can't work 3 months straight on the rigs anymore), and that's with wages that look lower than the ones you're describing. I don't disagree there are people like the ones you describe, but I also don't see a terrible shortage of people willing to sacrifice their comfort for good money, at least from my point of view. I've been a journeyman electrician since I was 23 and I'm still working 11-12 hour days, begrudgingly at times.

The oil field is different though, and Alberta has bred a lot of people who know this money is temporary, so get it while you can until oil prices drop again. I wonder about the younger generations too, but I just had my second cousins son reach out to me asking me what companies to apply for because he wants a camp job as an electrician. He just graduated high school. All depends on who raised them.
I bought a small 15 acre piece of land in the mid 80’s financed by double digit interest. Sold it a couple years later for a profit to use as a down payment on our first house. I remember the house was around $130,000 at a 8-9% interest rate.

My in-laws were telling me how a couple decades earlier their first home was less than $30,000 and they had to sacrifice to afford it.

Every generation has seen difficult times. It’s how you respond to difficult times that makes the difference.
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Old people who don't have mortgages, and pay cash for second & third homes?

Old people who pay cash for everything including new rides?

Old people who don't run from a fight?

Old people who know the difference between a man & woman?

People who made their own way in life, vs .gov tit sucking & whining about everything?

People who did not marry for tits, ass or cash and then bitch about their ex all the time?

People who never even considered having American made tits, over home grown.

A large group of People who were fucked over by the gov, in 1965.

People who don't give a shit about Gucci anything?

A group of people who don't care what the flavor of the week is or who is fucking who.

Are these the boomers you'll are talking about?
That's me except for the first and second items
Boomers, Millennials, Gen-Xers, cars, music, art, etc. 90% of everything and everyone is pure shit. It’s not the generation, it’s the few people within each that make things work. I’m a boomer and I’m willing to admit that our great country has gone to shit under our watch. I thought that by starting a business 40 years ago and employing 20 people over the years was doing my part. It wasn’t enough and here we are.
We gotta post now - before the grim reaper takes us on account of our old age and failing sight.

Don't worry.
The millennials will be taking our place as "the old fuckers" soon enough.
Yes, and it is important to let the young'ns know that they suck and that they will continue to suck as they get older.

Sometimes, all age does is help to gather more suckage.
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Ain't you the smart one? Granted, the term was coined long ago. But, as in here and recently in the last few years by young snots who think that they are wise old men at 40, it is used in a way that sometimes feels like "shut up, old man, and sit down."

Even if that is not meant. I would feel better if you addressed me as Senior Pendejo. I have earned at least that much respect.

IOW, you may think you can be an asshole but I wrote the book on it.
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Who let communists / leftists take over all institutions education government etc ?

Who sold kids the lie that they could just get a degree and make $140k working 35 low stress hours a week ?

Who let 86 pass?

Who let all these illegals in ?

Who let voting turn into a month long affair with mail in etc ?
This. For the last 10 years trying to hire someone young and teach them a trade is a nightmare. They already think they know everything and they want to be paid like they have 20 years experience. Also ask them to work more than 35 hours a week and they think you are crazy.
It's the same for white collar jobs. too.

Wah, he made me FEEL uncomfortable. Wah, what do you mean I have to come into the office. Wah, wah, wah... Respect is earned, not granted.

I'm retiring in three years and let it be known. My boss asked me last week to consider staying longer. It seems that the bench players are are not all that--simply, just too entitled.

I gave my career 150% effort. Yet, it does not define me. I have lots of things that I still want to do--work not being one of them.
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It's the same for white collar jobs. too.

Wah, he made me FEEL uncomfortable. Wah, what do you mean I have to come into the office. Wah, wah, wah... Respect is earned, not granted.

I'm retiring in three years and let it be known. My boss asked me last week to consider staying longer. It seems that the bench players are are not all that--simply, just too entitled.

I gave my career 150% effort. Yet, it does not define me. I have lots of things that I still want to do--work not being one of them.
It worse, they are in management now so that's how you get this diversity training bullshit that is all "lets celebrate everyone"

That is what most sheep on this rock, in fact are. Happy to be kept in a dark cool place, and fed shit.
Calling people "Sheep" is funny to me. Anyone calling people "sheep", are usually "sheepish" just for using the term. Seems like everyone calls everyone "sheep" today. What does that make those people using that word?