Hunting & Fishing Berger VLD hunting performance?

Re: Berger VLD hunting performance?

I don't have any personal expierence but Handloader magazine did a piece a few years back on this topic. IIRC, hunters were basically using the Bergers and telling the company that they were having awesome results. Berger never intended the bullets, at least at that time, to be used for hunting. Walt berger and some employees went on a hunt in Scotland to test the bullets for themselves. According to the article they had great success and the guides were very pleased with the bullets performance stating that the game seemed to die more quickly than with most typical hunting bullets.
Re: Berger VLD hunting performance?

New Zealand, but close enough I suppose!

Yes, John Barsness is the gun-writer who has probably done the most to promote the Berger VLD's as hunting bullets and to describe the results of using them while hunting. Everything of his that I've read re the Bergers is on-the-money from my experience.

Regards, Guy
Re: Berger VLD hunting performance?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Blackops_2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How's everyone's performance with these? Were shooting 105gr hunting VLDs @ 2700fps out of our youth model .243. Dad and I both have shot two does in the past couple of days. Found the one i shot tonight and his that he shot the other day tonight. His was shot at 300yds mine at 255yds. Both perfect front shoulder shots. His had an exit hole of about two inches mine seemed to take a right turn and exit through the gut. Thing is they both ran 200+yds. I'm not doubting the bullet and a knock down shot isn't always guaranteed. But i love the bullet because of it's ability to retain energy downrange. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same? Or maybe i just have two rare cases here? </div></div>
I have read through the posts and may have missed something, but Berger reccomends a 1 in 8 twist to stabilize the 105 gr. VLD's in a 6mm/.243 rifle. I really like the Berger 105's in my 6BR with a 1 in 8 twist. I experimented some this past season with the 87 gr. Berger Match Hunting VLD's in a 1 in 10 twist .243. The jury is still out for me on this. I have always shot 100 gr. Nosler Partitions previously for Whitetail and really like their expansion and retained weight for good penetration. I was just looking for a little more improved trajectory. I did shoot one buck this season with a 25-06 and 115 gr. Berger Match Hunting VLD's. I was quite happy with the results. The quality of Berger Bullets is hard to beat, just not sure yet if it will become my go to bullet for whitetail in my .243. the only difference between the target and hunting VLD's is a thicket jacket on the target bullets.
Re: Berger VLD hunting performance?

Here is fallow buck hit on the shoulder with the 130 .264 Berger hunting pill out of my 6.5x47 1-8" at 2690 fps at muzzle. Range 230 yards. This is the entry wound.

Re: Berger VLD hunting performance?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SingleShot85</div><div class="ubbcode-body">300wsm 185 Berger VLD at 3000fps

</div></div> I have done this with 165 vld in my 3006 except in hole was right between the eyes, exit was the whole top half of the head, it was epic
Re: Berger VLD hunting performance?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jimbo300</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mike72</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The one deer I've shot with a Berger VLD hunting 115 grain out of a 257 Roberts you could barely see the entry (was basically one drop of blood,) wasn't an exit either but both lungs, heart and liver were all mush. Deer ran about 75 yards, guess he didn't realize he was dead yet.. =) </div></div>

That's probably not out of the norm for results with the Berger VLD's. I have also had some entry wounds that were barely visible. Sometimes you get an exit, sometimes not... if the bullet is placed in the right spot it's not going to matter.

The antelope pic that I posted was the most dramatic effect that I have gotten using Bergers. It was almost as if the bullet detonated once inside. There was a mass of unrecognizable organs/tissue that had back blasted out of the entrance wound.

Here is a deer that was shot with 300 RUM 210gr VLD Muzzle Vel 3250 Distance 400+ yards. Notice the entry was barely noticeable, only a tuft of hair kicked up. I wish I knew how to put a neat little arrow pointing to the is small patch kicked up, dead center of the chest. The Exit was about 2"+

I got the same thing, very small entry hole and liquid mess of everything above the diaphram. note that the entry is on the side facing the camera and there was no exit

but i also got this result on a head shot
small in

big out

The doe was at 100yrds the buck was at 180yrds
Re: Berger VLD hunting performance?

I am a big fan of the VLD's and my buds and I hunt with them almost exclusively. Two elk and Oryx taken in the past two years with one shot. All were taken with 155 gr. bullets out of either a 30-06 or 300 WM. My friend shot one Oryx at 275+ yards with the 300 and the animal was DRT which is really unusual for an Oryx. No exit wound and the main organs were turned to jelly. Pretty much the same for the one shot with the '06 although it ran about 45 yards before dropping. The elk just rolled over.