If you're going to go down this particular rabbit hole, I'd suggest you sort by OAL first.
Pick a width for your 'bins' - 0.003 or 0.005" - and bin them accordingly.
This helps out a few ways.
If you're just looking for more consistent BC... congrats, you're done
(BTW - supposedly the AMU does - or used to - exactly this)
If you still want to point the bullets to eke out a little more BC... now you won't have to deal with the headache of having the pointing die adjusted for one length of bullet, and then having it either not touch a bullet that is significantly shorter or worse, over point and possibly damage the jacket of a bullet that is too long.
Remember, if you get sufficiently large lots, the open-tip match bullets we use can vary in OAL by 20 thou (or more). Yes, even the ones in the yellow boxes
If you plan to uniform the meplat before pointing, you still benefit from binning the bullets by OAL first. Otherwise, if you have a wide variation in OAL, you'll have a corresponding variation in the amount trimmed from the tips of each bullet. Some won't get touched at all, most will get varying degrees of a little trim, and a few may end up looking like wad cutters. DAMHIKT
That kind of variation will *not* point up the same, and usually the purpose is to get a more consistent BC first, and then a higher BC second. Whether the 1-2% improvement in BC from pointing is worth it is up to you. For the most part, I stick with sorting for match bullets. If the thought of squinting at a pair of calipers and doing the mental gymnastics of which bin to drop *this* bullet in makes your head hurt...
consider getting a SortEez. They make things like multi-sort (by both OAL and BTO/bearing surface) almost trivial.
But back to the original question... I use a Whidden and have been pretty happy with it. I've heard from friends who've tested the Hoover version that it might *slightly* improve the BC of a given bullet as compared to the Whidden, but the numbers I recall were something like 2% vs. 1.5% improvement. Not enough to make me want to sell all my Whidden gear, but maybe if you're starting from scratch it might be a consideration.