The Communists and Globalists including the Chicoms have been funding discord in the US for over 50 years. Most of the bullshit you see on the news from the likes of business insider, vox, huffington post, various think tanks ect…………..are designed to destroy this nation.For those who doubt that there is any foreign influence going on:
Fugitive tycoon accuses China of bribing Vatican with £1.6billion
Fugitive tycoon Guo Wengui claimed in a podcast that the Communist Party had been paying the Holy See generously since 2014 to prevent it from criticising Beijing's religion
Discounting the Chinese and their ability to use our money to influence our domestic issues is in my opinion a mistake.
The F35 is a great example. Its such a technological game changer and does so many things so well that it has redefined Air Power and how wars will be fought. Not only that, its CHEAPER than current block fourth gen fighters (F15/FA18).
But all you will read is articles and bullshit how terrible it is, how its overbudget and how many things don't work. Yea its not like EVERY complex weapon system the US has ever developed took some time to work out the kinks. Its latterly how it works, especially using complex and untested systems that haven't been done before.
These are all funded by our enemies in an attempt to get the public to pressure their congress critters to defund the programs. It happed with NUMEROUS systems over the years where the US had such a technological advantage that it would have made out adversaries helpless.
We are surrounded by enemies on all side, including many in our government, the vast majority of our media and the lemmings that follow these globalist pieces of shit.
The good news is, it provides a target rich environment when the flag finally does go up.