Are you Racist?

Racists on Snipers Hide??

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I expect to get flamed for this but here goes......

The only thing on the hide that bugs me is the Anti Black posts.....

If someone is/was a dirtbag, I am fine talking shit about them....

The "Jokes" in the Politically Incorrect thread that are just an attack on someone for being black... or saying the word Nigger as people will laugh at the word... it bugs me...

I do see the irony when a BLM activist is caught doing some hinky or criminal shit... but I laugh at the irony, not that they are black.

Am I misreading it or do we have a lot of pure and simple racists on the forum?
Racism means that I believe my race is superior to other races and that I must always put other races down by systematic governmental mechanisms. But, I have seen my race, and it's not better than the others. The only difference is the amount of pigmentation in my skin based upon climatic/genetic background.

I agree with Rthur, we are all the same human race, and you can identify that by our ability to breed amongst ourselves to replicate other humans no matter what the skin color - it's all the human race.
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I may see less racism here than you do, but I agree that it is ugly when I see it. And potentially a problem for members in the military or police.
holy shit are you even fucking serious?

someone makes an off color joke and you get your panties all in a twist?.....god when did we start allowing whiny bitches on the forums?


god, Dave Chapelle based his entire career around telling "nigger" jokes.........but no ones busting his balls about "being a racist"......but if youre the type who throws out the "oh its ok because hes black" BS......he also tells "white" jokes.

yet i dont see you getting all pissy over that.........most people dont....because they are just that......jokes.

if you find it "offensive".....i suggest you grow some fucking skin.....or better yet, just stay off the internet.
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You are what you are, you is what you is, said the zebra.
You are what you are born. You have a genetic identity. You are born with a survival gene. You survive on deep rooted genetic fight or flight.
Anything that threatens that deep rooted buried survival mechanism and your natural genetic survival mechanism creates a response, a survival response.
History has shown as whole civilizations are wiped out by conquerors, wars fought to maintain a way of life, ethnic cleansing to remove a threat to a way of life, gang murders, all actions to maintain your genetic predisposition, are acts "somebody" has labeled "racist".
There are as many variations of racist as there are individual humans.
Everybody is racist due to a genetic survival gene.... it is what it is.
However, not everybody acts out on it, choosing to view any person they meet as a worthy individual of brotherhood, no matter their race. I applaud those people, and would like to think I am one, but I'm only fooling myself some days.

And then there are those whose genetic survival instinct lets them laugh at "anybody else", they are born to it, and life puts them closer to it. I don't judge them for it because I have those days myself, and I don't let myself be offended by them, after all, we are all born with "that" survival gene.

And there are those who's hatred and actions are societies definition of racist..... No, I am not one of those. I spent a lot of my life working to put those people away or send them to hell. No apologies.

Topics like these can inflame, I hate those inflammatory topics. Topics like these can begin healing, but rarely on an internet board. Topics like these are best done face to face with an "other" as you and the "other" find brotherhood, then they are no longer an "other", but they are now your "brother".

Whatever you are looking for, I hope you find.

The Strykervet go fund me proved on this internet board that a lot of multi hued people HERE kicked in to a brother here. So......... some of those people seem to offend the OP.
With ABSOLUTELY NO offense intended. Get over it...
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Someone posts a sick still shot from a porno then bitches about seeing something they deem racist. That's called being a hypocrite.

Edit: Nevermind, that wasn't you that posted that.
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Racist the little word that cried wolf.

My Skin is white so the MSM, BLM, and all Liberal thinking professors tell me I have to be a Racist.

Trump who demanded that people of color must be allowed to join his club in Palm Beach...But The MSM says he is a Racist. So I am confused please define Racist.
Racist the little word that cried wolf.

My Skin is white so the MSM, BLM, and all Liberal thinking professors tell me I have to be a Racist.

Trump who demanded that people of color must be allowed to join his club in Palm Beach...But The MSM says he is a Racist. So I am confused please define Racist.

You like going to sporting events where u and others drive things real fast in a big circle ?? :- ) :- ) :- ) :- ) :- ),

If that's the case, I'm for sure one.
Safe space:

Safe joke: Why don't bears wear socks? Because they have bear (bare) feet! My grand daughter cracks up over that one...

Otherwise, jokes are jokes, and there is a long history of them being off color and "R rated". Don't like them, do like I do and don't go to that thread, same with the "Motivational Pic" thread as I know how to google up some T&A pics if I ever care to do so.

Frank has squashed many a racist on the Hide over the years, this is far from a racist board. Some haters are here, but it's the internet and I see far worse in the comments section of major news outlets.
I don't know what the word "Racist" implies. I'm proud of being white, male, and a US citizen. If I'm supposed to be ashamed of that, go fuck yourself. I don't believe one human is born disliking another, but statistics don't fucking lie. 38% of inmates are black, while they only make up 14% of the population. In my area, 9 times out of 10 the murder highlighted on the news has a black suspect. Statistically, I'm safer hanging around with white people.

How did you learn the stove was hot? How many times did it take watching your parents burn themselves on the stove, and burning yourself on the stove, before you decided that was enough and you didn't want to touch the burning grate or coil anymore?

My great grandfather didn't like blacks because they would farm the land cheaper than he could afford to, not realizing they were becoming an indentured servant to a farmer who grew and grew until my grandfather couldn't afford to keep up with the big guy with his cheap labor. There is a reason for the dislike.

I had a black friend in high school. Out of the ~10 friends that came around, he was the only one who ever stole the jar of my parents coins after I let him stay the night. There is a reason for the dislike.

The hide is one of the last few places I can go and speak my mind without someone, such as yourself, pulling the race card and bitching. Don't like the jokes, leave.
Political Correctness robbed the USA of Dave Chappelle, Dave aint Dave anymore, the speech police ruind comedy. This is america ferkrissake, half you fuckers have african DNA the other half are just fags, we make fun of each other, we fuck with each other, the only racists I see today all have D next to their name. Comedy has been killed over this PC shit. Fuck all you all, as we say here in the south, and Fuck you you fucking fucks as we say in New Jersey. Lighten The fuck up.

holy shit are you even fucking serious?

someone makes an off color joke and you get your panties all in a twist?.....god when did we start allowing whiny bitches on the forums?


god, Dave Chapelle based his entire career around telling "nigger" jokes.........but no ones busting his balls about "being a racist"......but if youre the type who throws out the "oh its ok because hes black" BS......he also tells "white" jokes.

yet i dont see you getting all pissy over that.........most people dont....because they are just that......jokes.

if you find it "offensive".....i suggest you grow some fucking skin.....or better yet, just stay off the internet.
Nobody and I repeat NOBODY has ever been physically affected by the word nigger. Words by themselves can't be racist. It's the context behind them that decides that. The funny thing is the word nigger is suppose to be derogatory towards blacks just like the word faggot is suppose to be derogatory towards gay guys. Personally, I use both of those words on a daily basis and I honestly can't remember the last time I used them to describe a black or a gay.

For any SJW faggots who may be reading this post and wanna play the race card, FUCK OFF! The days of extreme racism are long gone here in America. Do you see bathrooms labeled "whites only" anymore? Do you see black kids being turned away from going to school with white kids? Do you see drinking fountains labeled "coloreds only"? The list goes on.
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Why is it expected and OK for black people to call each other Nigger with every other word, nigger this nigger that, yet when my Cracker ass uses that word or any other Honky says it they and you get all bent out of shape?
It is a bad word and no one should use it?
I think you need to thicken your skin or just stay out of Socially UNacceptable Humor.
With a title like that, what were YOU, OP, expecting to see? Bible verses? FM
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Political Correctness robbed the USA of Dave Chappelle, Dave aint Dave anymore, the speech police ruind comedy. This is america ferkrissake, half you fuckers have african DNA the other half are just fags, we make fun of each other, we fuck with each other, the only racists I see today all have D next to their name. Comedy has been killed over this PC shit. Fuck all you all, as we say here in the south, and Fuck you you fucking fucks as we say in New Jersey. Lighten The fuck up.

Id say just about every movie or TV show I watched as a kid would be unacceptable today.....Blazing Saddles, Caddyshack, 1941, Animal House, Cheech and Chong, Richard Pryor.......classics but now forbidden.

I guess the Nazis are not the only ones that burn books and prohibit other forms of speech.
Id say just about every movie or TV show I watched as a kid would be unacceptable today.....Blazing Saddles, Caddyshack, 1941, Animal House, Cheech and Chong, Richard Pryor.......classics but now forbidden.

I guess the Nazis are not the only ones that burn books and prohibit other forms of speech.
If they did a remake of blazing saddles everyone would get thrown in jail. No diferent than burning books to me.
So as a regular poster in the Unacceptable Humor thread.... I decided to do a little empirical research. And went back 25 pages just to see how deplorable we all are. I informally categorized pictures and some text jokes....

Here is what I came up with:

Nazis 4
Midgets 2
Holocaust 22
Veer and AJ busting on each other 11
Old people 2
Libtards 12
Porn 8
Use of the N-word including contractions 5
Black jokes in general 20
Retards 11
Pedophiles 4
Fatsos 3
Gays and trannys 13
Baby murdering 8
Suicide 4
Religion 8
Vegan freaks 4
Gangsta douchebags 1
Rape humor 5
Sex with animals 9
Making fun of Women 24
A-rabs 7
Asians 5
Just plain weird sh** 41
Handicapped 7
Cannibalism 6
Rednecks 6
Mexicans 2

So out of c. 254 posts I counted... that's 2 percent N-word. And 10 percent black jokes (including the N-word jokes.)

I call Socially Unacceptable exactly what it is... Offensive to everyone, everything, every group, every taboo... and at all levels. Noone plays favorites... they rip on everyone. That's what makes it funny! I'm just amazed that there was not a single Po-lack joke. Or a Newfie joke for Sean.

Ok, semi-unscientific survey over. If you want more details, call the RAND Corporation...

Cheers, Sirhr
This is what it is, either grow a s pair, and accept what happens here, or go away......this a forum for grown ups......political correctness is not required here.......there is a vast majority of the people here enjoy the sick, perverted, non politically correct shit that happens here.........if you don't like it, here is a link for unicorns and rainbows........maybe more to your liking:
So as a regular poster in the Unacceptable Humor thread.... I decided to do a little empirical research. And went back 25 pages just to see how deplorable we all are. I informally categorized pictures and some text jokes....

Here is what I came up with:

Nazis 4
Midgets 2
Holocaust 22
Veer and AJ busting on each other 11
Old people 2
Libtards 12
Porn 8
Use of the N-word including contractions 5
Black jokes in general 20
Retards 11
Pedophiles 4
Fatsos 3
Gays and trannys 13
Baby murdering 8
Suicide 4
Religion 8
Vegan freaks 4
Gangsta douchebags 1
Rape humor 5
Sex with animals 9
Making fun of Women 24
A-rabs 7
Asians 5
Just plain weird sh** 41
Handicapped 7
Cannibalism 6
Rednecks 6
Mexicans 2

So out of c. 254 posts I counted... that's 2 percent N-word. And 10 percent black jokes (including the N-word jokes.)

I call Socially Unacceptable exactly what it is... Offensive to everyone, everything, every group, every taboo... and at all levels. Noone plays favorites... they rip on everyone. That's what makes it funny! I'm just amazed that there was not a single Po-lack joke. Or a Newfie joke for Sean.

Ok, semi-unscientific survey over. If you want more details, call the RAND Corporation...

Cheers, Sirhr

That is so great an analysis
Sure I am. Not because I really believe it, but because it triggers whiny Ass snowflake bitches like yourself into throwing temper tantrums.

Grow up, man. No ones opinions about anything are worth getting your panties twisted this tight.
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Which brings us to the Jewish problem....

That made me laugh out loud.

Id say just about every movie or TV show I watched as a kid would be unacceptable today.....Blazing Saddles, Caddyshack, 1941, Animal House, Cheech and Chong, Richard Pryor.......classics but now forbidden.

I guess the Nazis are not the only ones that burn books and prohibit other forms of speech.

Don’t forget M.A.S.H. Remember Junglebunny?
In my observations, the ones that see racism all the time and in everything are they themselves the biggest racists by far. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, ad nauseum. The Obama administration managed to racially divide this country more than any other in history by claiming they wanted to put an end to all the racism they themselves dreamed up and created . So if you want to holler about someone else being racist you might better go look in a mirror first.
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The type of humor took away the power of the words.

Blazing Saddles did it to a point of ridiculousness.

The libs have worked hard to give the words back the power they lacked.

and tonight we have this...

To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the greatest works against racism a person can read.......banned.

My daughter is reading Huckleberry Finn right now for school, and read To Kill A Mockingbird last year.
So as a regular poster in the Unacceptable Humor thread.... I decided to do a little empirical research. And went back 25 pages just to see how deplorable we all are. I informally categorized pictures and some text jokes....

Here is what I came up with:

Nazis 4
Midgets 2
Holocaust 22
Veer and AJ busting on each other 11
Old people 2
Libtards 12
Porn 8
Use of the N-word including contractions 5
Black jokes in general 20
Retards 11
Pedophiles 4
Fatsos 3
Gays and trannys 13
Baby murdering 8
Suicide 4
Religion 8
Vegan freaks 4
Gangsta douchebags 1
Rape humor 5
Sex with animals 9
Making fun of Women 24
A-rabs 7
Asians 5
Just plain weird sh** 41
Handicapped 7
Cannibalism 6
Rednecks 6
Mexicans 2

So out of c. 254 posts I counted... that's 2 percent N-word. And 10 percent black jokes (including the N-word jokes.)

I call Socially Unacceptable exactly what it is... Offensive to everyone, everything, every group, every taboo... and at all levels. Noone plays favorites... they rip on everyone. That's what makes it funny! I'm just amazed that there was not a single Po-lack joke. Or a Newfie joke for Sean.

Ok, semi-unscientific survey over. If you want more details, call the RAND Corporation...

Cheers, Sirhr

Now count how many naked black vs white chicks Hermosa has posted up!?
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