Hello all! So I've been doing some research in my quest to find a long range rifle, and I have a question for the hive mind, but first let me give y'all some background. I'm not a hunter I just enjoy putting lead down range. My local gun range goes out to 600 yards and in a couple of years I plan on having a place to try out 1000 yards. The local range does do F-class competitions and I would like to give that a go. I plan on shooting 6.5 CM, I have been leaning towards Bergara. I was at my local gun shop today (picking up another gun I ordered) and asked how much it would be to order the HMR. When he pulled it up I found out the HMR and the BMP would be the same price, so with all of that being said, which would you guys suggest? The HMR or the BMP?