You are correct good sir. Any use of force situation should be avoided if at all possible especially a deadly force encounter. Avoiding such a fight even if you have to withdraw is not being a pussy, it's being smart. Most of the tough guys on these forums pre suppose they will win the fight. Maybe they will maybe they won't. I've always had people I've trained in use of force training classes to reflect on their lives, things they do,places they go and when, people they know and interact with regularly. I ask them how they believe such an encounter will happen and how they will handle it and most importantly how they think it will end. After that period of reflection I tell them it won't go down that way probably not even close. That is the reality most people refuse to except. Anyone that has ever been involved in such an incident will tell you pretty much the same thing. If you observe the five rules of engagement I put out in a previous post you have the best chance you have of not ending up in front of a trial jury. There are many layers to that onion and it could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to peal them back. There's also the fall out of all the bad press you can face, having to sell your house to pay your lawyer (s) fees. You family being harassed because YOU MURDERED SOMEONE AND GOT AWAY WITH IT!!! Even as an LAPD police officer after the fourth shooting I was involved in my fellow officers used to start asking me when was I going to start putting notches on my gun. A more serious issue is the civil action (s) you will probably have to deal with. A good example is the O.J.Simpson story. He was acquitted in the criminal trial but sued into receivership by Ron Goldman's farther. The most overlooked thing is the possibility of retribution by any friends or relatives the man/woman you were forced to shoot. I have insurance to cover upto $6 million of the leagl costs. That doesn't mean I still can't be convicted and it doesn't protect me from angry friends and family. I've always said winning a fight is better than losing it, but if you fuck this up you'll find yourself in a world of hurt. Get training and education that's the best way I know of to stay out of your grave and out of prison.I appreciate the kind comments.
The real issue with all of this is that there are no answers. Nothing is guaranteed. The jury could always get it wrong. There are few things in this world more terrifying than going to prison, to me. I'd rather run away and look like a total pussy than have to even face that possibility.
These gun websites are full of tough guys who think it'd be so great to be in that situation. I know I spend every day of my life making an effort to avoid that like the plague. The criminal justice world is not somewhere any decent person ever wants to be.