Bartlein Barrels Update

So your saying I should order a dozen barrels To get me through the next couple years. I just love Biden. He truly loves America.
Honestly this time I don't know what to say sometimes.

In your case....if your burning up 2 barrels a summer in matches....I'd always have two spares sitting there on your bench. You burn one up....order two more at that time. Follow me?

Yes the pres isn't helping anything! Same thing happened when Obama was in and we all said, "he was the best gun salesman this country ever had!"

With the riots last year, new gun owners, election year, pandemic and what the new pres is pushing at's the worse now then when Obama was in office.
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Honestly this time I don't know what to say sometimes.

In your case....if your burning up 2 barrels a summer in matches....I'd always have two spares sitting there on your bench. You burn one up....order two more at that time. Follow me?

Yes the pres isn't helping anything! Same thing happened when Obama was in and we all said, "he was the best gun salesman this country ever had!"

With the riots last year, new gun owners, election year, pandemic and what the new pres is pushing at's the worse now then when Obama was in office.
I don’t burn barrels that fast I just like to build new guns and tinker around.
So guys try to be patient with the people in the powder industry, bullet makers, custom gun makers, the scope people, the stock makers etc....and your friendly neighborhood barrel maker!
So we can still make fun of the Primer makers? Just kidding...

Thanks for the explanation, sir. Again, this is what makes Snipers Hide an amazing place.

Keep up the great work!

Do they recommend the appropriate gain twist? I wouldn’t know what to ask for
I asked about it and out of curiosity ordered it with their guidance. I'm loading long and heavy bullets and at the very can't hurt. I wanted to try something new. I have several other firearms, a couple of original Colt black powder revolvers and a S&W 460 XVR, that have gain twist barrels. They all have seriously tightening twists. I believe the S&W starts out at 1 in 100 and ends up at 1 in 20. So the Bartlein's tightening from 1 in 9 to 1 in 8 didn't scare me. I just got it today (June 4th) so we'll see how it shoots. I have high hopes.
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Man, this is a nice barrel. It's almost too pretty to shoot. I did go overboard but once you pass a certain number it just doesn't matter anymore. I was questioning adding the flutes but it's a 31-inch barrel that ends up at .990 at the muzzle, plus the muzzle brake. So it was going to weigh a ton.
I'm looking forward to seeing how Barlein's super steel performs like I'll be able to tell the difference.
Here is a bit of trivia for you guys....

We are redoing our website so it will be easier to order from online and what I will say is the more standard type barrel that a customer would order. So the place doing the E commerce part of the website found out this....and he was shocked!

Just in the standard calibers from 22RF, 224 centerfire, 6mm, 25 and 27cal, 6.5mm, 7mm, 30cal and 338 cal.

So given let's say just our standard contours listed on our website (you can go on our contour page), caliber from 22rf to 338cal (no other calibers like 375, 416 etc..), twist, left hand or right hand twist for rifling, type of steel, barrel length and fluting options....

There are over 20 million possible combinations for a customer to order a barrel.

This doesn't include oversize diameter for the steel or doing custom contours, or older factory contours like a Winchester Pre64 style and all the other calibers we are tooled for like 32, 375, 358, 9mm, 45acp, 458, 416, 40cal, 50cal, 8mm, 303, 9.3mm.....etc....and not including ammunition test barrels, different bore sizes, different groove sizes blah blah blah....

20 million plus combinations just for what is the mainstream stuff a guy can order.
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wrt to gain twist...or T Cut as Bartlein calls it....I just ordered a .264 barrel in the 400MOD steel from them yesterday and had a good chat with Mark who was super knowledgeable and helpful. Based on this discussion, I did go with an 8-7.5 gain twist for this barrel to shoot mostly 140 gr but will allow me to step up to 153's and the like if I desire. Not a big gain at all....but I'm confident that this barrel will shoot 6.5 Manbun wonderfully.

Ordering from Bartlein was an excellent experience in all ways. Kudos to Frank and the gang.
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The other thing with expanding the business.....

People/workers. Thanks to pandemic and the Gov't extending unemployment benefits and increasing how much they can get isn't helping anything either at times. Please don't take it wrong as I do know of people that truly need the help!

Here is what we are seeing as well as other manufacturers. Why should a person who is laid off and getting an increase in money as well as extending how long they can get the money....if they are basically getting they're paycheck what incentive is it for them to go out and look for a job.

Our daughters boyfriend (whom we have serious issues with) is a classic example. Got fired/laid (don't thing we are getting the whole story) off last November. We've been all over him to go get a job. I even offered a job to him here at work. All he kept saying was I'll be getting unemployment and they are passing another stimulus package. I'm good! So he actually did get a job (worked exactly 1 day and quit) because the next day he got his first unemployment check for $4k and is now getting what was equivalent to his paycheck. Supposedly the unemployment person at the agency told him not to go back to work and he should go back to school!

Not getting people back to work is messing up the whole manufacturing and any place that needs workers. Letting people get a free ride that are able to work and truly don't need the help is hurting everyone!

Every where around here and other parts of the country I see help wanted signs up. Everyone is struggling to hire people. I hear the same thing from other companies regardless of the company/type of industry they are in.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels
We've got a history of signs that epitomize Obama and Biden:



Sucks, eh?
Darn decent of Frank & Bartlein barrels to put the word out for everyone. He’s top shelf man and so are their barrels.
These ammo and other shooting supply shortages tend to follow a particular parties election to the White House. I was watching a yt video on chambering from after Obama took office. They guy mentioned the ammo shortage going on back then.
Maybe prices will go back down but I doubt it.
Darn decent of Frank & Bartlein barrels to put the word out for everyone. He’s top shelf man and so are their barrels.
These ammo and other shooting supply shortages tend to follow a particular parties election to the White House. I was watching a yt video on chambering from after Obama took office. They guy mentioned the ammo shortage going on back then.
Maybe prices will go back down but I doubt it.
Thanks for the compliment!

Yes it was bad like this back around 2013 but not as bad as it is this time around. This is the worst I've ever seen it.

There have been a couple of other times in the past prior where primers where tight to get etc....I've just never seen anything on this level though.

I was in our local Cabela's this past Saturday. A little more ammo on the shelves but it's no where near to any type of a normal level. There is a limit to 5 boxes max per customer.

They also had about 30-40 boxes of Hornady 6CM match ammo. Prices where at $39.99 a box. That is up about $10 to $12 from a year ago.

Unless the mines get back to some sort of normal, trade gets back to normal etc...I don't see prices coming back down for a while if at all.

Later, Frank
Thanks for the compliment!

Yes it was bad like this back around 2013 but not as bad as it is this time around. This is the worst I've ever seen it.

There have been a couple of other times in the past prior where primers where tight to get etc....I've just never seen anything on this level though.

I was in our local Cabela's this past Saturday. A little more ammo on the shelves but it's no where near to any type of a normal level. There is a limit to 5 boxes max per customer.

They also had about 30-40 boxes of Hornady 6CM match ammo. Prices where at $39.99 a box. That is up about $10 to $12 from a year ago.

Unless the mines get back to some sort of normal, trade gets back to normal etc...I don't see prices coming back down for a while if at all.

Later, Frank
I would be surprised if ammo ever comes back down much. The loss of cheap Remington ammo and rifles cleared the path for their old competitors to demand more for products. People can think what they will of Remington but they did keep the prices down. Companies are doing the best they can to keep up with the demand but with all the new shooters it’s a difficult task. We appreciate guys like you who let us know what’s going on behind the scenes. Thanks again for everything
Just to kind of keep you all up to date.... we're still here and still working/plugging away.

One of our tooling suppliers (not for rifling at all we make all that tooling in house) last Friday as I asked to expedite a couple of pieces that are due in late August. Told me no. They are not expediting anything for anyone anymore. They cannot keep up with scheduling changes on raw material on they're end.

In the last 3 months they told me lead times have gone from 8 weeks to 12 to 22 and now 40 weeks!

As soon as I heard this I messaged our oldest son who works in a tool and die shop (nothing to due with the gun industry at all). To watch they're raw material and tooling needs. He said, "yep it's effecting them as well now." Material they had on order is now back ordered. He took a partial day of vacation on Friday so he had work to due on Monday (today). So they have machines sitting there idle and cannot run a lot of jobs due to various reasons.

So today myself and two other guys in the shop are reviewing our needs and what we get from them. We will be placing more orders in a higher quantities to make sure we are covered for a possible longer stretch of delivery times so we don't run out of anything that could effect us. It's gonna mean us carrying more costs as well.

No it is not our barrel steel.

I have to wonder if it will start to effect other things like our drill and cutting oil, coolants some point in time as well?

Like I said for you guys ordering barrels....plan ahead. We are doing the same thing to make sure we can keep running with out any issues.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels
Thanks Frank
What I find ironic about tool steel is the Timken Co sits idle and laid off 400 employees last month.
Their Harrison plant made some of the best spec steel in the world.
Harrison Avenue is where it all started.
Gonna post this here because the bolt gun forum gets the most views. Dear Forum Moderator, If you need to move this post to another forum that is more appropriate please do so.

I/We post on SH quite a bit. So I figured I should make a post about this.

Just want to be up front and honest with everyone here. We are telling customers the same thing on the phone.

Depending on what you are ordering and when you order it....lead times can be as long as 10-12 months right now.

Some guys (not necessarily anyone from the Hide) when we've told them this they have gone off on us on the phone about it. So we are taking a beating at times but I want everyone to understand that we are all in this boat together. Ammunition and bullet makers etc...are backed up, gun manufacturers are backed up, action makers, stock makers and scope manufacturers.

I won't name the ammo maker but we have had some ammo on order since May of 2020 and I cannot get a delivery date/time frame. We're not mad at is what it is.

We've been helping out individual customers to manufacturers to ammo makers etc...when they/you have an emergency that won't change. We do what we can / when we can.

I know of other barrel makers lead times are out pretty far as well. So it's not just us.

I'm also asking and I will use this as an example...a guy wins a barrel gift certificate at a match. Calls in to redeem the certificate and order the barrel. He was told 10 months. He went off on my office guy about it and demanded the barrel should be done next month. So don't put anyone in front of the firing squad for this. Free or not....we are doing what we can to take care of everyone in a timely fashion.

I don't care what you are buying and from whom....barrels, scopes, ammo etc....guys please do your best to plan ahead and plan for the worst case scenario. If you burn up 4 barrels a year in matches and only have one brand new spare left....get it on order. Regardless of where you get it from. If your planning on building a new rifle right now and already have the stock and action and barrel on order and will need a scope for it.... don't wait...get the scope on order as well.

I don't for see things getting any better anytime soon for any of us. Like I said, "We're all in the same boat!"

Pretty much the whole shop here is working 55 to 60+ hours a week. This next pay period....just between 3 guys in the shop they have a 153 hours of overtime alone! That's in a two week period and that isn't a typo!

I've also been asked and will put it out here as well..."Are we o.k. on steel?" The answer is yes! No steel shortages. We have orders scheduled into 2022 already. Nothing is holding us up from making barrels. Just not enough hours in the week!

Any questions please feel free to call. If you post a question here I'll answer it the best I can and as quick as I can but keep in mind...I don't log in everyday.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels
I checked a bunch of barrel makers, same long lead time. I have a Bartlein carbon wrap 270 on order.
Just to kind of keep you all up to date.... we're still here and still working/plugging away.

One of our tooling suppliers (not for rifling at all we make all that tooling in house) last Friday as I asked to expedite a couple of pieces that are due in late August. Told me no. They are not expediting anything for anyone anymore. They cannot keep up with scheduling changes on raw material on they're end.

In the last 3 months they told me lead times have gone from 8 weeks to 12 to 22 and now 40 weeks!

As soon as I heard this I messaged our oldest son who works in a tool and die shop (nothing to due with the gun industry at all). To watch they're raw material and tooling needs. He said, "yep it's effecting them as well now." Material they had on order is now back ordered. He took a partial day of vacation on Friday so he had work to due on Monday (today). So they have machines sitting there idle and cannot run a lot of jobs due to various reasons.

So today myself and two other guys in the shop are reviewing our needs and what we get from them. We will be placing more orders in a higher quantities to make sure we are covered for a possible longer stretch of delivery times so we don't run out of anything that could effect us. It's gonna mean us carrying more costs as well.

No it is not our barrel steel.

I have to wonder if it will start to effect other things like our drill and cutting oil, coolants some point in time as well?

Like I said for you guys ordering barrels....plan ahead. We are doing the same thing to make sure we can keep running with out any issues.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels
Have a construction company myself and same issues with building materials. Only thing is for construction the cost to have bought early on then store vs even buying higher cost building materials now may still be at a loss. Hawaii here so storing the materials would be high dollar rent. Good luck to you and one of these days I would like a CF wrapped barrel from you. I was curious what do you do with your old laths.
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@Frank Green just letting you know, the website is spotty today. Sometimes it loads sometimes I get a database error. Tried on 4 devices. Same result.
I wasn't here on Thursday but we had bad storms most of the day! Lost power for about half the day....when that happened we scrapped 10 barrels and not to mention lost some tooling!

Also be on the look out for a new website to be uploaded here pretty soon. Suppose to be mid week for the new website.

Later, Frank
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I wasn't here on Thursday but we had bad storms most of the day! Lost power for about half the day....when that happened we scrapped 10 barrels and not to mention lost some tooling!

Also be on the look out for a new website to be uploaded here pretty soon. Suppose to be mid week for the new website.

Later, Frank
Ouch on the 10 Barrels.
@Frank Green just letting you know, the website is spotty today. Sometimes it loads sometimes I get a database error. Tried on 4 devices. Same result.
New website is up and running!

If you purchase/order on line thru the website it won't be secure for 48 hours. So later on Friday.

If we have anything that is in inventory (we do but it's pretty small and usually non standard type stuff)....the inventory list won't be up for a few days yet.

Later, Frank
Just to kind of keep you all up to date.... we're still here and still working/plugging away.

One of our tooling suppliers (not for rifling at all we make all that tooling in house) last Friday as I asked to expedite a couple of pieces that are due in late August. Told me no. They are not expediting anything for anyone anymore. They cannot keep up with scheduling changes on raw material on they're end.

In the last 3 months they told me lead times have gone from 8 weeks to 12 to 22 and now 40 weeks!

As soon as I heard this I messaged our oldest son who works in a tool and die shop (nothing to due with the gun industry at all). To watch they're raw material and tooling needs. He said, "yep it's effecting them as well now." Material they had on order is now back ordered. He took a partial day of vacation on Friday so he had work to due on Monday (today). So they have machines sitting there idle and cannot run a lot of jobs due to various reasons.

So today myself and two other guys in the shop are reviewing our needs and what we get from them. We will be placing more orders in a higher quantities to make sure we are covered for a possible longer stretch of delivery times so we don't run out of anything that could effect us. It's gonna mean us carrying more costs as well.

No it is not our barrel steel.

I have to wonder if it will start to effect other things like our drill and cutting oil, coolants some point in time as well?

Like I said for you guys ordering barrels....plan ahead. We are doing the same thing to make sure we can keep running with out any issues.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels
Unfortunately its hit the tackle industry as well, my lead times for raw materials went from 3 weeks to 6 months. I have to place massive orders and hope they last.
Unfortunately its hit the tackle industry as well, my lead times for raw materials went from 3 weeks to 6 months. I have to place massive orders and hope they last.

I know it's hitting a lot of different types of manufacturing. It's not just the gun industry. The panic/shortages that are happening like I said isn't just effecting the shooting industry. It's effecting everything and if anyone think it's going to get better anytime soon....your not dealing in reality.

All of us here on the hide/match shooters's the main topics we talk about (shooting/reloading etc...) so it's what we focus on.

I know we all get frustrated with things.... all I can ask and it's not just for us....but please keep this situation in mind before you totally start hammering on a manufacturer for anything. The bullet and ammo makers, gun makers times we can say this or that about a company and at times it can be justified but keep in mind that the bulk of the places are doing what they can with what they have.

I know my sister in-law works at one of the reloading companies making presses and dies etc...she said they are slowly catching up but are looking to hire people and there just isn't anyone wanting to get a job from what they are seeing.
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there just isn't anyone wanting to get a job from what they are seeing.
Yeah, why work when you can get more via unemployment with supplement added by Biden and company.

And even if supply chains get fully employed and back to work, prices will still be higher due to serious inflation...again, thanks to Biden and company.

And the Fed saying that the inflation we are experiencing is only a temporary phenomenon......well, I'm 68 and I remember MANY times when the Fed was dramatically wrong and in this case I think they are also providing cover for Biden and the Dems incredible spending initiatives.

Yep, its fucked up all around.
Yeah, why work when you can get more via unemployment with supplement added by Biden and company.

And even if supply chains get fully employed and back to work, prices will still be higher due to serious inflation...again, thanks to Biden and company.

And the Fed saying that the inflation we are experiencing is only a temporary phenomenon......well, I'm 68 and I remember MANY times when the Fed was dramatically wrong and in this case I think they are also providing cover for Biden and the Dems incredible spending initiatives.

Yep, its fucked up all around.

Some folks are getting pretty creative.

We needed some work doing and we got a price from a local guy, I asked if how they preferred to be paid and mentioned cash amongst other options - he said he didnt do cash.

When he came to do the job he asked me if it could be cash - this was at the height of the Covid drama with government cash being splashed all over the place - I wonder what changed..........? ;-)
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Yeah, why work when you can get more via unemployment with supplement added by Biden and company.
Damn skippy. I know people drawing off the gravy train who don't have enough pride in them to go out and earn a living. I can proudly say through all this horse shit, I haven't missed one day of work, and thankfully my outfit continued to let us work through it all. I'm sure as everywhere, cities have these cats camping out at interstate exits and intersections bumming for money. If you can stand out in 90 degree heat all day trying to get a handout, your ass can work. I've heard people say, "well they may need help". No doubt some of them do, but just as above, if you can tolerate the heat and stand on your feet or hold a guardrail up all day you can help your damn self by getting a job. There is currently 180 places of business hiring here in my town, and it's not a very large town.
I know that may feel like the truth, but studies show that it's not as simple as that. Case in point, this study shows that even in places where unemployment insurance programs stopped, people didn't go back to work as expected:

Overall, the mid-June expirations of pandemic UI seem to have sharply reduced the share of population receiving any unemployment benefits. But this doesn’t seem to have translated into most of these individuals having jobs in the first 2-3 weeks following expiration

Anyway, back to talking about barrels...
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Anyone have a general idea of what orders are getting manufactured/shipped now? Like, are they currently working on orders from last August? September?November? Just trying to get a general idea for planning.
8 months and still waiting???

Any thing unusual about your order or just bog standard?


I have 2 orders from January; when I ordered, one was estimated at 6 months, the other at 9 months. Not too long after that, I think they started estimating 12 months. I'm not complaining, just trying to get more info to let me manage my shooting. One of the orders is for a gun that my current barrel is getting to end of life. Barlein delivers a great product that's worth waiting for, but I like to plan for the future.
I know that may feel like the truth, but studies show that it's not as simple as that. Case in point, this study shows that even in places where unemployment insurance programs stopped, people didn't go back to work as expected:

Overall, the mid-June expirations of pandemic UI seem to have sharply reduced the share of population receiving any unemployment benefits. But this doesn’t seem to have translated into most of these individuals having jobs in the first 2-3 weeks following expiration

Anyway, back to talking about barrels...
Yeah, I kind of went sideways there.
Just got my tracking info today. Order was placed first thing in the new year:
  • 400 MODBB steel
  • 6.5mm blank
  • 1:8.5-7.5 LHGT
  • 28” finish length
Plan is to kick it to LRI for chambering in 6.5 Creedmoor to replace my burned-out Proof barrel (~1800rd with frequent strings of 10+ rounds). I’ll need to decide whether to go for Murder Hornet or Pattern X…
Anyone have a general idea of what orders are getting manufactured/shipped now? Like, are they currently working on orders from last August? September?November? Just trying to get a general idea for planning.
To my knowledge off hand....(as I was gone for a few days last week) there are only a handful of orders from Dec. 2020 left. So we are January and forward now for orders.

What's hard and throws a wrench in the works is caliber. Some calibers work load wise is backed up more than others. 6.5mm's and 30cals are tied for the most orders on hand. Tied for 2nd place but the nod goes to 6mm and then to 22cal.

Calibers like 30, 6.5mm, 6mm, 22 run all the time. Most of the time 7mms run nearly all the time as well. 338's it seems like as soon as we pull the tooling out we have to stick it back in for some emergency.

Other calibers get rotated in and out of the rifling machines.

The first of every month we go thru all the orders in house. Ones that are not released to the shop as of yet and the orders that are in the shop. Everything gets gone thru. We look at where we are with everything caliber wise and we also break down separately ammunition test barrel orders etc...we look at where we are getting behind and or making progress and make changes based on what we are seeing.

So for a reference a few years ago....the 6.5's for orders was way out pacing 30cal orders. Typically in years past 30cal orders was always the most we had on hand. So we had to make a decision and changed over some of the rifling machines from other calibers to try and keep the 6.5s in check. For a while 6.5's was like 35% of our production .Then as we got it caught back up we switched some of those machines back over to other calibers.

Right's just flat out busy guys!

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels