Arkansas hunter takes down apartment complex mass shooter with scoped rifle. Perp dead on the spot. One innocent resident killed by perp.

Times have changed , but if this wasn’t a good shoot there never will be one !
Should give the hunter/shooter a parade and the key to the fuckin city. As bad as I feel for the old lady and her family , this could have been LOTS worse ! He saved life’s and the city a bunch more police work ! throw in a statue !
I see your point the way the shits been shaking lately. That said , I trust them
to do the right thing and call it a righteous shot.
Ft Smith has a good police department , just can’t be there all the time.
I usually travel with only a handgun , and feel unprepared , thinking my long gun of choice is riding with me from now on. 👍
I trust and have no respect for any govt institution especially those with the power and capability to ruin my life such as the police. In fact this is the only institution with the power and capability of violence to do so.

edit: simplified my response
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I guess you really don't need to know wind speed ,bullet drop, spin drift , Coriolis effect . You just aim and shoot and watch the target drop.
never fails. there is always one. and today, you’re that guy.

he got it done, one shot. what more do you want? fudd joke all you want, dude saved lives. regardless of his zero.
I WILL joke all I want. Uh, that’s what I was doing and without your permission. Shooting someone with a rifle doesn’t impress me. Haha

But I’m sorry to interrupt your stroking or whatever gots your panties in a wad. It’s sniperhide bud. Better get use to jokes.
A lever action 45/70 pushing 405gr to the chest cavity (and caught on camera) would have been the way to end it. That way there could be an open casket funeral and you could draw a dick-pic on the kids face.
A lever action 45/70 pushing 405gr to the chest cavity (and caught on camera) would have been the way to end it. That way there could be an open casket funeral and you could draw a dick-pic on the kids face.

Heck I was surprised how my 30-30 would make large steel plates dance, 45/70, I think if there is a afterlife, you wouldn’t make it there if you got met with a 45/70 lol
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Fucked around, found out.

Good riddance!

Accolades to Mr. Hunter.


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was an army veteran. Dont know about donations to him though. Maybe Lois Family instead.
I am soooooo tempted to post the news stories about him along with "Burn in hell you psychopathic retard."

Whatever he once was went out the window when he pursued a little old lady who was trying to help into her home and shot her multiple times in cold blood.

Fuck him and his eternity as a corpse.

I am soooooo tempted to post the news stories about him along with "Burn in hell you psychopathic retard."

Whatever he once was went out the window when he pursued a little old lady who was trying to help into her home and shot her multiple times in cold blood.

Fuck him and his eternity as a corpse.


They at least could have linked to a go fund me for the victims, pretty tone deaf for the family of that nut to be posting it like that on the web
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Fudd and this guy should not be used in the same sentence. Or post. Ever again.

Man is a warrior who got it done. It’s not the equipment. Or the setup. It’s the soul and guts of a man who got it done when it counted.

Funny how all the boogaloo guys talking shit for the last year are still posting from their bunker and a regular guy took care of business.
Pisses me off when the cops take the guns from the good guy until the "investigation" is complete. At a minimum they should have to replace it until they give it back. Most people on this forum would still be more than fine (i've heard of people that have as many as 3 guns) but what if that was his only one? It worked out pretty good that he had it- so maybe temporarily stealing it isn't the best policy.
Pisses me off when the cops take the guns from the good guy until the "investigation" is complete. At a minimum they should have to replace it until they give it back. Most people on this forum would still be more than fine (i've heard of people that have as many as 3 guns) but what if that was his only one? It worked out pretty good that he had it- so maybe temporarily stealing it isn't the best policy.
I understand that they have to do the forensics as part of the investigation. Even an officer's gun gets taken for the 'clearance' investigation.

What always DID piss me off was that some 'investigators' go at the gun with an electric pencil instead of a wired on tag. It's wanton destruction. Then again, you get the gun back and there is a certain segment of macabre collectors that the gun's value goes up 10x. But I've had friends who surrendered firearms in a divorce or a (un-warranted) domestic abuse accusation. They get the guns back totally defaced with an electric pencil because some weasel in an evidence office enjoys destroying the value in firearms. And there is nothing one can do about it.

But I understand it. Lawyers are lawyers.

Pisses me off when the cops take the guns from the good guy until the "investigation" is complete. At a minimum they should have to replace it until they give it back. Most people on this forum would still be more than fine (i've heard of people that have as many as 3 guns) but what if that was his only one? It worked out pretty good that he had it- so maybe temporarily stealing it isn't the best policy.

How long does it take to print it and fire a test round or two? Don’t get why they can’t get the thing back the same week if it appeared to be a justified shoot.

I mean if you drive through the carpool lane you get ticket damn near the same week, and that’s much more circumstantial
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How long does it take to print it and fire a test round or two? Don’t get why they can’t get the thing back the same week if it appeared to be a justified shoot.

I mean if you drive through the carpool lane you get ticket damn near the same week, and that’s much more circumstantial
Have you ever been to a DMV office? The swamp is the swamp. From the License Lady to the guy processing evidence. If they don't like someone, they use their Karen Powers to make their lives hell.

Just 'sayin.

I understand that they have to do the forensics as part of the investigation. Even an officer's gun gets taken for the 'clearance' investigation.

What always DID piss me off was that some 'investigators' go at the gun with an electric pencil instead of a wired on tag. It's wanton destruction. Then again, you get the gun back and there is a certain segment of macabre collectors that the gun's value goes up 10x. But I've had friends who surrendered firearms in a divorce or a (un-warranted) domestic abuse accusation. They get the guns back totally defaced with an electric pencil because some weasel in an evidence office enjoys destroying the value in firearms. And there is nothing one can do about it.

But I understand it. Lawyers are lawyers.

Always borrow a friends rifle when duty calls.
Outstanding that he jumped in and saved the day

Hope to God he doesn't get charged
I seriously doubt anything negative will happen to him. Arkansas has its faults , but having common sense is a common trait. I figure it will be a justifiable shoot and it will die down soon , just like the perp 👍
Different time and situation ..... I know a local woman that was repeatedly physically abused by her husband. He gave her one last beating , he went to the mailbox , she blew his head off , literally with a 30.06. The police never even made her go to the PD. Didn’t take the weapon ....Ruled a good shoot on the spot basically , she got no more beatings.
It is "the Hunter" who's name should be everywhere, and face should be copied/pasted (IF he's willing, of course) because he is the POSITIVE in this scenario. He deserves to be recognized AND remembered.

The 'That' only deserves derision, and anonymity.
I doubt it will be revealed ? Doubt he wants the attention....up to him I hope?
Like to shake his hand. Dude has balls ,no doubt about that.👍
Black Rifle coffee come out yet and say they dont want to comment on this tragedy?
I think the Ivy League Business School CEO probably came out and named a coffee after the deceased loser and donated a million dollars to ban hunting rifles.

That's what BRCC is all about these days.

So did anyone else look at his picture and see loser Incel living in his parents basement... probably fueled on Ritalin and anti-retard drugs, hanging out on the dark web and fapping to images of dead ferrets?
You just described half of the Hide members, the other half are on Geritol.
What I see in this is the contrast for the left’s ideal view of law enforcement. Deploy social workers instead of armed professionals to a violent incident. The (presumably) nice old lady tried the care and compassion route and got smoked, dude with rifle ended the threat with deadly force when it was appropriate to save lives.
This is what jumped out at me. Maybe presumptuous, but I'm thinking that poor old woman probably bought the Kool-Aid spouted on the "news" that consoling is a viable option. Take note, social workers, because I'm betting her tragic fate will be yours 9 out 10 times, if this is the route our "law enforcement" is supposed to take.
I WILL joke all I want. Uh, that’s what I was doing and without your permission. Shooting someone with a rifle doesn’t impress me. Haha

But I’m sorry to interrupt your stroking or whatever gots your panties in a wad. It’s sniperhide bud. Better get use to jokes.
looks like someone just discovered fuzz on their nuts.

so tell me, wildman.....exactly how many mass shooting did you stop? while risking the legal consequences we all know this guy is going to. i’ll wait.....but we already know the answer.

guy sticks his neck out, and all folks like you can do is criticize. that’s a jerk off thing to do. and then to get pissy when that is pointed out to you....another jerk off thing to do.
Really surprised to click on that and not see the comments blown up by a bunch of you. I’m new here, wasn’t going to be the first.
It says it will 48 hours to go live after they look it over.
Which means that it will most likely not get posted.

"Glad he is dead. Only regret is that he lived long enough to murder an innocent woman.
Angry American"