Hunting & Fishing Breaking in the Gradous .260


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Full Member
Nov 2, 2009
Augusta, GA
Archery season curbed the craving somewhat, but I've been chomping at the bit to take the Gradous .260 out in the field and drop the hammer on some whitetails. Fortunately it didn't take long and I got to harvest two does on the opening day of rifle season. The first one was taken at 200 yards and the second at 55, using Berger 130 gr Hunting VLDs @ 3000 fps. Needless to say, I think the .243's gonna be taking a back seat this season... the .260's baaaaaad to the bone.



Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Pat M</div><div class="ubbcode-body">2nd one made me go "OOOOww"</div></div> that is exactly what my wife said with a very squnchy face followed by the proverbial that is gross comment. And I said, yum dinner.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260



I was wanting to see some exit wounds on the Bergers. I've got some 7mm 180 grainers waiting to be loaded for the rifle that should be screwed together within the next couple of weeks. I believe it'll do the job.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260


.260 Rem
Surgeon RSR action
24" Rock barrel, Rem Varmint contour, 8 twist
Manners T5 stock in OD
APA bottom metal
Timney 510 trigger
Surgeon 20 MOA rail
Seekins low rings
5-20x SS

Thanks Zeke... you're damn right she's a hammer. I'll definitely be spending a little more time on some of our longest plots/shooting lanes this season.

Garvey, I'll take some exit wound pictures if I have any luck this weekend. The shot on the deer in the first picture went right through the spine and made about a 1.5 inch exit wound. I reckon the bullet stayed together pretty well cause I saw a nice puff of dust kick up behind her where it hit the ground.

Zeke isn't kidding about this gun being golf ball-accurate at 600 yards either. I don't consider myself a great "groups" shooter by any means, but when we were out at the range a couple weeks ago I laid down this little 3-shot group at 600 yards shooting from a bench with a bi-pod and rear bag.


When Zeke, dad, and I went down to check out the targets, we noticed there was a golf ball hanging from the target stand. We walked back to the line, I took a minute to settle down and get the crosshairs fixed on the little red speck. The shot broke and a split second later, the ball went-to-swinging.


Now... I'm certainly no Froggy and the shot was a skoosh off-center, but I think a first round hit on a golf ball at 600 yards speaks volumes as to the capabilities of this rifle.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: boudin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Now... I'm certainly no Froggy and the shot was a skoosh off-center, but I think a first round hit on a golf ball at 600 yards speaks volumes as to the capabilities of this rifle. </div></div>

I think it also says alot about the driver of said rifle. I was reading the post and saw the 200 yd shot on the deer and thought nothing special, then I saw the pics. Not much meat wasting going on there. Nice build and great shooting.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

130 gr Berger VLD Load:

44.5 gr H4350
CCI 200 Primers
Lapua Brass
BTO Length: 2.202"
Jumping 0.01"

As far as the speed goes, I don't know for certain how fast they're going. I don't have a chronograph but using a G7 BC of .282 and a velocity of 3000 fps in Ballistic matches my dope out to 600 yards exactly, so I'm assuming that's pretty close to the actual speed.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

The .260 struck again Sunday morning. Between the 15 - 20 mph winds and the approaching full moon, the deer weren't moving much during the day this weekend. Luckily the wind calmed down for a few hours Sunday morning and lone doe decided to grab a bite of salad in one of our sparser plots. Nothing too wild in the distance department, but my processor asked me to bring one in with a shot between the eyes so when she hit the 100 yard mark, I went ahead and got her attention and touched one off. Surprisingly, the 130 VLD didn't exit but instead made it's way down through the top of her spine, doing a ton of damage internally along the way. I also had the video camera out this time and managed to get it on film. It's a little shakey being mounted directly to the stand, but you get the gist.


<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

Beautiful rifle. Excellent shooting. And I love these pics!

Blowing both eyeballs out symmetrically-fuggin hilarious!!!

Can we request the next shot placement? This thread rocks!
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

I was at Gunsite Hills a little over a week ago and saw the golfball at 600 and remember thinking that there was no way in H#$L I could hit that. Nice shooting! Nice job on the meat preservation also!
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

Introduced the .260 to another doe this afternoon, this one at 196 yards. I wish I had the video camera rolling, but I sat in a smaller stand on a powerline cut and there wasn't a great way to set it up. Have I mentioned this gun is a laser...


Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

Harvested this 120 lb. doe yesterday evening at 86 yards using the 140 gr A-Max. It looked like the A-Max held together pretty well, which surprised me as I expected it to frag apart hitting the skull that close. It entered between the eyes and punched a quarter-sized exit in the back of her head.

Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Papagallos</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You and your head shots!!!!!
'Cmmon now pop... I occasionally put it on the neck.
I do it for 4 reasons... (1) no meat wasted (2) quick death (for the deer) (3) quick death (no tracking for me) and (4) easy-peasy job for my processors. I actually miss tracking 'em every now and then, just cause it always makes me think about crawling on my hands and knees with my dad when I was kid, dropping little bits of toilet paper everywhere... like an easter egg hunt with a much better prize. Fortunately for me (and the deer) my dad and I are the only "head-hunters" in our little group, so I still get the call to come help track one from time-to-time.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

Took this doe last night at 253 yards, making it my longest kill to-date, as well as my first deer taken from a prone position. I wish I had zoomed the video in a bit more, but she was acting like she was going to cross the cut and I was thinking more about getting the shot than the video. When I got the general area in the frame, I just hit record and got back into position... I've still got a lot to learn about running the camera and gun at the same time.


She was just to the left of the three white trees you can see in the middle of the powerline cut in the picture above.


The 130 gr VLD entered about an inch down from between her eyes with no exit.


And the video... she's standing right in front of the dark mass of debris in the center of the frame. As soon as she stopped shaking her head and paused while looking my way I dropped the hammer.

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

Nice Head popping action,I'm a fan of that myself...much easier job cleaning up the meat...and thanks for helping me decide between a 308 and a 260...,I'm going with the 260.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

Dude you are downright hazardous to the deer population. Obviously a nice rifle, but that's primo shooting. I've shot at those 600 yard golf balls at chiefs place too. Not easy.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: MBC223</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dude you are downright hazardous to the deer population. Obviously a nice rifle, but that's primo shooting. I've <span style="color: #FF0000">shot at</span> those 600 yard golf balls at chiefs place too. Not easy.</div></div>


i have only hit one twice, pure luck due to the fact that my gun/me combo are not capable of that kind of accuracy consistantly.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

How are you getting 3000fps from that load combo? I have a hard time breaking that speed with a 25.6" barreled 6.5x284 and a max load of RL17 with the same bullets.

I would love to chronograph that one. You may have a really "fast" barrel their.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Captain Dave Funk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How are you getting 3000fps from that load combo? I have a hard time breaking that speed with a 25.6" barreled 6.5x284 and a max load of RL17 with the same bullets.</div></div>

Not the OP, but 43.5gr RL17 in Lapua brass gets a 130gr VLD to 3000fps from my 26" 1:8 Criterion 260 Rem barrel with no pressure signs.

The same charge of H4350 runs 100fps slower...
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BoilerUP</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Captain Dave Funk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How are you getting 3000fps from that load combo? I have a hard time breaking that speed with a 25.6" barreled 6.5x284 and a max load of RL17 with the same bullets.</div></div>

Not the OP, but 43.5gr RL17 in Lapua brass gets a 130gr VLD to 3000fps from my 26" 1:8 Criterion 260 Rem barrel with no pressure signs.

The same charge of H4350 runs 100fps slower... </div></div>

Granted, my gun is an R93 and typical of Blaser's they speed up after about 200 rounds, mine only has about 80-90 shots so far. I fully expect that my 130-140gr bullets will both top 3,000 fps after further use.

Not questioning the performance of this 260, just a bit shocked that it is that fast. I know of several barrel's that would top the "norm" through the years. Looks like this might be one of them, but knowing that manufactures claims on G1 & G7 BC's are a bit optimistic, the OP will know for sure when he get's these loads choreographed.

Darrel Holland even added "force balancing" into his ballistic programs for just this reason.

Still a beautiful rifle and clearly a great shooter.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

Whenever I happen to be at the range at the same time as someone with a chronograph I can use, I'll let everyone know exactly what the speed is... I'm interested to know myself. If it really is spitting 'em at a true 3000 fps, I couldn't tell ya why mine is and yours isn't, but that wouldn't be the first time I've seen that conundrum pop up on the boards. Pat (PGS) has reported getting 3000 fps from a 24" Rock 5R tube using 44.8 gr H4350 which, along with the dope, leads me to believe my velocity assumption isn't too far off the mark. Maybe Rock barrels run a little fast?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: PGS</div><div class="ubbcode-body">'d be fine with a 24" barrel. I run that length on my lightweight .260 and get 3000fps with 130's. </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: PGS</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have another .260 built by GA Precision that is a lightweight mountain rifle, chamber was cut with the same reamer as the Crusader. The barrel is a 24" #3 Rock 5R. That rifle likes to jump the same 130gr VLD's 45 thou.....go figure. I also need another 1.3grs of H4350 to get the same velocity as the 26" Schneider(3000fps).</div></div>

Both taken from here...

Thanks everyone for checking out the thread.
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

The season ended on the 15th, so I took some time off work last weekend and spent a few extra days in the woods to close it out with my dad and the guy whose family owns the land. There was fresh sign in all the food plots, but temperatures were through the roof with highs in the upper 70's and lows only in the 50's and the deer weren't moving a lick during the day. After sitting on several different plots and the powerline cut without anyone seeing a single deer during shooting hours, I decided to change up the strategy for my last afternoon in the stand. We had pictures of a train of 4-5 does using a trail each afternoon about a week earlier (before the cameras batteries died), so I decided my best bet was to sit in a blind on the edge of the planted pine stand and hope they were still staging up in that area.

Fortunately the plan paid off and just after 5 pm, they started making their way out of the hardwoods and into the pines. The first 140 gr A-Max found it's mark at 78 yards.



A minute or two after the shot, I saw the remaining does bolt from within the woodline through the planted pines. I stayed put for 20-30 minutes before deciding to pack it up and call it a season. I hadn't taken 5 steps from the blind when a flicker of movement caught my eye. Two of the does were making there way back towards the one on the ground, so I dropped to a knee and settled in for a shot. Either my movement or the scent/sight of the downed doe spooked the lead doe and she turned to leave. I stopped her at just under 100 yards with a bleet and broke the shot as the crosshairs settled under her ear. The A-Max must have clipped the front of her spine and pretty much exploded because it absolutely destroyed the left side of her neck/face when it exited.


Here's a video of the first doe. The shot was through a pretty small window between the pines, but not as small as it appears from the angle of the camera.

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
Re: Breaking in the Gradous .260

We hunt down in Burke county. For the last 2 years, we've been working on balancing out the buck:doe ratio on a friend's 1000+ acre farm that's covered up with deer. The land had been hunted with little regard to age structure and herd quality for the past 10 or so years, so there's tons of does and 1.5-2.5 year old bucks but very few mature bucks. We pretty much put a moratorium on bucks for a few years and have been focusing on harvesting as many does as possible. Five will feed my wife and I and my parents for the year. After that I start calling friends and family or donate it to my processor.
Great thread, and nice shooting! I got eight this year with my Non Typical in .260 and only the biggest buck took a single step. I use the 140 Bergers and they are devastating on deer.