I have a PWSmk216 and am having an issue with the BCG sticking forward after pulling the trigger during dry fire. I'm unable to pull back the charging handle in any way. The only way to release it is to slam the stock down, it will then allow me to pull the charging handle back. I can also simulate this by removing the upper and tapping on the firing pin, it will stick in the exact same way.
At this point everything has been cleaned, I have swapped out firing pins and it still does the same thing. At the range this afternoon, I was able to successfully fire 20+ rounds with no ejection issues whatsoever, but testing the final round, the bcg would only lock back about 50% of the time....
Hoping some of you may have ideas? I have done some searching already and haven't been successful finding anything to this point.
Thanks as always for the help.
At this point everything has been cleaned, I have swapped out firing pins and it still does the same thing. At the range this afternoon, I was able to successfully fire 20+ rounds with no ejection issues whatsoever, but testing the final round, the bcg would only lock back about 50% of the time....
Hoping some of you may have ideas? I have done some searching already and haven't been successful finding anything to this point.
Thanks as always for the help.