All good smiths I'm sure.
However I would throw out any shop that operates with more than one guy doing the smith work. While the good shops that have several guys working no doubt are turning out good product lets face it. In any business, any shop in any industry if it's 2 guys or 1000 guys, they all don't do the same level of work, they have different experience levels, different skills, and different levels of attention to detail. So what comes out of a shop with 10 guys working in it varies by who did the work. Is it the guy that's only been there 6 months or a year, or the guy that has been doing it 20 years that earned the shop it's reputation? One guy might take more time, make sure everything is 110% the other guys might do 100% or 105% etc. If something isn't quite perfect one guy might let it go out the door, another might scrap it and start over. Since you usually can't request a certain builder those big shops with multiple smiths are an unknown variable. Was your work done by the guy that stays there till 9pm on a friday night to get it perfect, or was it built by the guy that didn't put as much into it to get out of there by 3pm. They both cost the same, but you have no control over which one you get.
In fact you'll find a lot of custom shops with multiple employees the guy that got them the reputation they have builds very few if any of the builds anymore. It's true in rifles, shotguns, and handguns, along with any other high end sport you look hard enough into.
Not to say those shops don't build fine rifles, there are certainly many examples of those that do, and usually better than the monkey pulling the trigger can hope to shoot. However, the best consistent rifles are going to be the one man operations. Usually with crazy long wait lists and super high prices.
You contradict yourself so many times above it makes me wonder if you have a running debate with yourself every time you need to wipe.
And do you give it 110%?