My Great Grandparents, on both sides, were Pioneers who came here when it was not a State but a Territory and our Family has been here since then.
All have worked and fought hard for what we/they have and do not intend to give up now but do all realize we are greatly outnumbered by the "Foreigners" that have moved here within the last 1 to 30 years or more, and destroyed or are trying to destroy what they moved here for.
None of us are quitters or runners, we prefer to fight and retain what our forefathers and foremothers have handed down to us so bailing out is not an option for us. We will FIGHT til the bitter end and hope to return the land we love so much back to some kind of normalcy. We may not win, but WE will be out there fighting for what WE believe in and won't go down easy.
Peterpan--You are an ASS and I will not kiss your Redneck ass as I kiss NO ONE'S Ass. Keep your Ass east of the State line as we don't need anyone like you here now. We have enough problems as it is but are working on them as best we can.
Should you get adventurous and want to come West of the line, I hope you come by my place and start some shit, whereupon we will gladly show you the ways of a Redneck Hippie and hand you your Peter in a Pan. Since Veer is not here right now to advise you, try learning some spelling, grammar and punctuation. Regards, Foul Mike
Should you need directions as to how to get here to have your Peter and your Ass handed to you, PM me.