Rifle Scopes Benefit of 25X top end versus 15x?


Full Member
Nov 5, 2012
Western NC
I'm struggling with what scope to buy for a GA precision 260 Rem I purchased recently. I'm a long time shooter and hunter, but new to long range shooting out beyond 400 yards (not to mention 1000 yards). This would be my first high-end scope (have mostly mid-level Leupolds on my hunting guns) and I want at top tier scope from the get-go. Am leaning toward a Steiner (either 3-15x or 5-25x), though I'm looking at others as well (Kahles, Premier, NF F1, etc.). Most shooting will be under 600 yards but the purpose of this rig is so eventually, I can become proficient out to 1000 yards. Most shooting will be at targets, but will probably do some mid-range predator hunting as well. I'd also like to participate in informal precision rifle matches as I think competition is a great way to learn a new skill set as opposed to just shooting at my local range.

I've read many posts stating that 15x is more than adequate out to 1000 yards. Many folks also say they typically don't use above 15x power for most shooting, due to mirage and other reasons. If this is the case, then I'd like to better understand why many folks go with a scope in the range of 5-25x. What are the various benefits of having that extra power range from 16-25x power? How will that benefit me as I journey down the road to becoming proficient at long range shooting? Would the Steiner 3x-15x serve me just fine?

Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.
I read a sales ad from nightforce talking about their optics and the importance of the magnification and clarity for I.D.ing targets at long distance.... Now applying that to all scopes unless you're shooting people as a profession or shooting extreme range IMO how much magnification is needed is a personal preference. I mostly use 15x at 1000yds and closer, unless i'm shooting at small targets(groundhogs). If you can check out a local match and if the guys are friendly they will let you check out their rigs... Thats what I did..

BTW, i only mentioned the nightforce ad because that was a reason I hadn't even taken into account being i'm no longer in the military.
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Have been shooting a Steiner 3-15 for most of this year. Have used it at several major matches, and the only time I have had an issue (wanted more power) is when the MD does paper stages and you either have to find your number on the paper, or you have to only shoot certain numbers (memory exercise). A couple times, I wished I had more power for that.

BUT, shooting steel, recognizing targets, finding targets, I felt the steiner15 power was plenty for anything I did, and I liked the smaller package on my rifle. A lot of the smaller matches around here we shoot, we just lay prone and use all the zoom you want. The higher magnification can be a little much as it "feels" like the crosshair is a little thick (because you are so zoomed in).

Good luck tho, I have a Steiner 5-25 on my 7wsm I am using in a match in 2 weeks and am excited to try out the higher magnification. I will let you know how it goes.

Oh yea, only other thought is make sure you get a rect that fits your needs. The MSR is a very nice rect, and I also used the H2CMR for awhile. Both are very nice. Cant go wrong with high end glass. Buy once-cry once for sure.

During comps, I have actually found the opposite, I need 25x for reading small text, colors, and shooter numbers at 100 yards.

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Just to add.... If you have the money get the extra magni.... Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it...
Benefit of 25X top end versus 15x?

What are the various benefits of having that extra power range from 16-25x power? How will that benefit me as I journey down the road to becoming proficient at long range shooting? Would the Steiner 3x-15x serve me just fine?
25x can be useful to identify very small targets, or small numbers on targets, at the shorter ranges of 100 and 200 yards. The SB 5-25 has the added advantage of being able to focus down to 10m, which helps when you have a shot at 15 yards. And yes, the 4-16 Steiner will serve you just fine.
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Where are you shooting? If you are shooting where mirage is an issue (IE over corn fields, grass, extreme heat) then the 25x will do nothing for you. Infact you will want to pull down your magnification to clear up the picture as much as possible. I have a 3-17x USO SN-3 and I find myself dialing down to 15x alot to get rid of mirage. If you go with high quality glass you will see as much at low power as most people can see at higher magnification. There are plenty of times at matches where I can spot better with my scope than some can with spotting scopes of lower quality.


Good Luck,
I'm a firm believer that get the most magnification you can afford. There's a reason we shoot 42x and higher magnification at 600 and 1000 yard rifle matches. If mirage is bad dial it back. One thing you can always dial a 42x scope down to 25x but you will never dial a 25x scope up to 42x
One thing you can always dial a 42x scope down to 25x but you will never dial a 25x scope up to 42x

I basically came in to post this. The only thing the smaller scope will do better is be smaller and lighter by a bit. If that is a big deal then grab the small one if not I would error the other way.

One thing I love about my 5-25 nightforce is I no longer need to bring a spotting scope for my 1-200 yard paper shooting
I use a NF F-1. As I age, my eye sight tells me that I need more magnification. One thing to consider is field of view when acquiring targets in the field. Becomes touchy when using field expedient shooting positions. Eye relief can also eat your lunch.
It really depends on your application. For tactical shooting that may include shots inside of 50 yards, I'd want 3 or 4x on the low end, or if engaging movers at 50 to 100 yards. I like 16x on top much better than 12, so that puts the "sweet spot" at 4-16x, which many companies offer. I've got a 3-12x Hensoldt, a 4-16x Hensoldt and a 3-20x S&B. I'd take the 4-16 over the 3-12 by a long margin. I like the 3-20x s&b because 1) the parallax adjusts down to 25 yards 2) the 20x gives a little edge for ranging, spotting, reading mirage and seeing details of the target, but I generally like shooting in the 12-16x range for longer shots. I know nothing about F-class, so I won't comment on the 42x thing other than to say for my shooting needs, it makes no sense.