Bergara HMR vs BMP?


Feb 14, 2020
Hello all! So I've been doing some research in my quest to find a long range rifle, and I have a question for the hive mind, but first let me give y'all some background. I'm not a hunter I just enjoy putting lead down range. My local gun range goes out to 600 yards and in a couple of years I plan on having a place to try out 1000 yards. The local range does do F-class competitions and I would like to give that a go. I plan on shooting 6.5 CM, I have been leaning towards Bergara. I was at my local gun shop today (picking up another gun I ordered) and asked how much it would be to order the HMR. When he pulled it up I found out the HMR and the BMP would be the same price, so with all of that being said, which would you guys suggest? The HMR or the BMP?
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I like the looks of a more traditional rifle over the chassis style. I also like a heavier profile barrel.

Was in a similar situation as you. I almost got a HMR but instead went with a 6.5cm Ruger M77 Hawkeye Long Range Target. No complaints thus far. First trip out, after break in and zero, hitting 12in steel at 800 was super easy with factory 140gr ELD.

ETA: Plus I really like m98 based control feed actions.
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Ya I know what you mean! I love that traditional look also. ...but I also like the modernized look lol I just can't decide!

Lol yeah thats part of the fun I guess. Just have to go with what you feel is the better fit for you and your use case. You mentioned you wouldnt be hunting, wanted to shoot longer range so you are asking and answering your own questions. Both the HMR and BMP have good online reputations and there are tons of reviews on both.

I would however recommend you check out the Ruger, if you prefer the more traditional look in a similar price range. There are other options...Tikka ect as well. Good luck!