I have seen some of the homemade guns that had been recovered from perpetually war torn areas of the world like the Dagestan region and Kashmir. A lot of innovative designs and made from all manner of hardware and electrical components.
Human innovation and ingenuity in times of need is absolutely remarkable and there is simply no way to completely eliminate this basic survival and adaptation trait. The folks living in those war ravaged areas who built all of these weapons to defend their homes done so using the most limited and rudimentary hand tools. Imagine what a first world organized crime syndicate, arms trafficker, or private militia/home guard force can do with state of the art tooling, CNC and other precision equipment, and specialized technical and engineering know how.
:rops Hammer, Walks Away::
You know one thing people like that do that others don't? Go online and wish for a civil war or conflict despite having a single clue as to the effect it would have on our nation. Those people were born into war and have adapted (as have their children) to a war-torn poverty. That environment has fueled their innovation. Just as have IEDs have evolved overtime in those regions, their ability to utilize their supplies to counter our SOPs have evolved. You know who hasn't evolved due to a world of fuck/perpetual state of local-level all out war over the past ____ generations/eternity? Exactly. Yet you always read these comments talking about how they want a war/conflict. A fucking average 10yr old middle-eastern child would survive a CW longer than the average westerner. Hell 10yr old kids are running stores and negotiating deals better than used car salesmen in military towns at the age of 10. Their innovation stems from being born into the requirement to do so. That lost survival instinct and drive.
Regardless, we have all strayed a long way off from the initial posting. We've become desensitized to this kid of violence in our country. We immediately read/watch the news headline and race to post a comment/blog/article/press release/news conference about how this events means that we need more/less guns and how ____ politician(s) are coming/not coming for our rights. I've worked for the legislative branch of govt and that's probably why I don't give into the fear that surround the "libtard cucks coming for our guns/rights" movement. I've seen firsthand the workings of what goes on and understand how the system works, and I have to say... I'm not worried. That is why I don't let the media or politics influence my decision to own, buy, or sell firearms. On that note, I end with the following. Regardless of what plays out in the next 50 (ok who am I kidding, let's say the next
-Brought to you by whiskey and boredom
[Done for the night/Night my fellow Hidesmen #NotAssumingYourGender #OKSoMaybeIAm]
Goodnight to the agents and algorithms that watch over us in the forums. You guys are the true heroes. Having to read through everything and everyone's spewed bullshit on nights/weekends/holidays. ::Cheers::
Also Also,
Goodnight everyone.